• Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему «Любимые сказки» (инсценирование сказки «Золушка»).
творческая работа учащихся по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Здесь представлен краткий театрализованный сценарий спектакля, дети с удовольствием участвуют в перевоплощении в любимых героев,  учатся работать в группе.


Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

Our favorite fairy-tales


  1. Обучающие
  1. Закрепить навыки монологической  речи
  2. Развивать умение пользоваться знаниями по этой теме в различных ситуациях общения
  1. Развивающие
  1. Развивать мышление, память и воображение учащихся
  2. Развивать словарный запас учащихся по английскому языку
  1. Воспитывающие
  1. Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка и к культуре страны изучаемого языка


Рисунки, используемые для описания сказок, магнитофонная запись  лирической музыки, листы с текстами и упражнениями,  медали с награждением за участие.

Ход мероприятия

  1. Приветствие

Stand up!

Good afternoon, children! Glad to see you.  Sit down.

  1. Цель урока:

Тоday we’re going to play out “Cinderella”  but at first let’s speak about your favorite fairy-tales.

So, what is your favorite fairy-tale? Why?

Ok, and now look at this picture.

What is the name of these fairy-tales?

 Describe it, please. Right you are, thank you.

  1. Инсценирование сказки.

So, let’s act out the performance that you have prepared for today.





1st stepsister

2nd  stepsister




1st herald

2nd herald

Ladies and gentlemen

Scene 1

Cinderella is sewing. Her stepsisters are sitting in the arm-chairs. The stepmother comes  in.

Stepmother: There will be a ball in the king’s palace.

1st stepsister: Cinderella, give me my white dress!

Cinderella: Here you are!

2nd  stepsister: Bring me my hat and the mirror.

Stepmother: Give me my fan!

1st stepsister: tell us, Cinderella, do you want to go to the ball?

Cinderella: Oh, don’t laugh at me. Nobody will let me in.

1st stepsister: Of course, not. You have no beautiful dresses.

2nd  stepsister: You are too dirty to go there. (To her mother and sister) Well, let’s go.

They leave the room. Cinderella is crying. Fairy appears.

Fairy: Why are you crying, my child?

Cinderella: I cannot go to the ball, I have neither a beautiful dress, nor glass slippers.

Fairy: My dear, I’ll help you and you will go to the ball. Here is the white dress and here are glass slippers for you. But remember: you must go home at twelve o’clock.

Cinderella: Thank you very, very much.

Scene 2

At the King’s ball. The prince is dancing with noble ladies. The two stepsisters are dancing too. The Queen is talking to the old noble ladies. Cinderella appears. She is in a white beautiful  dress.

Queen: Who is that young girl?

Prince: (approaching Cinderella) : May I dance with you?

Cinderella: With great pleasure. 

 They begin dancing. Suddenly the clock strikes twelve.

Cinderella:  Oh, it’s twelve o’clock! I am sorry, but I must go. Good-bye!

Runs away and loses one of her glass slippers.

Scene 3.

Cinderella is making supper at home. The two stepsisters and stepmother are talking.

1st stepsister: You know, Cinderella, there was a beautiful lady at the King’s ball.

Stepmother: She ran home and lost her glass slipper.

2nd  stepsister: The prince wants to marry her. He is looking for her.

Two heralds enter the room.

1st Herald (to the first stepsister) : Try on this  glass slipper, please!

1st stepsister: ( trying it on) : It’s too small for me!

1st stepsister: Let me try it on! Oh, it is so small.

1st herald: ( to Cinderella) : Try on this  glass slipper, please!

Stepmother: Oh, it is our Cinderella. She hasn’t been to the ball.

Cinderella: But I want to try it on!

Easily puts on the glass slipper. Takes another one out of her pocket and puts it on.

1st and 2nd stepsisters: Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon.

Cinderella: I pardon you! Good-bye.

Cinderella leaves the room accompanied by the Heralds.

Dear Oleg!

Thank you for your participating in the wonderful fairy-tale “Cinderella”.

You did that very well!!

Подведение итогов и награждение грамотами.You outdid yourselves today! Thank you for your lovely playing. I like it very much. So, I’ll put 5 to everybody and give your such cards for your memory.

  1. Домашнее задание.

And now let’s write down your home task.

At home you will have to write ten sentences about your favorite fairy-tale.

The lesson is over. See  you  tomorrow.

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