Сказка "принцесса на горошине" на английском языке
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2, 3, 4 класс) на тему

Шиловская Яна Андреевна

Сказка "Принцесса на горошине" на английском языке. + презентация с переводом на русский  язык. для родителей или детей, не изучающих язык ( презентация превышает максимальный размер). Для тех, кого интересует презентация, пишите свой почтовый ящик в комментарии- вышлю.


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Предварительный просмотр:


                    Звучит музыка « В мире сказки» шуты несут афишу и хором говорят «The Princess and the Pea».

Шут танцует под музыку.

The first Jester: Whether the weather is fine or whether the weather is not,

 Whether the weather is cold or whether the weather is hot.

 We'll weather the weather whatever the weather,

 Whether we like it or not.

The second Jester :I think it will be rainy!

Звук дождя и грома.

Queen: What   terrible weather!

 (Камин, кресло у камина) Prince: I am sad and alone. I am looking for a bride who was not only beautiful, but also well-born, with elegance and manners found only in those of noble birth and background.

Queen : My dear son! Why are you so sad?

Prince: I have been travelling for a long time to find a bride. I have found a lot of beautiful ladies. But there was always something wrong.

Queen : Don’t worry, my dear. One day you will meet a real princess. Yes, it’s time for you to be married. I want nothing but the best for my son. Son, you deserve the best woman in the whole world. Do not settle just any pretty face. A prince must be married to a real princess.

But remember a real princess is not just the daughter of a king or a queen. A real princess is delicate and refined, and eats only the finest foods. She is well-educated, and read only the greatest books and poems. She wears the loveliest dresses and carries herself with grace and dignity. (Звук дождя. Шуты под зонтами)

Jester: Look, it is raining!

Jester: Yes, it is dreadful!

(Стук в дверь.Cлуга с подсвечником идет к двери.) Servant: Who’s that so late on a night like this? There is a thunder and lightning. And the rain is pouring down from the sky in torrents.

Princess: I’m a princess seeking a shelter for myself. My carriage has broken down and the coachman can’t repair it till tomorrow. Can I spend the night in your castle, please? I have nowhere to go in this miserable storm. I am a true princess who is in need of your kindness.

Servant: Of course, you are welcome to stay here, good lady. Allow me to take your coat.

Thank you so much, kind sir. (Слуга снимает плащ с принцессы, принцесса проходит в комнату)

Princess: Hello!

Prince : Hello!( a real princess has the voice of an angel)

Queen: We will soon find out if she is indeed a true princess.

Sebastian, (выходит слуга) Servant: Yes, your majesty. Queen: Prepare a soft soft bed in the blue room. I’ll come myself and make sure everything is in order. We will put her a test. Tonight we will dress her bed with 20 of the softest fluffiest most luxurious feather mattresses in the castle. Then under the 20 mattresses, we will place a single uncooked pea. If this pea disturbs her sleep, then we will know: only a real princess would be delicate and refined enough to feel the pea.

(Good-night song) (Слуга и шуты несут одеяла. Ткань в полоску демонстрирует матрасы) Queen: Here we are. That’s a bedroom. Good night. Sweet dreams. See you in the morning. (Принцесса заходит за ткань и показывает, что чутко спит) Princess: Good-night. Thank you. (Пение птиц, песня” Good morning”. Поет и танцует шут с солнцем)

Queen: Did you sleep well? Was the bed comfortable?

Princess: Oh, miserably! I scarcely closed my eyes all night long It is quite dreadful. I am so tired.

Servant: A real princess at last! Just think! She could feel the pea the queen hid under the mattress!  Now, only a well-born lady could do that!

Jester: She didn’t sleep all night! Her bed hurt her all night!

Jerster : She must be a true princess! Only a true princess could feel the pea through the twenty mattresses. No one but a true princess could be so delicate.(Свадебный марш Мендельсона Шут выносит подушечку с горошиной)

Servant: I feel wedding is coming on. Hooray!

Prince: You are a real princess, aren’t you? Please marry me.

(Princess: Yes, I will marry you as long as I didn’t have to sleep on that bed ever again!

Вальс, бросают цветы и конфетти.

Jester: All’s well that ends well.

Servant: The prince has found the real princess that loved him.

This story is a reminder that things aren’t always what they seem.

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