Работа с текстом на английском языке в начальной школе
тренажёр по иностранному языку (3 класс)

В МБОУ НШДС 13 на уроках английского языка в 3 классе используется текст для развития понимания текста, умения находить ответы в тексте, работать с ним и использовать необходую грамматику.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Jane is a little girl. She is six. She has no brother or sister. But she has two good friends: Ben and Betty. Ben is a big nice dog. It is black and white. Betty is a big pretty doll. She has got long fair hair and a nice red dress. Jane likes to play with them. So every day after dinner she plays with Betty and Ben. They play in the house; they play in the garden and near the river.

One day Jane goes to the river with Betty and Ben. She sees many red, orange and yellow flowers there. She likes the flowers very much. She wants to pick up (cобирать) some flowers for her mother.

But she falls into (падает в) the river. Ben jumps after her. He catches(ловит) her by the dress. Then he puts her under a big tree. Jane opens her eyes. “Oh, Ben, where is Betty? Where is Betty?” she cries(плачет).

Ben looks up and down and jumps into the river. Ben is not afraid of (не боится) the water. Very quickly he comes back and puts Betty under the big tree, too. Jane is very happy; she doesn’t cry any more.

I. True or false: 1. Jane is seven. 2. She has got one brother and one sister. 3. She has got a dog and a doll. 4. She likes to play with Betty and Ben. 5. She goes to school with her friends.

6. Jane wants to pick up some flowers for her friends. 7. She falls into the river. 8. Ben is afraid of the water. 9. Ben helps Betty and Jane. 10. Jane doesn’t cry any more.

II. Choose the correct answer:


Jane is


b) seven

c) eight


Ben is

a) black

b) white

c) black and white


Betty is

a) a girl

b) a doll

c) a kitten


For her mother she wants

a) to make a cake

b) to pick up some flowers

c) to pick up some fruit


Jane likes

a) books

b) apples

c) flowers


Ben helps

a) Jane and Betty

b) Jane

c) Betty

Read the text and do the tasks

Mike is my friend.

Mike is my friend. He is 10 years old. He has many friends, they are animals. He likes animals very much and he has many pets at home. Mike has 2 cats: a black cat and a white cat and three kittens. They all live in a big box. The box is near the door. They like to eat milk and fish. The black cat`s name is Dolly. Dolly is a big, kind and clever animal. In the morning Dolly awakes Mike. It sits near Mike`s bed and mews. Mike gets up and goes to school. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock. And in the afternoon he goes to the park to play with his cats. They run and play with a ball. The ball is red. Mike is happy to have good friends. 

2. Answer the questions. 
1. What is my friend`s name? 
2. Does he have many friends? 
3. What animals does he have at home? 
4. How many kittens does he have? 
5. Where do the cats live? 
6. What do the kittens like to eat? 
7. What colour is Dolly? 
8. Is Dolly angry or kind? 
9. What does Dolly do in the morning? 
10. Where does Mike go in the morning? 
11. Does he come home at 2 or at 5 o`clock? 
12. Where does he go in the afternoon? 
13. What do cats and Mike do in the park? 
14. What colour is the ball? 
15. Why is Mike happy? 

3.True or False. 
1. Mike is ten. 
2. He has no friends. 
3. He has not got pets at home. 
4. Mike has three cats. 
5. Three kittens live in a big bag. 
6. The bag is near the door. 
7. They like to eat meat. 
8. Dolly is a kitten. 
9. Dolly is white. 
10. Mikes awakes Dolly in the morning. 
11. Dolly goes to school. 
12. Mike comes home from school at 2. 
13. In the afternoon he goes to the park with his cats. 
14. The cats run and play with a green ball. 
15. Mike is happy to have good friends. 

4. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 
1. Mike am my friend. 
2. He is 10 year old. 
3. He like animals very much. 
4. He have many pets at home. 
5. They all live in big box. 
6. They like eat milk and fish. 
7. The black cat`s name are Dolly. 
8. Dolly is big, kind and clever animal. 
9. In the morning Dolly awake Mike. 
10. Mike gets up and go school. 
11. He comes home school at 2 o`clock. 
12. And in the afternoon he go the park to play with his cats. 
13. They run and play ball. 
14. Mike is happy have good friends. 

5.Translate into English. 
1.много питомцев 
2.белый кот 
3.пить молоко 
5.играть с мячом 

6. Translate into Russian. 
1. near the door 
2. eat fish 
3. clever animals 
4. get up 
5. come home from school 

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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