Праздник "Вручение Оскара" 1 класс (на английском)
классный час по иностранному языку (1 класс) на тему

Половинкина Екатерина Александровна

В конце 1 класса решено было необычно поздравить ребят и наградить. В публикации находится сценарий, презентация, музыка. Сценарий на английском языке! Для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Years 3 End of Year Performance 

  1. Выход

Kids walk from school to stage, Michael and Josh say the names.

  1. Дети строятся на сцене дугой (как в схеме), шестеро выходят вперед:

Timur D: Ladies and gentlemen, parents and teachers,

Alex: girls and boys and other special guests,

Avgusta: welcome to The 2017 Russian International School Oscars Ceremony!

Vasya: Nomineers will be rewarded for their work in the following categories

Gadji: Progress, Creativity, Amazing Athlete and others

(Оскары открываются перед зрителями на столе)

Ethan: To start off we have a song for you.

SONG «Come on»

Марк М.: We’d like to share a few poems about school.

(На сцене остаются только те, кто читает стихи. Остальные по местам.)


На сцене:

My School

Ваня: I really like my school,

and just want to say,

That’s where I spend,

most of my day.

Ксюша:Countless activities,

I get to do.

 For arts and crafts,

 I always use glue.

Савва:During math class,

I learn to add and subtract.

ten times ten equals one hundred,

 that’s an absolute fact.

Тимур И.:One of my favorite classes,

 is fun and called gym.

I can nearly touch,

 that basketball rim.

 Даша:I also enjoy learning,

 difficult words to spell.

My ears are programmed,

for that school bell.

София:I really like my school,

and just want to say,

I’m always excited,

 for the very next day.

Под сценой:

Friendly Book

Gadji H

My best friend is a book
Stop giving me that funny look.

Danya N

It’s like a golden door
To places I’ve never been before.

Mark Y
It tells me things I need to know

And shows me places I’d like to go


I like to read my book with pride

And I can’t wait to see what is inside


Homework, I love you. What more can I say?
I love to do hundreds of problems each day.

Homework, I love you. I think that you are great.
But why do you keep me up so late?

Homework, I love you. I tell you, it’s true.
There’s nothing more fun or exciting to do.

Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.
You give me happiness from morning till night.

  1. Первая номинация «Прогресс в обучении» (на сцене после стихов остаются Даша и Савва)

Dasha: This takes us to our first Oscar this evening, «Breakthrough Year»

Savva: This award is given to the pupils who have made the most progress in Russian and English program

Dasha: And the winners are…Алексей Чирихин, Марк Малиманов, Итан Джон, Сенин В

Все стоя на сцене, продолжают разговор:

Dasha: Congratulations! We have been working hard at RIS!

Mark M: But we don’t just come to school to learn to read, write and count

Ethan: Year, sometimes at school we just have some fun!

Alex: Having a good time, enjoying life and that’s what our next dance is about.

Olesia, dance number about school.

  1. Номинация «Креатив во всём»

Ivan:At school we also show our creative side in our drama, dance and art lessons.

Fedor: Yes, and we know, school is not just about, reading, writing and maths.

Ivan: Our next award  is  for  Artistic excellence  and the winners are…(Ярош София-Августа, Дильтаев Тимур, Макацевич Дария, Деревянко Ксения)

 Августа переодевается в кошку + обруч (мама), остальные берут ушки и перчатки, надевают для фрагмента «Кошки»



Timur: Jelicle cats come out at night, Jelicle cats, come one, come all!!!

Alex: The moon shines bright. The stars shine bright!

Nikita: The moon helps them to meet at the majestical ball!

Marc M: Once a year they gather to choose the queen of the ball.

Cats performance (Даша, Ксюша, Яна, София)

Vasya: There are many cats who dance well but there is one cat who dances better than the rest. Her name is Branessa.

Avgusta dance  = Футболисты переодеваются! Во время танца

  1. Номинация «Наука»

       Mark M: Our next Oscar is for Scholar in Science! And the winners are: (Савва, Фёдор)

Dialogue between Savva and Fedor.

  1. Номинация: Спорт

Музыка: Mooshina ne tansooit

Dasha: Yes, of course men don’t dance but they do play sport.

Ethan: Our next awards are for Amazing Athletes…

Timur: Our winners are: (Марк Ярошевич, Паланкоев Сулейман, Тимур Исаев, Никита Козовой, Халидов Данимир)

Танец с мячами (Сулейман, Гаджи, Никита, Марк Я.)

  1. Номинация «Старание»

Alexey: Out next Oscar is for Outstanding effort.

Avgusta: This is for pupils who have tried especially hard!

Alexey: The winners are… (Исаева София, Даниил Нестор, Яна Шаффер)

После получения Оскара на сцене остаётся Яна

Yana: The most important thing we learn at school is how to be a good person and make friends.

К ней выходят Никита и Вася

Стихи о дружбе

With A Friend

Яна:I can talk with a friend

 and walk with a friend

and share my umbrella in the rain

I can play with a friend

and stay with a friend

and learn with a friend

 and explain

Vasya: I can eat with a friend

and compete with a friend

 and even sometimes disagree

I can ride with a friend

and take pride with a friend

 A friend can mean so much to me!

Nikita: стих о дружбе свой

Vasya: We have waited long time for summer and it’s finally here

Yana: Please welcome my friends to sing a song for you.

Песня «Какого цвета лето?» Мольберты = Брейк данс переодеваются (Ваня, Лёша, Тимур) во время песни

  1. Номинация «Математика»

Ethan: This takes us to the next award for our Maths Masters. This is for pupils who crrrush maths!

Ksenia: And the winners are…(Гаджи, Ваня)

Vanya: Thank you very much. Now my friends and I will dance for you

Номер брейк данс.

  1. Avgusta: Unfortunately dear friends, our performance is coming to close.

Timur: We’d like to finish off with a poem.

Стихи об окончании ( Итан, Леша, Гаджи, Марк М., Фёдор)

Песня «Победитель получает всё»  с оскарами.

Поздравление Дмитрия Сергеевича, вручение подарков и шариков.

Выпускаем шары.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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