Презентация по теме "Wild and domestic animals"
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Презентация по теме "Wild and Domestic animals" с прикрепленным раздаточным материалом и карточки. Для работы с 3-4 классами.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Crocodile Monkey Snake Hippo Parrot Camel Elephant Lion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Слайд 3

hen pig horse sheep rabbit duck cow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Слайд 5

The Animal Song elephant crocodile snake monkey camel hippo parrot lion The is the king of the jungle The is big and strong. The is very dangerous. The is very long. The likes to swing through the branches. The likes to walk, walk, walk. The likes to sit in the mud pool all day. The likes to talk, talk, talk……….

Слайд 6

Listen and repeat Fat frogs flying past fast.

Слайд 7

Mike has got three pets: a cat, a dog and a parrot . The parrot’s name is Tom. The parrot is blue, green and yellow. Mike doesn’t teach him to talk. Mike likes to play with his parrot. Mike teaches him to fly. 7 ) The parrot can play hide-and-seek.

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

Where do Animals Live? On a farm in the zoo in the forest A hen A pig A horse A sheep A rabbit A duck A cow A lion A giraffe A monkey A tiger A kangaroo A fox A bear A wolf A hare

Слайд 10

Make up your own sentence. Ex: A fox lives in the forest. A hen lives… A lion…

Слайд 11

A tall animal with long legs and a very long neck.

Слайд 12

It is big, strong and gives us milk.

Слайд 13

It is fat and pink

Слайд 14

This animal is a big cat.

Слайд 15

This is a bird. It can talk.

Слайд 16

It is big and brown. It sleeps in winter.

Слайд 17

It is a very big and strong animal with big ears and a very long nose.

Слайд 18

MY FAVOURITE PET My favourite pet is________________ Its name is______________________ It is_____________________________ It likes__________________________ It can___________________________

Предварительный просмотр:


Crocodile, monkey, snake, hippo, parrot, camel, elephant, lion

The _________ is the king of the jungle.
The _________ is big and strong.
The _________ is very dangerous.
The _________ is very long.
The _________ likes to swing through the branches.
The _________ likes to walk, walk, walk.
The _________ likes to sit in the mud pull all day.
The _________ likes to talk, talk, talk.


Mike has got some pets. Do you want to know about them? Then read his letter to Paul.

Dear Paul!

You know that I’ve got two pets: a cat called Tom and a dog – Killer. Now I’ve got another pet – it’s a bird, a parrot. His name is Chatterbox. He is green, blue and yellow. He’s a big, funny, nice bird. I teach him to talk. Now Chatterbox can say “Hi!” and “What a nice bird!” and “Let’s play!”

What a pity you can’t see him. But here is his photo. Do you like him?

I like to play with my parrot. He can play hide-and-seek! He hides under the table. I say, “Chatterbox, where are you?” And he says, “Hi!” or “Let’s play!” What fun it is to play with Chatterbox!

With love from Mike.


My favourite pet is________________

Its name is______________________

It is_____________________________

It likes__________________________

It can___________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

On a farm

In the zoo

In the forest

A hen

A pig

A horse

A sheep

A rabbit

A duck

A cow

A lion

A giraffe

A monkey

A tiger

A kangaroo

A fox

A bear

A wolf

A hare

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