Сценарий новогоднего праздника для 4-6 класса на английском языке.
проект (4 класс)

Кожина Ирина Викторовна

  Рождество- это волшебное время года, когда ты под бой курантов можешь стать участником  удивительных и сказочных событий.

  Театральная постановка для 4-6 классов на английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

    Christmas / New Year / Performance 4 th Form 2014-2015



   1. MARY&   TOM (siblings)

   3. Mr. Cuckoo   that lives in the clock

   4. Snowflake(s)

   5. Snowman/ Snowmen

   6. Winter

   7. Spring

   8. Summer     4 seasons

   9. Autumn

   10. Wizard

                                                                                  Act I

             (В комнате тихо, бьют куранты – 6 часов  вечера.)  

Mr. Cuckoo:  «Tick- tock, tick-tock» , says the clock.

                         It’ s  Christmas Eve, it’ s  6 o’ clock.

TOM:  Dear  Mr. Cuckoo, you work every minute and every day. I wish you could have

            some  holidays at Christmas. Merry Christmas, Mr. Cuckoo.


  ( оставляет праздничную открытку и убегает)

Mr. Cuckoo: He is a good boy, I love him.

MARY: Tom, where are you? Come here.

TOM: I’m playing a computer game. I want to win and become the Master of Time.            

           Look, it’s so exiting.

MARY: Tom, mum and dad are very busy tonight. They’ve  got many jobs before    

               Christmas, let’s help them about the house.  

 Mr. Cuckoo:  «Tick- tock, tick-tock» , says the clock.

                         It’s  Christmas Eve, it’ s  6 o’clock.

TOM:   Christmas… I enjoy having family dinner, getting presents and playing with

            children outside.

 MARY: Tom, take the broom and sweep the floor, then put your toys into the box. 

 Mr. Cuckoo:  «Tick- tock, tick-tock» , says the clock.

                         It’ s Christmas Eve, it’ s  lunch time.


               ( звучит волшебная мелодия)

TOM:   Mary, do you hear the magic music through the window? I see shining stars,

              they are dancing!  

 MARY: How beautiful they are! The snowflakes are dancing.


                                     ( танцуют снежинки)

Snowflake: Hello, children. I’m a magic snowflake that comes from the North.

                    Who are you?

 MARY& TOM: Hello, snowflake. I’m Mary and I’m Tom. Nice to meet you.

Mr. Cuckoo:  «Tick- tock, tick-tock» , says the clock.

                         It’ s  Christmas Eve, it’ s  time to go to school.

Snowflake: oh, no. The clock is wrong, it goes fast, it goes slowly. Wizard has stolen the

                     keys of time. He can change the seasons and Christmas will never come.

                     Mary and Tom, hurry up to save Christmas.

Tom: Mr. Cuckoo, you know much about time and seasons, will you help us? 

Mr. Cuckoo: I haven’t had any Christmas before. What is it? Let’s find the keys of time.

Act II

Mr. Cuckoo: now we’re in a magic forest where seasons live. They’ve got 12 months that        

             come one by one to see people every day .


Tom:  Maybe Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn know the way to the castle

     of the    magician. Children, help us to call the seasons, please.


( Дети зовут времена года )


I’ m Winter that begins a year:

This is the season

When children can ski,

Play snowballs

And dance round the New Year Tree.


It’s winter, it’s winter,

Let us skate and ski!

It’s winter, it’s winter,

It’s great fun for me!


The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day and all night.



 I’m Spring, spring, spring:

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen.

Grey winter has gone away!

The world looks new and gay.



I’m Summer:

This is the season when nights are short.

And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Boating and swimming all day long

Will make us healthy and strong.


 I’m Autumn:    

Summer is over

September comes.

October and November

Are autumn months.

The leaves are falling one by one.

Summer is over

School ‘s begun.


MARY& TOM: Hello, seasons. I’m Mary and I’m Tom. Nice to meet you. Could you show us the way to the castle of the magician. We must  find the keys of time otherwise  Christmas won’t come.


Seasons: Nice to meet you, Mary and Tom. We ‘ll be  glad to help you if you write the names of months correctly.


Конкурс:  « Напиши месяцы правильно»

Mr. Cuckoo: Mary and Tom, there’s much snow everywhere. I see some footprints and carrots and hats on the snow. What has lost them? Hares? Foxes? Squirrels?

Зрители отвечают

MARY: they are merry snowmen.   

                                       Конкурс:  « Слепи снеговика»


Танец снеговиков

  Little Snowman;

I’m a little snowman round and fat,
Here are my mittens, here is my hat.
Add a little scarf and a carrot nose.
I stand so tall when the cold wind blows.


MARY& TOM: Hello, snowman. I’m Mary and I’m Tom. Nice to meet you. Could you show us the way to the castle of the magician. We must find the keys of time otherwise  Christmas won’t come.

Snowman: Nice to meet you, Mary and Tom. I’ll be glad to help you if you can do my tasks.

Конкурс:  «Испытания»

Mr. Cuckoo: we have come to the magician’s castle. Good evening, Mr. Wizard, could you give us the keys of time?

MARY& TOM: Good evening, Mr. Wizard, could you give us the keys of time back?

Mr. Wizard: Good evening, Mr. Cuckoo, Mary and Tom. I’m alone, I’m sad, I’m cold and hungry. If you can cook  meals and make me happy, I’ll return the keys.

 Конкурс:  «Еда»

Mr. Wizard: I will make breakfast, lunch, dinner myself. I won’t be hungry.

TOM: Mr. Wizard, the children know poems and songs, would you listen to them.

               (зрители 4-5 человек читают стихи и поют о Рождестве на английском)

Mr. Wizard: I’ll return the keys, let Christmas start in the world. Hurray!


Все участники выходят на поклон и поздравляют зрителей с Рождеством и Новым годом.

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