Английский язык. 4 класс. Итоговая работа. Повышенный уровень.
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

УМК для 4 класса: И.Н.Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева "Английский язык".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая работа

Английский язык

4 класс, повышенный уровень.

Ученика(цы)___________________________________________ 4 класс ___

I. Listening.

Послушай текст и подчеркни слово “True”, если ты согласен с утверждением, и “False”, если ты не согласен.

Пример: 0. Mary was at home last evening.                             True / False

  1. Mary’s parents were at a baseball game with Mike.            True / False
  2. Mary was frightened because she was alone.                       True / False
  3. Lucy came to see Mary.                                                        True / False
  4. Mary wanted to invite Tom and Jane to a concert.               True / False
  5. Mary’s dog and cat were outdoors.                                       True / False

II. Vocabulary.

Прочитай текст. Вставь одно подходящее по смыслу слово в каждый пропуск.

Way to School.

        It was early in the morning and Wendy was ready to go (0)__to__ school. She locked the (1)__________, put the key in the pocket and ran to school. On the way to school she (2)______ some friends. They saw a nice brown dog with four little funny (3)_________.  Friends decided to play with them. Wendy had a (4)______________ with cheese and gave it to the dog. Children played with the dog for an (5)_________ and forgot  about school. When they came to school the first lesson was over.

III. Grammar. 

Выбери правильный вариант и заполни таблицу.

  1. Look! Nick’s brother  ___ for a walk in the evening.

a) goes       b) is going        c) have gone       d)went

  1. He ___ warm clothes every winter.

     a) wear        b) is wearing        c) were        d) wears

  1. My little sister ___ her glass of milk yet.

a) aren’t drinking    b) haven’t drunk    c) hasn’t drunk    d) not drink

  1. Yesterday she had her birthday party. We ___ late.

a) did have to be    b) had to be    c) didn’t have to be    d) hadn’t been

  1. They never laugh in class, ____ ?

a) don’t they      b) do they      c) did they      d) haven’t they

  1. There are ___ pupils in the class who speak English well: only Mary and me.

a) few        b) a few        c) much        d) little

  1. - ___ you at the theatre with your class three days ago?
  • Yes, I ___.

a) was, did        b) were, was        c) were, did        d) were, were

  1. It (to take) me much time to read this text today.

a) takes            b) took               c) will take            d) has taken      

  1. Pupils have breakfast ___ half past ten.

a) at             b) on              c) in             d) after

  1.  John ..... good-bye and hurriedly left the room.

a) says         b) tells         c) said          d) told











IV. Reading.

Прочитай текст. Подчеркни слово “True”, если ты согласен с утверждением, и “False”, если ты не согласен.

Fist Fast Food.

John Montagu was the 4th Earl of Sandwich. He lived in England in 17th century. He loved to sit at the table and played cards with his friends. John didn’t like to stop for a meal. That is why he often asked to bring him meat between two pieces of bread.

Now people don’t remember that story but still call this fast food a Sandwich. Today we usually put some butter on the bread. Some of us like to use different fillings such as ham, cheese or eggs.

Пример: 0. John Montagu lived in England.                                         True / False

  1. John didn’t like to play cards.                                                                 True / False
  2. John stopped the game when he wanted to eat.                                      True / False
  3. John often ate meat with bread.                                                              True / False
  4. Many people don’t know why they call this fast food a Sandwich.       True / False
  5. We never use butter to make sandwiches.                                              True / False

V. Cultural Awareness. 

Установи соответствия между частями двух колонок.



Что это?

1. It was a prison

a) Easter Sunday

2. They keep the Tower safe

b) seven ravens

3. This day children have eggs in their baskets

c) the Tower of London

4. It has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day

d) the American flag

5. “The Stars and Stripes”

e) the turkey

VI. Letter.

Том хочет найти друга по переписке. Ответь на его письмо. В твоем письме должна быть следующая информация: your name; your age; where you live; your school; your likes.


Dear friend,

My name is Tom. I’m eleven yeas old. I live in Strawberry with my mother and father. My mother works at school, she is a teacher and my father is a driver. I have no sisters and brothers.

I go to Strawberry school . I’m in the fifth grade. My favourite subject is Maths. I like playing computer games very much.

What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? What are your favourite subjects? Do you have any hobbies?

Write soon.




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