Конспект урока по английскому языку Tasty Treats (Spotlight,4 класс)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Берсенева Юлия Николаевна

Урок говорения.


Файл tasty_treats.docx433.88 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

A speaking lesson

Topic: Tasty Treats.

Level: Primary school. Elementary.Spotlight, 4th form

Learning Outcome:

By the end of the lesson learners will:

  • Repeat vocabulary Numbers (1-100)
  • Repeat vocabulary Food and Package
  • Learn English currency
  • Use a pattern: at the shop.

How will learners work: 

  • Frontal work
  • Work in pairs
  • Individual work

How will learners be assessed and given feedback: self-assessment, notes on mistakes by teacher (then giving marks).


Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEEhw5QjeAI&t=96s

Cards 1.

Cards 2.

Card 3.

Card 4.


Stage aims


Interaction patterns




Setting up a speaking activity


to introduce the topic

What house chores can you do?

Let’s watch the video! (video1)

 What do you see? What house chore is this video about?

Ss watch the video, answer the questions.


3 minutes

Giving the task

to create a communicative situation, to give a purpose for speaking and listening, to explain how to do the task

Do you go shopping? What money do we use?

Imagine you are in Great Britain! Would you like to visit a shop in London? What do we need for visiting the shop? T explains  British currency. (card 3)

Ss answer the questions.

S listens about British currency.


6 minutes


to demonstrate how to do the task

We will work in pairs. One of a pair is a customer, the other is a shop-assistant.

Customers, give your money! (coins)! (cards 2)

Shop-assistants, give your products! (cards 1)

Exchange your cards while speaking!

Use a card 4 as a pattern.

Ss take the cards.

6 minutes

Practising the language

to practise the language

T makes a list of numbers on the board(20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100). T uses choral drilling to practice the numbers.

T makes a list of word-combinations: packages and food. (cards 1).

T explains card 4, then choral drilling.

Ss repeat numbers, products, then take part in choral drilling of numbers, products and the pattern.


7 minutes


to help students prepare for the task (to help with ideas, structure, strategies)

List of numbers on the board.

Cards 1. Products.

Cards 2. Coins.

Card 3. Currency.

Card 4. The pattern for speaking.

Speaking practice

Speaking practice

to let student achieve the communicative aim

While speaking activity T is listening carefully and making notes on mistakes.

Oral speaking in group, exchanging cards (products and coins).



7 minutes


Getting feedback

to get feedback from students, to let students report back

Wow is for you? What difficulties did you have?

Would you like to visit real British shop?

4 minutes

Giving feedback

to give feedback on content and language

While speaking activity T is listening carefully and making notes on mistakes. At the end of the class T and Ss discuss the mistakes.

Ss correct the mistakes.


7 minutes

TOTAL: 40 minutes

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