СЦЕНАРИЙ СКАЗКИ « THE TURNIP» (для начальной школы)
творческая работа учащихся по иностранному языку (2 класс) на тему

             СЦЕНАРИЙ СКАЗКИ « THE TURNIP» (для начальной школы)

Characters: the storyteller, the Turnip, grandpa, grandma, granddaughter, the dog, the cat, the mouse, the sun, the rain


Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old man. The man has got a seed. He goes in the garden puts the seed in the ground.

Grandpa: Grow, little turnip, grow big and small.

The sun: Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It’s warm!

The rain: Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!

Storyteller: The seed grows and grows. It’s a turnip. The man’s happy. Look, there are green leaves on the turnip.

Grandpa: Oh, it’s my turnip. It’s a big turnip. I must pull it out. ( Тянет дед репку, а вытянуть не может. Зовёт на помощь бабку ) Oh, dear! It’s so big. So big! I can’t pull it out! Grandma, come here and help me!

Grandma: What’s that, my dear?

Grandpa: Help me to pull the turnip out!

Grandma: O’key (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

Storyteller: Grandma pulls the grandpa!

                      Grandpa pulls the turnip!

                      The turnip doesn’t move!

Grandma: Oh, granddaughter! Come here!

Granddaughter: Yes, grandma.

Grandma: Help us to pull the turnip out!

Granddaughter: O’key (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

Storyteller: Granddaughter pulls grandma.

                      Grandma pulls grandpa!

                      Grandpa pulls the turnip!

                      The turnip doesn’t move!

Granddaughter: Dog! Dog! Come here!

Dog: Bow-wow! What’s up?  What’s up?

All: Help us to pull the turnip out!

Dog:  All right! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

Storyteller:  Dog pulls granddaughter.

                     Granddaughter pulls grandma.

                      Grandma pulls grandpa!

                      Grandpa pulls the turnip!

                      The turnip doesn’t move!

Cat: Miaow! Miaow! May I help you?

All: Yes, dear cat! Help us, please! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

       Little mouse, help us!

Mouse: I am small, but I am strong! I am small, but I am strong! I will help you! One, two, three, pull!

All: One, two, three, pull! YES! We’ve got the turnip!

Turnip:  I am so big! I am so sweet!

Cat: Our turnip is so big!

Dog: Our turnip is so sweet!

Grandma: Let’s take it home.










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             СЦЕНАРИЙ СКАЗКИ « THE TURNIP» (для начальной школы)

Characters: the storyteller, the Turnip, grandpa, grandma, granddaughter, the dog, the cat, the mouse, the sun, the rain

Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old man. The man has got a seed. He goes in the garden puts the seed in the ground.

Grandpa: Grow, little turnip, grow big and small.

The sun: Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It’s warm!

The rain: Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!

Storyteller: The seed grows and grows. It’s a turnip. The man’s happy. Look, there are green leaves on the turnip.

Grandpa: Oh, it’s my turnip. It’s a big turnip. I must pull it out. ( Тянет дед репку, а вытянуть не может. Зовёт на помощь бабку ) Oh, dear! It’s so big. So big! I can’t pull it out! Grandma, come here and help me!

Grandma: What’s that, my dear?

Grandpa: Help me to pull the turnip out!

Grandma: O’key (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

Storyteller: Grandma pulls the grandpa!

                      Grandpa pulls the turnip!

                      The turnip doesn’t move!

Grandma: Oh, granddaughter! Come here!

Granddaughter: Yes, grandma.

Grandma: Help us to pull the turnip out!

Granddaughter: O’key (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

Storyteller: Granddaughter pulls grandma.

                      Grandma pulls grandpa!

                      Grandpa pulls the turnip!

                      The turnip doesn’t move!

Granddaughter: Dog! Dog! Come here!

Dog: Bow-wow! What’s up?  What’s up?

All: Help us to pull the turnip out!

Dog:  All right! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

Storyteller:  Dog pulls granddaughter.

                     Granddaughter pulls grandma.

                      Grandma pulls grandpa!

                      Grandpa pulls the turnip!

                      The turnip doesn’t move!

Cat: Miaow! Miaow! May I help you?

All: Yes, dear cat! Help us, please! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут)

       Little mouse, help us!

Mouse: I am small, but I am strong! I am small, but I am strong! I will help you! One, two, three, pull!

All: One, two, three, pull! YES! We’ve got the turnip!

Turnip:  I am so big! I am so sweet!

Cat: Our turnip is so big!

Dog: Our turnip is so sweet!

Grandma: Let’s take it home.

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