упражнения для фонетической зарядки
материал (иностранный язык, 4 класс) по теме

Болконская Марина Евгеньевна

В помощь учителю.Кому-нибудь еще это интересно.


Предварительный просмотр:


  1. A cup of coffee from a copper coffee-pot.
  2.  2. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
  1. A big blue bucket of blue-berries.
  2. Pleased to meet you.
  3.  5. Extremes meet.
  4.  6. Bill’s sister sings well.
  1. One, two, three / Let me see / Who likes coffee / and who likes tea. One, two, three / Oh, I see / You like coffee / And I like tea.
  2. Please, Steve and Pete, eat meat and green beans.
  3. He speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease.
  4. Pete drinks whiskey, Jean drinks gin.
  5. A black cat catching a fat rat.

12. A fat man clapping his hands is Pat’s Dad.

  1. If you, Andy, Have two candies, give one candy to Sandy, Andy.
  2. Ed will never get the better of Ted.
  3.  Success went to Ned’s head.
  1. Ted had Dad’s hat on his head.
  2. . Can you imagine that? Success went to Pat’s head.
  1. Polly wants her coffee strong.

19. Dolly wants an office job.

  1. New Lords, new laws.
  2. Of all the saws I ever saw / I never saw a saw / saw as this saw saws.
  3. Bert will be thirteen next birthday.
  4.  Repeat the verse word for word.
  1. An earl gave Pearl a fur and a circlet of pearls for her thirty-first birthday.
  2. Paul Thornaby adores Mort Morgan’s daughter Laura.
  3. Paul and Pearl are on board a ship.
  4. Gordon and Bert like to walk but they don’t like to work.
  5. Does the bus run every Monday?
  6. Margaret and Charles are dancing in the garden under the stars.
  7. A book about woodwork? What about “Woodwork for beginners?” by Peter Bull?
  8. Ruth can’t say boo to a goose.

Предварительный просмотр:



  1. Barbara is a beautiful blonde with bright blue eyes.
  2. Barbara’s baby brother Bobby is bouncing a big blue ball.
  3. Pretty Polly Perkins has a pair of pretty plaits.
  4. Pat peeps at Pip playing the piano.
  5. Dan’s Dad is a good driver.
  6. Diana is the daughter of the Duke of Dundas.
  7. It’s a great idea to go to a language school in August.
  8. I have a couple of cups of coffee to keep me awake.
  9. Ken catches Kate and kisses her quickly.
  10. Three grey geese in a green field grazing // Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.
  11. An immense mammoth in the museum at Memphis.
  12. Martha always makes a mountain out of a molehill.
  13. No doubt Nicholas knows Nigel.
  14. Henry hands his nephew Nigel a brand-new pound note on Sundays.
  15. There is nothing like listening to birds singing spring songs.
  16. Ray King was recording a song called “Bells Are Ringing”.
  17. Seven evil devils have no virtue.
  18. Vivienne is vivacious and full of nerve.
  19. It’s Philip’s fourth birthday on Friday.
  20. That’s funny. Philip is fifteen.
  21. wrong; whole; who; wrist; wrap
  22. William is worried about woodworm in the woodwork of his wardrobe.
  23. I wonder what’s worrying Willy?
  24. Whether the weather is good // Whether the weather is bad // We’ll weather the weather // Whatever the weather.
  25. The busy bees are flying over the roses.
  26. Swan swam over the sea // Swim, swan, swim // Swan swam back again // Well swum, swan!
  27. She sells seashells on the seashore // The shells that she sells are seashore shells, I’m sure.
  28. Charles is a cheerful chicken farmer.
  29. John Jones junior is a joyful gentleman who likes jokes and jam.
  30. I measure from top of my head to my toes // I measure my arms starting here by the nose // I measure my legs and I measure me all // I measure to see if I am growing tall.
  31. A small pool lying on a low hill on a large island in a lovely lake.
  32. Ladies and gentlemen, on your left you will see the Lumley Castle.
  33. Sorry, wrong number.
  34. The librarian reports that three hundred readers used the library reading-room in the period from February to April.
  35. The third Thursday of this month is the sixteenth.
  36. There are three brothers. These are their father and mother. This is their other brother.
  37. hour; honest; honour; rhyme; forehead; where; what; when
  38. Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall // Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall // All the King’s horses and all the King’s men // Couldn’t put Humpty-Dumpty together again.  

Предварительный просмотр:

Phonetics 11_2

  1. I dare swear there’s Mary down there.
  2. Mary is scared of fairies in the dairy.
  3. Can you hear clearly from here?
  4. The theatre is near here.
  5. I don’t suppose you know Rose.
  6. John won’t go home alone, so Joe goes home with John.
  7. Just outside the town, to the south, is Louwater House.
  8. When in doubt, leave it out.
  9. A train waiting at a railway station on a grey rainy day.
  10. James plays with trains and planes.
  11. Diana decides she would like to dine with Clive and arrives on time, but politely declines the white wine.
  12. What kind of noise annoys an oyster? – A noisy noise annoys an oyster.
  13. Smile a while and while you smile, others will smile and there’ll be miles of smiles.
  14. Roy and Mike are fine but noisy boys.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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