Сценарий сказки "Three Little Pigs"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

Данилова Маргарита Викторовна

Сценарий сказки "Three Little Pigs" с использованием стихотворения Roald Dahl, Revolting Rhimes и песен из Мультфильма Disney


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Предварительный просмотр:

Three Little Pigs

( с использованием стихотворения Roald Dahl, Revolting Rhimes и

песен из Мультфильма Disney)

 ( ведущий читает под музыку)


The animal I really dig

About the others is the pig.

Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever.

Pigs are courteous. However,

Now and then, to break this rule

One meets a pig who is a fool.

What , for example, would you say

When strolling through the woods one day,

Just there in front of you you saw

A pig who’d built  his house of straw?

Pig1  (поёт)        

“I build my house of straw

I built my house of hay

I toot my flute

 I don’t give a hoot

And play around all day.”

  Входит волк  вольяжной походкой под музыку «Цыплёнок жаренный»  


The wolf who saw it licked his tips

 And said

Wolf :

“ That pig has had his chips”

“Little pig, little pig , let me come in”


“No,no, by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!”

Wolf :

“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!”


The little pig began to pray  

But Wolfie blew his house away.


“Help! Help! Help!”

 ( Волк крадётся по лесу под мелодию « Розовая пантера»


The wolfie wandered on and on

And soon he noted

Another  little house for pigs

And this one had been built of twigs!


“I build my house of sticks

I built my house of twigs.

With a hey-diddle-diddle

I play on my fiddle

And dance all kinds of jigs.”

Wolf :

“Little pig, little pig , let me come in”


“No,no, by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!”

Wolf :

“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!”


The wolfie said:

Wolf :

“ Okey, here we go!”


And he began to blow and blow .

The little pig began to squeal.

 He cried:


“ Why can’t we talk and have a deal?  

Help! Help! Help!”


Now look at piggy number three.

He’s bright and brainy as could be.

No straw for him, no twigs or sticks.

This pig had built his house of bricks.


“ I build my house of stone

I build me house of bricks

I have no chance to sing and dance

‘Cause work and play don’t mix.

Pigs   1  ,   2:  ( поют)

“ He does take  no time to play

Time to play, time to play.

All he does is work all day Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wolf :

“ I’m a poor little sheep with no place to sleep

Please, open the door and let me in!”

Pigs   1,  2,  3:

Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chin!

You can’t fool us with that old skin!”

Wolf :

“ I’ll blow you down!”


the wolf replied


“You’ll need  a lot of puff and I don’t think you’ve got enough.”


Wolf puffed and huffed and blew and blew

The house stayed up as good as new.

Wolf :

“ Oh! What a poor wolf I am!”


Pigs   1,  2,  3: 

“Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf

Big bad wolf, Big bad wolf!

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf

Tra-la-la- la-la”

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