We have made a change in my room
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Угрюмова Юлия Николаевна

Present Perfect


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Слайд 1

LESSON « What have made changes in my room »

Слайд 2

He is drawing a picture. He has drawn a picture. Сравните

Слайд 3

He is painting wall. He has painted wall. Сравните

Слайд 4

He is making a table. He has made a table. Сравните

Слайд 5

Если вы говорите о том, что произошло и есть результат Present Perfect Пароли уже - already только что – just недавно – recently, lately никогда - never когда-либо - ever

Слайд 6

3 have has I have drawn a picture . He has drawn a picture. + Утвердительное предложение

Слайд 7

has have He She It I We You They 3 3 Утвердительное предложение

Слайд 8

3 Regular verbs Irregular verbs paint-paint ed repaint-repaint ed draw- drawn buy- bought

Слайд 9

not - 3 have has I have not drawn a picture . Отрицательное предложение (have n’t ) He has not drawn a picture. (has n’t )

Слайд 10

Present Perfect + - I, you, we, they It, he, she have play ed already, just, recently, lately, not yet, never, ever has play ed have n’t play ed has n’t play ed

Слайд 11

1 2 3 с hange ( изменять) chang ed chang ed paint paint ed paint ed repaint ( перекрасить) repaint ed repaint ed decorate (отделывать) decorat ed decorat ed redecorate (заново отделать) redecorat ed redecorat ed clean clean ed clean ed Regular verbs

Слайд 12

Irregular verbs 1 2 3 buy ( покупать) bought bought eat ate eaten make made made put put put bring brought brought forgot forget forgotten draw drew drawn do did done find found found

Слайд 13

Irregular verbs 1 2 3 buy ( покупать) bought eat ate eaten make made put put bring brought forgot forget forgotten draw drew drawn do did done find found

Слайд 14

Irregular verbs 1 2 3 buy ( покупать) bought bought eat ate make made made put put put bring brought brought forgot forget draw drew do did find found found

Слайд 15

Irregular verbs 1 2 3 buy ( покупать) bought eat ate make made put put bring brought forgot forget draw drew do did find found

Слайд 17

ANDY : Oliver, you have not seen my new house. Look! OLIVER: Oh, your room has changed. (изменилась) ANDY: Yes, it has. This computer is new. My Dad has bought ( купил) it, but he has not bought (не купил) a printer. OLIVER: It’s nice!

Слайд 18

Mum (buy) a new carpet for the living room. Ashley (draw) posters for the kitchen. They make the room special. She (paint) the kitchen door white.

Слайд 19

The mother The father Andy Ashley The aunt and the uncle The grandparents Sparky the parrot painted two pictures repainted the cupboard bought a computer table brought some flowers drawn a poster eaten one flower made a table lamp put a bigger carpet on the floor has have

Слайд 20

What does she want to do? Repaint the wardrobe Repaint the cupboard Change the posters Draw red apples on the floor Buy a new red lamp Put a re carpet on the floor What has she done? What hasn’t she done? She has repainted the wardrobe. But she hasn’t repainted the cupboard.

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