Проверочная работа "Enjoy English" 4 класс 5 модуль
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Проверочная работа "Enjoy English" 4 класс 5 модуль 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

№1. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past simple.

Last Sunday I ____ (get)1 up at 7 o’clock. The weather ______ (be)2 fine. I ____ (make)3 my bed and ____(help)4 my mother to lay the table. After breakfast I _____ (water)5 the flowers. Then I (feed)6 my fish and bird. I ____ (go)7 for a walk. I ____(have)8 lunch. Then I ____(draw)9 and (play)10. My brother Steve _____(repair)11 my bike. Now I can ride it. In the evening I (watch)12 TV. I (like)13 my Sunday.

№ 2. Напиши время.

1. 7:00

2. 3:15

3. 5:30

4. 9:20

5. 6:45

6. 4:50

№ 3. Составь предложения.

1) computer, Saturdays, on, games, My, plays, sister.

2) play, puzzles, didn’t, Becky, yesterday.

3) my, tomorrow, I, ride, will, bike.

4) got, grandma, My, two, letters, yesterday.

5) were, the, country, summer, in, They, last.

№ 4. Поставь глаголы в Past simple.

have, make, go, help, buy, do, clean

Yesterday it was Saturday. Masha ______her mother. First Masha ______ the washing−up after breakfast. Next she ______her room. Then she ______ shopping with her mother. They _______ flour, butter, eggs and apples. In the afternoon they ______ an apple pie. In the evening Masha’s family ______tea with the tasty apple pie. They were happy!

Variant 2

№1. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past simple.

Last Sunday I ____ (get)1 up at 7 o’clock. The weather ______ (be)2 fine. I ____ (make)3 my bed and ____(help)4 my mother to lay the table. After breakfast I _____ (water)5 the flowers. Then I (feed)6 my fish and bird. I ____ (go)7 for a walk. I ____(have)8 lunch. Then I ____(draw)9 and (play)10. My brother Steve _____(repair)11 my bike. Now I can ride it. In the evening I (watch)12 TV. I (like)13 my Sunday.

№ 2. Напиши время.

1. 11:00

2. 9:15

3. 4:30

4. 5:20

5. 7:45

6. 3:10

№ 3. Составь предложения.

1) computer, Saturdays, on, games, My, plays, sister.

2) play, puzzles, didn’t, Becky, yesterday.

3) my, tomorrow, I, ride, will, bike.

4) got, grandma, My, two, letters, yesterday.

5) were, the, country, summer, in, They, last.

№ 4. Поставь глаголы в Past simple.

have, make, go, help, buy, do, clean

Yesterday it was Saturday. Masha ______her mother. First Masha ______ the washing−up after breakfast. Next she ______her room. Then she ______ shopping with her mother. They _______ flour, butter, eggs and apples. In the afternoon they ______ an apple pie. In the evening Masha’s family ______tea with the tasty apple pie. They were happy!

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