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Слайд 1

Music and Musicians 1

Слайд 2

Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts and feelings of people all over the world.

Слайд 3

P.I. Tchaikovsky B. Britten J. Srtauss S.Rachmaninovff L. Beethoven JOHAN SEBASTIAN BACH Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Henry Purcell

Слайд 4

The greatest Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived only 35 years, but everybody admires his works and enjoys listening to his magnificent symphonies, concerts and operas .

Слайд 5

Johan Sebastian Bach He was born in Eisenach Germany on the 21 st of March in 1685 in a family of musician. Johan Sebastian Bach wrote many compositions. His works include : - cello suites,- violin sonatas and parties,- lute suites, - sonatas for flute, violin, viola - organ and choral music for the church, some works for teaching how to play musical instrument.

Слайд 6

Henry Purcell was a famous original English composer of the time. He composed for the church, stage and court. He was born in Westminster, England, in 1659 . He composed music for 43 plays. Masterpieces are “Dido and Aeneas”, “The Indian Queen”.

Слайд 7

Ludwig van Beethoven is the greatest composer who ever lived. We remember him for many masterpieces such as The Moonlight Sonata and Ninth Symphony.

Слайд 8

Viennese Waltz King Johann Strauss Johann Strauss Jr. was born on the 25th of October 1825 in Vienna. His father, a famous musician himself, forbid him a musical career. When Johann II was 17 that he was able to concentrate fully on a career as a composer. He was successful and soon rose to be the most dangerous competitor to his father. He become the most popular of all waltz composers

Слайд 9

Viennese Waltz King Johann Strauss He is famous for his Operetta, Opera , Waltz . His first operetta "Die Fledermaus“had its premiere in 1871

Слайд 10

B. Britten Benjamin Britten was an English composer; also pianist and conductor, chief creator of Alde burgh Festival and English Opera Group. He was much influenced by Purcell, and had stylistic links with Stravinsky. Benjamin Britten wrote many operas, ballets, concert works, string quartets and folk arrangements.

Слайд 11

Pyotr Tchaikovsky is a well-known Russian composer. He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces, a new type of opera, which was a great success all over the world.

Слайд 12

Tchaikovsky’s masterpieces The Nutcracker Eugene Onegin Swan Lake The Sleeping Beauty The Romeo and Juliet Overture The seasons

Слайд 13

Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff Sergei Rachmaninoff was a Russian-American composer and pianist . He was one of the finest pianists of his day and , as a composer , the last great representative of Russian late Romanticism in classical music .

Слайд 14

Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff Early influences of Tchaikovsky , Rimsky-Korsakov and other Russian composers gave way to a lyricism , expressive breadth and a tonal palette of rich orchestral colors .

Слайд 15

The 1917 Russian Revolution meant the end of Russia as the composer had known it . He emigrated to the USA. He was a popular figure in America .

Слайд 16

Rachmaninoff wrote five works for piano and orchestra — four Concertos plus the Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini . Of the concertos , the Second and Third are the most popular . He also wrote three symphonies . Rachmaninoff became famous around the world for his piano performances

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Презентация по музыке "Великое содружество русских композиторов"

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Народная музыка в творчестве русских композиторов как средство развития музыкальной культуры и патриотического воспитания школьников....

Презентация по музыке "Великое содружество русских композиторов"

Презентация по музыке "Великое содружество русских композиторов"...

Жанры музыки. 2 класс

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