Урок на тему: "Школьная форма за и против".
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Анацкая Людмила Евгеньевна

Конспект урока на тему: "Школьная форма за и против" (технологическая карта).


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: Школьная форма «за» и «против».

Цель: Обобщить и осуществить контроль качества знаний учащихся по теме “Одежда”.



•        закрепление лексических навыков по теме «Одежда»;

•        тренировать в употреблении в устной и письменной речи изученных ЛЕ по теме «Одежда»;

•        учить вести диалог-расспрос и составлять монологическое высказывание по заданной теме;

•        развивать грамматические и лексические навыки;

•        развивать навыки монологического и диалогического высказывания;

•        развивать навыки аудирования, чтения и языковой догадки.


•        развивать память, внимание;

•        развитие логического мышления;

•        способствовать формированию рефлесивно-оценочных навыков;

•        развивать готовность к общению.


•        поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка;

•        содействовать повышению уровня мотивации через средства обучения;

•        привитие интереса и уважения к культуре и традициям страны, изучаемого языка    посредством сравнения с собственной культурой;

•        расширять общий кругозор;

•        воспитывать вежливость, готовность помочь окружающим;

•        прививать уважение к представителям других культур.

Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-коммуникативная (слайдовая презентация); здоровье сберегающая (смена видов деятельности); метод проблемного обучения (найти проблему и обсудить); ролевая игра.

Оборудование: карточки со словами, фразами, заданиями, проектор, картинки.

Тип урока: обобщающий.

Ход урока

I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности

1. Организационный момент.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Good morning! I am glad to see you.

How are you today? What about you?

What day is it today? Today is the 20th of March. It’s Wednesday.

What’s the weather today? Today is sunny and windy.


3. Фонетическая зарядка [u:] and [a:] name the sound

I like scooters

I like cars

I’ve got blue shoes

I’ve got a scarf


I like balloons

I like guitars

I like the zoo

I like the park

II. Повторение лексики по теме “Одежда”.

1. Look at the blackboard and repeat the words (картинки с презентации, повторение лексики на тему «Одежда»)

2. Сomplete the puzzles

3. Look at the cards with the words and tell me please: What is it summer clothes and What is it winter clothes?

summer clothes

shoes, shirt, trainers, jeans, trousers, swimsuit, shorts, dress, sweater, T-shirt, blouse, scarf, coat, jacket, boots, skirt, hat, cap

winter clothes

4. Take the cards, translate the phrases from English into Russian.

a coat with big buttons – пальто с большими пуговицами
jeans with a lot of pockets – джинсы со множеством карманов
a T-shirt with a picture on it – футболка с картинкой на ней
a scarf with stripes – шарф с полосками
shoes with high heels – обувь с высокой пяткой
a cap with yellow peak – кепка с жёлтым козырьком
a warm winter coat – теплое зимнее пальто
a beautiful new dress – красивое новое платье
a short black skirt – короткая черная юбка

(Записать незнакомые слова в тетрадь)

III. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме “Что мы обычно носим… в школу, дома…”

1. I know that some of you want to be journalists. Now you have a chance! Interview your classmates about their clothes.

Answer the questions using the phrases: I think/ In my opinion/As for me….

  • What do you usually wear at home?
  • What do you usually wear at school?
  • What’s your favourite colour?
  • Do you wear a school uniform?
  • What clothes are popular among teenagers?
  • Do you like jeans?
  • Why do you like jeans?

Thank you for interview!

2. And now you’ll work in pairs. Look at the cards, read the task and discuss what you are going to wear if…..

1) You are going to the party.
2) You are going for a walk.
3) You are going to the theatre.

You have 2 minutes.

So, we’ve discussed what we wear to the parties, for a walk to the theatre.

IV. Break time.

Now…close your book, сlose your eyes, silence and listen to me.

«What is nature? It’s a mystery, it’s a tale, it’s magic as it is. And I think autumn is one of the greatest examples of nature magic. If you look at these trees, covered with multicolor leaves – red, orange and still green here and there.The leaves are still on the trees but in a few days the fall will begin and all the pavements will be covered with a reddish carpet made of leaves. They seem extremely bright because of the sky. In autumn it turns grey or sometimes deep blue. This background makes the leaves look bright and fresh. Looking at all the beauty we can forget about cold, wind and rain. They say, there’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes. So even rain in autumn is a good and magic thing if it is treated as a part of the nature»

IV. Развитие навыков аудирования по теме: «Школьная форма: да или нет?»

What do you usually wear at school? Do you like to have a school uniform?

Please, tell me what the topic of our lesson. (записать на доске)

So, school uniform should be comfortable, beautiful, not boring, cool.

1. Open your exercise books at page number 36-exercise number 14. You listen 4 children speaking about the school uniform, then tell me who was the first speaking, the second…

(The first is Hayley; The second is Sam; The third is Abbie; The fourth is Andrew)

2. Listen the kids (one more) giving their opinions of school uniform. How many positive and how many negative opinions have you heard? (complete the table)









2. Reasons for uniform/against uniform

It’s beautiful
It’s comfortable
It makes pupils be serious
It’s not cool.
It’s uncomfortable.
It’s boring
It looks funny.

V. Просмотр ролика на тему «Школьная форма: за и против».

VI. Развитие навыков монологическая речи.

Please, say what you think about the school uniform – (are you against or for the school uniform).

VI. Заключительный этап.

1. Рефлексия. (Оценки. Ошибки)

 «5» - That’s very good. Well done! Good job! 

«4» -  Good for you! That’s nice. That’s much better. 

«3» - That wasn’t very good. Have a try. Don’t worry, it’ll improve.

2. Домашнее задание.(p.36 ex.17)- Write your opinion about school uniform.

The lesson is over, goodbye children!!


1) You listen 4 children speaking about the school uniform, then tell me who was the first speaking, the second…

2)  How many positive and how many negative opinions have you heard? (complete the table)









1) You listen 4 children speaking about the school uniform, then tell me who was the first speaking, the second…

2)  How many positive and how many negative opinions have you heard? (complete the table)









1) You listen 4 children speaking about the school uniform, then tell me who was the first speaking, the second…

2)  How many positive and how many negative opinions have you heard? (Complete the table)









Translate the phrases from English into Russian.

a coat with big buttons –

jeans with a lot of pockets

a T-shirt with a picture on it –
a scarf with stripes –

shoes with high heels –

a cap with yellow peak –

a warm winter coat –
a beautiful new dress –
a short black skirt –

Translate the phrases from English into Russian.

a coat with big buttons –

jeans with a lot of pockets

a T-shirt with a picture on it –
a scarf with stripes –

shoes with high heels –

a cap with yellow peak –

a warm winter coat –
a beautiful new dress –
a short black skirt –

Translate the phrases from English into Russian.

a coat with big buttons –

jeans with a lot of pockets

a T-shirt with a picture on it –
a scarf with stripes –

shoes with high heels –

a cap with yellow peak –

a warm winter coat –
a beautiful new dress –
a short black skirt –




















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