SIVKA BURKA театральный сценарий

Шабанова Татьяна Васильевна

SIVKA BURKA театральный сценарий к сказке из УМК Звёздный английский для постановки в школах


Предварительный просмотр:


Ivanushka         Sergey                 Andrey         The Field         The Stars         The Moon

We are the three brothers Andrey Sergey and young Ivanushka/ That night we go to the field to guard it

Andrey        We want to find what animal comes here

Sergey                We want to protect the field

Ivan                I want to help my father and my brothers

The Field        I am the field and people come here every day to work and make me more
beautiful. At night I am alone. Oh, look, who is there?

Sergey        We must find out whose footprints they are

Ivan        Our father counts on us. We must not sleep.

Sergey        No, we must not. The night is so still. Let’s sit down and guard the field.

Andrey        The night is so quiet. Let’s sit down. Well, I feel hungry.

Sergey        I want to eat too. Where is our food, Ivanushka?

Ivan        Here it is. Let’s eat our bread and cheese. It’s so tasty.

Andrey and Sergey Ok, let’s eat something.

They are sitting and eating.

Sivka Burka        Now I see the three guards are sitting and eating bread and cheese.

Andrey         Oh, yes, it’s really tasty.

Ivan         Look, the Moon is coming out of the cloud. It is lighter now.

The Moon        I am a beautiful yellow moon. When I shine I make the wheat look like silver.

The Field        And I am fantastically beautiful at night. My wheat looks like silver. This is my friend the Moon. She/he helps me to look this way.

Sivka Burka        Now I see the three guards ate the bread and the cheese. Wonderful!  They are falling asleep!

Andrey        There is nothing to look at. There is not anybody here. I feel tired.

Sergey        There is nothing to see. I can’t see anybody. It’s really boring.

Andrey        I’m so sleepy. Ivan, don’t fall asleep.

Ivan         I don’t want to sleep. What a wonderful night! I see the Stars are coming out. They look magical tonight.

The two brothers fell asleep, but Ivanuska didn’t.

Sivka Burka        Now I see the guards fell asleep! I can come onto the Field and jump there as much as I want. GO-go-go…

The Stars        Let’d go for a walk around the sky. We are shining all the night. The Moon is our friend. We help the Moon to make everything so beautiful and magic at night. We want everything to be happy. Ye, we want everybody to feel happy.

Star 1        Oh, what is this?

Star 2        Oh, what is that?

The Field        Oh, God, it’s terrible. What is going to happen to my wheat?

The Moon        Don’t be afraid! It’s Sivka Burka – the MAGIC HORSE!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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