урок - викторина на английском языке "Cool school"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

Сандимирова Жанна Евгеньевна

урок по английскому языку для 3 класса Милленниум


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                    Урок – викторина

в 3 классе (2-ой год обучения)

Тема «Классная школа»

Цель урока: обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал по темам «Классная школа», «Давайте веселиться!», « Робот, сделанный моими руками».


1) образовательные: способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся, практиковать в чтении текста,   решении примеров, задач.

2) развивающие: развивать познавательные и творческие способности учащихся, самостоятельность мышления.

3) воспитательные: повысить интерес к изучению английского языка, уважительное отношение друг другу, умение слушать внимательно собеседника, воспитывать любовь к родной школе, классу, желанию общаться на английском языке.

Тип урока: закрепление знаний по темам.

Оснащение и оборудование: магнитофон, аудиокассета №1 к учебнику английского языка MILLIE  для 3 класса (второй год обучения),  проектор, экран, презентация Power Point 2003, цветные мелки, указка.

1.Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good morning, boys, girls and guests!

Children: Good morning, good morning,

                Good morning to you

                Good morning, good morning,

                 I am glad to see you!

Teacher: Children, are you ready to start the lesson?

Children: Yes, we are!

Teacher: Take your seats! Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?

Duty: I’m.

Teacher: Well, what’s the date today?

Duty: Today is the 20 th of November.

Teacher: What day is it today?

Duty: Today is Friday.

Teacher: Ask her questions, pupils!

Child 1: What’s your name?

Duty: My name is Marina.

Child 2: What’s your favorite colour?

Duty: My favorite colour is green.

Child 3: Do you like reading books?

Duty: Yes, I like reading books.

Child 4: How are you?

Duty: I’m fine, thank you.

Child 5: How old are you?

Duty: I’m nine.

Child 6: Where are you from?

Duty: I from Russia.

Child 7: What’s your surname?

Duty: My surname is Polotceva.

Teacher: Thank you, children and duty.

2. Основной материал:

Teacher:  Our topic today is «School subjects». We will speak about subjects of our school. Today we have 6 lessons: Maths, Reading,  PE, Nature Study, Art and  Music. What subjects do you have today?

Child 4: I have Maths, Reading, Music, Art.

Teacher:  Do you have 4 lessons today, Sergey?

Child 5: Yes, I do.

Teacher:  Let’s listen to me and name the subjects:

1) In this subject we do sums and write numbers. We don’t sing songs or run. (Maths).

2) A lesson where we draw pictures. We don’t write or read books. (Art).

3) A lesson where we make toys. We don’t listen to music. (Crafts).

4) We read books and fairy tales on this lesson, but don’t play with a ball. (Reading).

5) In this subject we listen to  the cassettes, sing songs, play games, read books. We don’t swim. (English).

Teacher:   Let’s begin our first lesson. It’s Maths. It’s time to count now. Look at the blackboard:

12+6 =                      (twelve   add six is eighteen)

 20-7=                  (twenty subtract seven is thirteen)

15+4-3=               (fifteen add four      subtract  three is sixteen)

9*2 =                        (nine divide two is eighteen)                        

16:4=                         (sixteen multiply four is four)

Let’s do the task!

  1. There are 14 pens. If I pick 6, how many are left?

(14-6=8 pens)

  1. Mother had 11 apples. She made a pie with 5 apples. How many apples are left?

(11-5=6 apples)

The Maths lesson is over.

 Teacher:   Let’s begin our second lesson. It is Reading.

Read the text, translate and answer the questions:

Hello, my friend!

My name is Jack. I’m from London. I’m nine. I go to school. I have  5-6 lessons a day. I have got English and Maths every day. I like Music very well. We don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. And what’s your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Do you like Maths?



Teacher: Thank you very much for your reading, it was very nice. Who translate this text? Well, begin Misha. What’s the Russian for “every day”, “Saturday”, “Sunday”?

 Teacher:  Our 3rd lesson is Nature Study.

Please, answer the questions? :

 -    Do you like animals?  (Yes, I like animals. No, I don’t like animals.)

- What’s your favourite pet? (My favourite pet is dog.)

- And have you got a pet, Nastja? (Yes, I have got a pet. No, I have not.)

Listen and answer my guestions:

1) It is big and strong. It can swim well, but can’t fly and skip. It has got sharp teeth.

What  is it? What colour are crocodiles? Where do they live?

2) It is not big, red and cunning. It can  run, but it can’t fly. It has got nice tail. What is it? Where do they live?

3) It’s not big. It has got a  funny face. It can jump, climb the tree. It can’t fly.

It likes bananas.

What is it? Where do they live? What colour are monkeys?

What animals live in water?

What animals live in forest?

What animals live in jungle?

Let’s begin next lesson, PE.

1) Children: Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together

Stamp, stamp, stamp, your feet

Stamp your feet together

Snake, snake, snake, your hands

Snake your hands together

Smile, smile, smile at your friends

Let us smile together.

2) Children:  Up, down,up,down  (поднимаем руки вверх и вниз)

Which is the way to London town? (руки разводим в стороны)

Where?Where? (поворачиваемся в стороны)

Up in the air (смотрим по сторонам)

Close your eyes (закрываем глаза)

And you are there! (открываем глаза)

3) Teacher:  Look left, right

Look up, look down,

Look around

Look at your nose

Look at your eyes

Open, wink and smile

Your eyes are happy again.

Teacher:  Now Art.

Listen and draw a picture on the blackboard. Adel, come to the blackboard.

It  has  a square white head. It has  three square blue eyes, one round brown nose, one red mouth and two round blue ears. It has short yellow hair. It has a big square pink  body. It has  two long square blue hands, two short green feet.

What is it? (It is Robot.)

Teacher:   Our last lesson is Music. Do you like to sing?  We will sing song “Simons riding a scooter”. All together!

Children:  Simon’s riding a green scooter

And the scooter going fast,

Rattle, rattle, rattle, blast!

Simon’s riding very fast!

Honk, honk,

Simon’s riding a scooter

Crash , beep, beep,

He’s riding fast!

Happy Wendy’s roller-skating

She is roller-skating fast

Rattle, rattle, rattle, blast

Wendy’s roller-skating  fast.

Honk, honk,

Wendy is roller-skating

Crash , beep, beep,

She’s skating fast!

Teacher:  Our lessons are over, now crossword. Pupils of our school have various subjects. Look at the blackboard. (На доске начерчен кроссворд «Subjects»)

На слайде: At these lessons we read books.

                At these lessons we jump and run.

                At these lessons we count.

                At these lessons we paint pictures.

                At these lessons we speak English.

                At these lessons we study nature.

                At these lessons we sing song.

Ключевое слово: GIMNASIUM

3. Итоги.

Danil, do you like our lesson? ( Yes, I liked our lesson).What subject do you like today?(I liked ….)

At home: write about favourite subject 2-3 sentences. Example: My favourite school subject is PE, because I like to play football, I like to run and jump.  

Your marks for today are…

That will do. Thank you for your work. You were active, clever pupils.

Well. Stand up. The lesson is over. Good bye! See you!

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