Презентации уроков английского языка
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презентации уроков английского языка


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Слайд 1

Презентация по теме “ Глагол to be в Past Simple” 4 класс УМК Биболетовой М. З.

Слайд 2

Compare Present Simple 1. I am at home now. 2. Fred is happy now. 3. My friends are schoolgirls. Past Simple I was at home yesterday. 2. Fred was happy yesterday. 3. My friends were schoolgirls.

Слайд 3

Глагол to be в Past Simple I/ He/ She/ It → was It was interesting at the party yesterday. You/ We/ They → were They were in the forest last night.

Слайд 4

Compare (+) I was at home yesterday. (-) I was not at home yesterday. 2. (+) They were in the forest last night. (-) They were not in the forest last night.

Слайд 5

Negative Sentence ( - ) was + not = wasn’t My sister wasn’t in the park. were + not = weren’t There weren’t so many strange people there.

Слайд 6

Compare 1.(+) Fred was happy yesterday. (?) Was Fred happy yesterday? 2.(+) The children were in the zoo a week ago. (?) Were the children in the zoo a week ago?

Слайд 7

Interrogative Sentence (?) C труктура вопроса Was/ Were + П + …? C труктура ответа (+) Yes, П + was/ were. (-) No, П + wasn’t/ weren’t. It was interesting at the party yesterday. 2. They were in the forest last night.

Слайд 8

Interrogative Sentence (special question) (?) 1. (+) He was in Moscow last year. (?) Where was he last year? 2. (+) My friends were at school in the morning. (?) When were my friends at school?

Слайд 9

Interrogative Sentence (special question) (?) Структура специального вопроса В.С. + was/ were + П + … ? Ответ полным предложением Структура вопроса к подлежащему Who/ What + was + …? Структура ответа П + was/ were. What was on the table? – The book was . Who was in the park? – The children were .

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2


Слайд 3

IDEAL PARENTS. Parents must give their children more love. Parents must talk to their children more often. Parents must try to understand their children. Parents must give their children more freedom. Parents must help their children with problems they have at school. DO YOU AGREE? WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? I think parents must… To my opinion parents must not … My parents always … me.

Слайд 4

IDEAL CHILDREN. Children must do their homework. Children must wash up. Children must set the table before dinner. Children must clear up the table. Children must make their beds. Children must help in the garden. Children must take out the rubbish. Children should love their parents. What are your responsibilities at home? I … at home. I don’t … at home. My parents say I must … My parents say I should …

Слайд 5

YOUR JOBS AT HOME. Past Simple Present Simple Present Perfect Future Simple V2 did ( делал) V, Vs do, does (делаю) have, has + V3 have, has done ( сделал) will + V will do (сделаю, буду делать) Yesterday Last Ago Often Every day Usually Always Already Just Tomorrow Put in the verbs into the correct form. I (take) out the rubbish already. I (wash) up yesterday. Today is your turn. My father usually (walk) our dog in the morning. Steve (set) the table for lunch tomorrow.

Слайд 6

YOUR JOBS AT HOME. Past Simple Present Simple Present Perfect Future Simple V2 did ( делал) V, Vs do, does (делаю) have, has + V3 have, has done ( сделал) will + V will do (сделаю, буду делать) Yesterday Last Ago Often Every day Usually Always Already Just Tomorrow Fill in the chart. Tuesday Saturday Friday morning Every Sunday I … yesterday. I … tomorrow. I … already. I usually …

Слайд 7

HOMETASK. To make up a story “My Responsibilities at Home”. (8 – 10 sentences) To learn the story by heart.

Слайд 8

GOOD JOB! Choose a smile for your own according to your work at the lesson. Be objective! I did all my best! Excellent! I tried as much as I could. Rather good! I should learn English better! Not very well…

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