Подарки на день рождения
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему

Барабашкина Валентина Ивановна

Let’s revise the poem.

*You have a date to celebrate
*Which comes but once a year
*And so today we’d like to say
*from all of us to you:
*Happy birthday!
*Happy birthday!
*Happy birthday to you!



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Слайд 1

Тема урока : Подарки на день рождения

Слайд 2

You have a date to celebrate Which comes but once a year And so today we’d like to say from all of us to you: Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! Let’s revise the poem.

Слайд 3

a computer game Jim likes to play computer games. p 71 ex 1 Pupil’s present is …

Слайд 4

What would you like to have for your birthday? I’d like to have a player. I’d like to have …… p 71 ex 2

Слайд 5

1) When is Rex’s birthday? – Rex birthday is on the 2 8 th of February. 2) How old is Rex? – Rex is three. 3) Who comes to see Rex? – Rex’s friends come. 4) What have they got to eat? – They have got a birthday cake. 5) Why are the friends happy? - They have got meat for Doggie, ham for Rex, carrots for Patrick and fish for Mussy. p 72 ex 5

Слайд 6

1. I have got … 2. It’s nice. It can … 3. Its birthday is on … 4. On its birthday we would … 5. My pet would get a lot of presents: … My pet’s birthday party

Слайд 7

Have a nice day!!!