Выходной тест по английскому языку 3 класс
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Скачкова Валентина Петровна

Данная работа может быть использована для тестирования обучающихся по изученному материалу в 3 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс Spotlight.  

Exit test.

1. Look and write

13 – thirteen

11 —

12 —

15 —

17 —

20 —

2. Read and choose

1) А) What your name?

    В) What’s your name?

2) А) What’s that?

    В) What that?

3) А) This my pet.

    В) This is my pet.

3. Read and answer about yourself.

1) What’s your name?

2) How old аге you?

3) What’s your favourite subject?

4. Read and choose.

1) This is my fish. Its / Your name is Bubbly.

2) She / Her name is Lucy.

3) This is my mother. Нег / His name is Lucy.

4) Look at its / our friends, Bob and Mary!

5) This is my grandfather. Нег / His name is John.

5) Read and complete: am, is, are.

1) It …………….. a duck.

2) I ……… not a student.

3) ………… they friends?

4) This …………… not my car.

5) Who ………. he?

6. Read and match.

1) What’s this?

2) Who’s she?

3) What аге they?

4) Who’s he?

5) Is it а pencil?

A) Му little sister.

B) They’ге rulers.

C) No, it’s а pen.

D) Му big brother.

E) lt’s а pencil.

7. Read and choose.

1) We doesn`t / don`t like tea.

2) Does Mary likes / like potatoes?

3) Does / Do you like chips?

4) She like / likes biscuits?

5) Does / Do dogs likes meat?

8. Read and choose.

1) We haven`t got some / any eggs.

2) Have they got some / any cheese?

3) Can I have some / any cake?

4) He has got some / any popcorn.

5) She hasn`t got some / any milk.

6) They ‘ve got some / any rice.

9. Read and choose.

1) What’s that?

а) lt’s а pencil.

b) These are pencils.

2) What are those?

а) А реп.

b) Pens.

3) Whose is this book?

а) lt’s Mary’s.

b) lt’s Mary.

4) Whose is this?

а) Bob.

b) Bob’s.

10) Read and choose.

1) There is / are a bed in front of the window.

2) There is / are two dogs under the table.

3) There is / are some books on the shelf.

4) There is / are a lamp on the table.

11) Read and choose.

1) I go to bed … 11 o’clock.

a) in    b) at    c) on

2) I visit my friends … Sundays.

a) in    b) on    c) at

3) … is this doll? It is Bob’s.

a) Who    b) What    c) Whose

4) … is John? In the kitchen.

a) What    b) Where    c) Whose

5) Can a bird swim?

a) Yes, it can.    b) No, it can’t.

6) I love … . They are cute!

a) dog    b) dogs

7) Look at the cat. It … a long tail!

a) have got    b) has got

8) … is Mary? He is Mike’s sister.

a) What    b) Where    c) Who

9) There are … potatoes in the fridge.

a) any    b) a    c) some

10) Look! Kate … a kite!

a) is fly    b) is flying


1. Look and write

13 – thirteen

11 — eleven

12 — twelve

15 — fifteen

17 — seventeen

20 — twenty

2. Read and choose

1) В) What’s your name?

2) А) What’s that?

3) В) This is my pet.

3. Read and answer about yourself.

1) What’s your name? My name is Peter.

2) How old аге you? I am eight.

3) What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English.

4. Read and choose.

1) This is my fish. Its name is Bubbly.

2) Her name is Lucy.

3) This is my mother. Нег name is Lucy.

4) Look at our friends, Bob and Mary!

5) This is my grandfather. His name is John.

5) Read and complete: am, is, are.

1) It ……is……….. a duck.

2) I …am…… not a student.

3) …Are……… they friends?

4) This ……is……… not my car.

5) Who …is……. he?

6. Read and match.

1) What’s this? E) lt’s а pencil.

2) Who’s she? A) Му little sister.

3) What аге they? B) They’ге rulers.

4) Who’s he? D) Му big brother.

5) Is it а pencil? C) No, it’s а pen.

7. Read and choose.

1) We don’t like tea.

2) Does Mary like potatoes?

3) Do you like chips?

4) She likes biscuits?

5) Do dogs likes meat?

8. Read and choose.

1) We haven’t got any eggs.

2) Have they got some cheese?

3) Can I have some cake?

4) He has got some popcorn.

5) She hasn’t got any milk.

6) They’ve got some rice.

9. Read and choose.

1) What’s that?

а) lt’s а pencil.

2) What are those?

b) Pens.

3) Whose is this book?

а) lt’s Mary’s.

4) Whose is this?

b) Bob’s.

10) Read and choose.

1) There is a bed in front of the window.

2) There are two dogs under the table.

3) There re some books on the shelf.

4) There is a lamp on the table.

  1. Read and choose.

1) I go to bed …at… 11 o’clock.

a) in    b) at    c) on

2) I visit my friends …on… Sundays.

a) in    b) on    c) at

3) …Whose is this doll? It is Bob’s.

a) Who    b) What    c) Whose

4) …Where… is John? In the kitchen.

a) What    b) Where    c) Whose

5) Can a bird swim?

a) Yes, it can.    b) No, it can’t.

6) I love …dogs . They are cute!

a) dog    b) dogs

7) Look at the cat. It …has got a long tail!

a) have got    b) has got

8) …Who is Mary? He is Mike’s sister.

a) What    b) Where    c) Who

9) There are …some potatoes in the fridge.

a) any    b) a    c) some

10) Look! Kate …is flying a kite!

a) is fly    b) is flying

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