Контрольно-измерительный материал по английскому языку для 3-4 классов
тест по иностранному языку (3, 4 класс)

Братанова Виктория Юрьевна

Состалены контрольные работы для проверки усвоения материала в 3.4 классах для школ с углубленным изучением англиского языка.


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 Контрольно-измерительный материал

                по английскому языку

           для 3- 4 классов для школ с

углубленным изучением английского    


      Картинки по запросу тестыпо английскому

                            учителя английского языка

                       Братановой Виктории Юрьевны

Контрольно-измерительный материал по английскому языку для 3 класса для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Составлен на основе учебно-методического комплекта И.Н. Верещагиной. Данный материал включает лексико-грамматические тесты и тесты по чтению.

The final test       3 form

I. Grammar Test

  1. Put in is or are.
  1. There __________ a bear on the table.
  2. ________ there a tiger near the box? – Yes, ________.
  3. There ______ two monkeys in the box.
  4. There ________ no dolls in the box.

  1. Make up sentences.
  1. was, a tiger, in the box, There.
  2. a monkey, no, is, near the chair, There.
  3. there, two dogs, Were, in the box?
  4. are, in the box, there, seven ducks.
  5. a book, was, on the table, no, there.


        III .Put in SOME or ANY where it is necessary

  1. I have … cheese.
  2. Is there … sugar in my tea?
  3. Is there … tea in the cup?
  4. – No, there is not … . There is not … ham on the plate.
  5. Are there … pencils in the box? – No, there are not. There are … pens in it.
  6. There are … eggs in the shed.
  7. There are no … buttons on her dress.
  8. I don’t drink … milk. I like tea or coffee.

IV.Put in anybody/somebody/nobody/anything/something/nothing

  1. Is there … new?
  2. There is … in the room. He wants to speak to you.
  3. I shall not give the book to … else.
  4. … knows his name.
  5. He never writes … to me about it.
  6. There is … at home mow.
  7. It is 7 o’clock. There is … at school now.
  8. We can see … in the room.
  9. He wants to say … to me.

10)He doesn’t want to say … .

V.Write down the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives:

nice, happy, large, big, hot, funny

VI.Put in “much” or “many

  1. I can see … milk in the glasses.
  2. I see … sweets in the box.
  3. I see … cups of tea on the table.
  4. I can see … carrots in the bag.
  5. I can see … butter in the porridge.
  6. I see … hamburgers on the plate.

VII. Ask questions to the sentence.

  1. Last year my parents were in America.
  2. Yesterday my aunt bought apples in the shop.

II. Reading Comprehension. Read the text and then do the task.

Mike is my friend. He is 10 years old. He has many friends, they are animals. He likes animals very much and he has many pets at home. Mike has 2 cats: a black cat and a white cat and three kittens. They all live in a big box. The box is near the door. 
They like to eat milk and fish. The black cat`s name is Dolly. Dolly is a big, kind and clever animal. In the morning Dolly awakes Mike. It sits near Mike`s bed and mews. Mike gets up and goes to school. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock. And in the afternoon he goes to the park to play with his cats. They run and play with a ball. The ball is red. 
Mike is happy to have good friends. 

 Do the task: Choose “True” or “False”. 
1. Mike is ten. 
2. He has no friends. 
3. He has not got pets at home. 
4. Mike has three cats. 
5. Three kittens live in a big bag. 
6. The bag is near the door. 
7. They like to eat meat. 
8. Dolly is a kitten. 
9. Dolly is white. 
10. Mikes awakes Dolly in the morning. 
11. Dolly goes to school. 
12. Mike comes home from school at 2. 
13. In the afternoon he goes to the park with his cats. 
14. The cats run and play with a green ball. 
15. Mike is happy to have good friends. 

Контрольно-измерительный материал по английскому языку для 4 класса для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Составлен на основе учебно-методического комплекта И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой. Данный материал включает лексико-грамматические тесты и тесты по чтению.

Test 4 form

  1. Lexical and grammar tests.

1.Put “there is / there are” into the sentences.

1……………….. an apple on the table.

2……………some milk in the glass.

3……………some bananas in the bag.

 4…………………..books on the desk.

 5………………..carrots, milk and a cup of tea on the table.

2.Put articles: a/an/the/zero article:

1.There is……. аpple in …….basket.

  2. What is ……cleverest animal?

 3. ……………..dolphin is……very clever animal.

 4.We celebrate………Easter in……spring.

 5. What was…..weather like……last month?

  6……..Browns will go to……sea……next summer.

 7. ……..Mr. Durov will buy…….new house.

3.Put prepositions: on/in/at/to/ -

1. Tim’s sister has five lessons……Monday.

 2. We celebrate Christmas ….winter.

 3. She gets up……7 o’clock ….the morning.

4. Tom went ……London last year.

 5. They were in Moscow …..1999.

 6. It often rains ……October.

4. Make tag-questions:

1.You like the sweater, ……………….. ?  

 2. She wears jeans,………………..?

3. He doesn’t work here,……………….?

 4. We buy lemons,………………..?

5. This elephant likes bananas,…………….?

 6. Tigers are cleverer than cats,…………………?

7. It isn’t cold,……………..?

8. She can’t play hockey,……………?

9. They never meet her at school,……………..?

5. Translate into English:

1)A pair of gloves, mushrooms, eggs, domestic animals, laugh at,  at noon, in spring, on Tuesday, at 6 o’clock, dairy, comfortable, uniform,        

 2)   museum, lesson, timetable, study, picture, window, to be late for, by the way, good luck, join, difficult.  

6. Make the degrees of  the adjecties.

1)Big                                         2)   nice

Beautiful                                 good

Happy                                      short

Long                                         funny

Bad                                          interesting

2.Reading Test. Read the text “The Cat and the Mice”. Choose the right variant.

Cotton – хлопок

Ribbon – лента

Bell – колокольчик

Heard – слышали

The Cat and the Mice

A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. But on her birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to the cat’s birthday party. Of course, the cat is very glad to see the mice. They give her birthday presents: cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys. The toys are made of paper and cotton. The cat likes the cakes and milk. She likes the toys too.

        Last year the mice came to the cat’s birthday party and said “Here is blue ribbon with a small bell for you”. The cat was glad because the ribbon was nice, it was made of silk. The cat took the ribbon, put it on and said “Thank you. I like the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time”. The mice were happy for they knew when the cat came.

        When the mice heard the bell, they ran away from the kitchen.

1Every year … come to the cat’s birthday.

  1. one or two mice
  2. all the mice
  3. some mice

2They give her parents

  1. chocolates.
  2. fish.
  3. cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys.

3Last year he cat got … as birthday present.

  1. a ribbon with a small bell
  2. a cathouse
  3. a book with pictures

4The cat was glad because

  1. the mice came to see her.
  2. she liked the ribbon with the bell.
  3. the ribbon was nice and pink.

5. The mice were happy because

  1. the cat was glad.
  2. the ribbon was nice.
  3. the cat was going to wear the ribbon with the bell.

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