Срезовая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе
учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку на тему

Воложанина Юлия Владимировна

Срезовая контрольная  работа по английскому языку в 11 классе


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Срезовая контрольная  работа по английскому языку в 11 классе

Фамилия, имя:________________________________________________


Use the phrases to complete the sentences.

made off      found guilty     pay a fine      prison sentence    identified the mugger     stand out

1. She was ___________ of the murder of Jessie Roberts.

2. Anyone caught speeding will have to ________ of ₤60.

3. The burglar was given an 11-month ____________.

4. Don’t be so timid; you need to ____________ for your right to express yourself freely.

5. The robbers broke into the shop and __________ with 100,000 pounds worth of jewelry.

6. The witness ____________ who had attacked him in the street three days before.


Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets (-ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive).

1. My brother made me ______________ (apologize) for taking his football without asking.

2. He’s old enough ___________ (drive) a car.

3. I don’t like ___________ (shout) at you but sometimes you make me so angry!

4. You should ___________ (be) very careful when you walk in dark streets at night.

5. I like to have a glass of milk before ___________ (go) to bed.


On the evening of his birthday, a teenager from a tiny village in northern Germany clicked “send” on his computer. Within three hours, the postal service in Taiwan was in chaos, computers in hospitals and banks in Hong Kong had crashed, and trains in Australia and the USA had stopped.

In court a few months later, the teenager, Sven Jaschan, was charged with criminal damage. He was found guilty of putting the terrible ‘Saser’ computer virus on the Internet and received a 21- month suspended sentence. He avoided prison because he was only eighteen when he committed the crime. The virus infected millions of computer systems across the world and caused millions of dollars of damage

Sven admitted his guilt to the detectives who came to his home last year. He had spent an enormous amount of time creating the Sasser virus on the computer in his bedroom. He often spent ten hours a day in front of his computer but his parents hadn't known what he was doing at the time

When he released the virus on the Internet he didn't realise it would cause so much damage. He was just delighted that it had worked. ‘I felt as if I had written a first-class essay’, said Sven. ‘I told my classmates - they thought it was terrific’. But his feelings changed very quickly. He was terrified when he saw a TV news report about the virus and the damage it had caused.

Detectives arrested Sven after one of his classmates contacted Microsoft and told them about him. Microsoft had offered a $250000 reward for information about the virus. However, Sven’s teachers at school were astonished that Sven had created the virus. They said that he wasn't a brilliant computer student. ‘There are others in the class who are better than him’, one teacher said!

While he was waiting for his trial to start, Sven left school and started work. He now works for a computer company, making ‘firewalls’ - vital pieces of software that protect computers from viruses!


There has been a murder in Yately, a village in England. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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