Презентация - задания к мультику на английском языке "Лоракс"
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Кузнецова Алена Викторовна

Созданы вопросы, на которые  нужно ответить после просмотра мультфильма на английском языке "Лоракс"


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Слайд 1

1.Who is the main hero of the cartoon? A) Audrey b) Lorax c) Mr O’Hare 2.What did “ Thneed ” mean? A) clothes b) all this variants c) rag ( тряпка) d) exercise equipment 3.Who spoiled ( испортить) the Mr Oncie’s brush a) fish b) bear c) Lorax 4. How many portions of pan са kes ( блины) did Mr Oncie did? A) 10 b) 5 c) 7 d) 9 5.Did Mr.Oncie become rich when he cut all trees? a) he became rich but unhappy b) he became rich and happy c) he didn’t become rich 6. Why did everybody leave Mr Oncie a) he was not rich enough ( достаточно) b) he was unhappy c)he ruin (погубить) the whole world 7. Who gave the palm seed ( сем e чко ) to Ted a) Audrey b) Mr Oncie c) Lorax

Слайд 2

How Bad Can I Be? How bad can I be? I'm just doing what comes 1)… How bad can I be? I'm just following my 2)… How bad can I be? I'm just doing what comes naturally How bad can I be? How bad can I 3)… be? Well there's a principle of 4)… (principle of nature) That almost every 5)… knows Called 6)… of the fittest (survival of the fittest) And check it this is how it goes The 7)… that eats has got to scratch and fight And claw and 8)… and punch And the animal that doesn't well the animal that doesn't Winds up someone else's l-l-lunch (lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch ) I'm just sayin '

Слайд 3

Припев There's a principle in 9)… (principle in business) That everybody knows is sound It says the people with the money (people with the money) Make this ever loving world go 'round So I'm biggering my company I'm biggering my 10)… I'm biggering my corporate 11)… Everybody out there can take care of yours And me? I'll take care of mine mine mine mine mine (shake that bottom line) Let me hear you say smogedy 12)… ( smogedy smoke) Schlopadee Scholp ( Schlopadee Schlop ) Complain all you want it's never ever ever ever gonna stop Come on now how bad can it possibly be? How bad can I be? I'm just building the 13)…. How bad can I be? Just look at me petting this puppy How bad can I be? A portion of proceeds goes to 14)… How bad can I be? How bad can I possibly be? Let's see All the 15)… are buying And the money is multiplying And the PR people are lying And the 16 ) … are denying Who cares if a few trees are dying This is all so gratifying How bad How bad can this possibly be

Слайд 4

Naturally Destiny Possibly Nature Creature Survival Animal Bite Business Factory Sign Smoke Economy Charity Customers Lawyers

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