Технологические карты для уроков английского языка в 4 классе по теме "America"
учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Немченко Марина Геннадьевна

Технологические карты для уроков английского языка в 4 классе по теме "America"


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Предварительный просмотр:

The United States of America

The Discovery of America



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the life of Christopher Columbus;
  • the contents of the story “The Discovery of America”.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Christopher Columbus;
  • give a short summary of the story “The Discovery of America”.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. достигать
  2. матрос
  3. открытие
  4. парус
  5. первооткрыватель
  6. открывать
  7. плыть под парусом

Task: fill in a suitable word 

  1. When shall we … the port?
  2. Television is a very important … of the 20th century.
  3. Captain Cook was a famous … .
  4. There was a beautiful white … on a boat.
  5. I’ve read a very interesting book about important … of our century.
  6. Christopher Columbus was a great … .
  7. Who … America?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “The Discovery of America”

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.







Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text  

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. In our days everybody knows what the word “America” means.
  2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in1492.
  3. People know everything about Christopher Columbus.
  4. Christopher Columbus was born in Spain.
  5. His parents were rich.
  6. Christopher Columbus lived in England for a long time.
  7. Christopher Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.
  8. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round.
  9. Christopher Columbus sailed to India twice.
  10. “The New World” was the name of the new land.

Task: answer the following questions

  1. What was Christopher Columbus?
  2. Where was he born?
  3. Where did Christopher Columbus live?
  4. What is Christopher Columbus famous for?
  5. Where did Christopher Columbus go in 1492?
  6. Who gave him money to go to India?
  7. How did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  8. How did people call America?

Task: put the following sentences into a right order.

  1. He was born in Italy.
  2. After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land.
  3. And America is the name of the two continents.
  4. It was a new land – a new continent.
  5. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India.
  6. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
  7. In our days everybody knows what the word America means.
  8. It was America.
  9. Christopher Columbus thought it must be America but it wasn’t.
  10. First of all it is the name of the country.
  11. People don’t know much about Christopher Columbus.
  12. People began to speak about the land as “The New World.”
  13. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round.
  14. Christopher Columbus lived in Spain for a long time.

Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about Christopher Columbus? 

  • Say a few words about him.
  • Choose a partner and talk about Christopher Columbus.
  • Give a short summary of the story “The Discovery of America.”

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.12 p.312.

Don’t forget to use the CF.

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.

Use ex.14 p.314 as a plan.

Mind your grammar!


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling test ex.7 p.310
  2. learn the new words ex.8 p.316
  3. to get more information about Christopher Columbus & his voyages to the New World study ex.13 p.317

      Good luck!



The United States of America

Native Americans



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the life of Native Americans.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Native Americans.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: translate into English

  1. хороший охотник
  2. деревянный дом
  3. мир
  4. дружба
  5. вдоль дороги
  6. жить в мире
  7. миролюбивая страна
  1. охотиться на лисицу
  2. родной город
  3. лес
  4. немного орехов
  5. курить
  6. родная земля

Task: fill in a suitable word 

  1. The Native Americans were very … and helped a lot the first English colonists in the New World.
  2. Many years ago the Native Americans fished and … wherever they chose.
  3. What is your father’s hobby? – He is a … .
  4. Some Indians ate only grass, fruit and … what they could find.
  5. All people in the world want to live in … .
  6. As far as I know, you were born in Brighton, have lived for a long time in London. So what is your … city?
  7. The Great Fire of London burnt for four days because the houses were … at that time.
  8. Excuse me, where is the toy shop? – Go … the street, turn right and you’re at the toy shop.  
  9. You should give up … .
  10. We always live in … with our neighbours.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Native Americans”

            ex.17 p.337

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: answer the following questions

  1. The Native Americans came from Siberia, didn’t they?
  2. How did they travel?
  3. How did they meet the English colonists?
  4. Where did the Native Americans live?
  5. Prove that the Native Americans were peaceful.
  6. What did the Native Americans believe in? Why?
  7. What did they have before they went hunting or fishing?
  8. Why are Native American songs and poems a very important part of their traditions?
  9. What can you say about a famous American tradition of smoking a peace pipe?
  10. Where do most Native Americans live now?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties consult

ex.17 p.337.

don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills

Task: what have you learnt about the life of Native Americans?

  • Give a short summary of the story “Native Americans”;
  • Choose a partner and talk about the life of Native Americans.





Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling test ex.13 p.335
  2. speak about the life of Native Americans.




The United States of America

American Symbols



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • American symbols.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak American symbols.





Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. воскресная газета
  2. писать письма
  3. друг друга
  4. продавать газеты
  5. скучный журнал
  6. собственный дом
  7. американское правительство
  8. американский штат
  9. каждая страна

Task: could you answer the questions using the new words?

Do exercise 11 p.362 

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. There are 50 … in America.
  2. What do you prefer to read … or … ?
  3. They have … their country house and are moving to London.
  4. How many … are there in the English alphabet?
  5. … pupil must do his homework everyday.
  6. I don’t like to write … .
  7. Do you know anything about the … of the country?
  8. We haven’t seen … for ages.
  9. I can’t believe you.  – But I saw it with my … eyes.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “American Symbols”

Exercise 14 p.363

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. The American flag has thirteen stars.
  2. One of the most famous symbols of America is the Statue of Liberty.
  3. There are three colours on the flag of the USA.
  4. The USA has an official song.
  5.  One can’t see the American flag at American schools.
  6. The Statue of Liberty is situated in Washington, D.C.

Task: answer the following questions

  1. What do people often call the American flag?
  2. How many colours are there in American flag? Name them.
  3. How many stars are there in the American flag? What do they symbolize?
  4. And what about the stripes?
  5. Americans are proud of their flag, aren’t they? Develop your idea.
  6. What symbols of the USA do you know? Name them.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.14 p.363.

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about American symbols? Say a few words about each of them.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. Study the new Vocabulary  ex.11 p.370
  2. Would you like to know some facts about life in America? Then read and comprehend ex.15 p.373.

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!

The United States of America

American Way of Life



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some information about every day life in America.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • give the summary of the story “Every Day life in America”.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. расслабляться, читая газеты и журналы
  2. личный дневник
  3. переехать в новую квартиру
  4. давать советы
  5. хорошая хозяйка
  6. скучный человек
  7. возможно
  8. дружелюбный хозяин
  9. грамматическое правило
  10. полезный совет 

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. A … or a … is a person who invites people to come to his or her house as a guest.
  2. You’ve done a lot of mistakes in your test paper, so you should learn the … better.
  3. The doctor … him to have a good rest.
  4. A hot bath helps me to … .
  5. He is fond of giving … .
  6. Do you know who the … of this house is?
  7. I am sure Mr. Brown is really a … .
  8. When are you going to … to the country?
  9. My friend Edward is really a clever … .
  10. … he doesn’t do his homework regullary.

Task: translate into English

  1. Твой совет действительно хороший, но я не могу ему следовать.
  2. Ты уверен, что ты хорошо знаешь это правило?
  3. Мы поблагодарили наших хозяев за теплый прием и прекрасный вечер.
  4. Мой папа любит расслабляться, читая газеты и журналы.
  5. Кто этот человек?
  6. Она слишком часто задает вопросы личного характера.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.

Work independently, do the task in writing.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Every Day Life in America.”

Exercise 15 p.373

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: true, false or there is no information

Task: answer the following questions

  1. Do you agree with the statement that America is a friendly country? Then develop the idea.
  2. What do Americans do when they meet people for the first time?
  3. What do you know about a “pot luck” dinner?
  4. Americans love to get together, aren’t they?
  5. Do they like to relax? Prove your point of view.

Do exercise 16 p.374

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.15 p.373.

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: say what you can about the way American people live.

Mind the word order and the Grammar Tense.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

Ex.18 p.374

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!


Walt Disney’s World



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the life of Walt Disney.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Walt Disney’s World.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. говорить правду
  2. создавать героя
  3. смотреть на экран
  4. иметь успех
  5. посещать различные земли
  6. тоже, также
  7. родиться
  8. означать

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. Leo Tolstoy … in 1828.
  2. What does this word … ?
  3. Walt Disney has made a new … for children and their parents.
  4. He likes to … funny stories.
  5. Nick knows English well and he … can speak a little German.
  6. Who … Neznaika?
  7. This film has  great … .
  8. They asked us to look at the … .

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Do the task in writing.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Walt Disney World.”

Exercise 16 p.290

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: fill in a suitable word according to the story

  1. The name of Walt Disney to many people in our century means the world of  … .
  2. Walt Disney was born in … .
  3. One day he had an idea to make a … the main character of the cartoons and called him … .
  4. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the … for the first time.
  5. In fact Walt Disney … a special animal world full of optimism and success.
  6. … always feels comfortable and enjoys the cartoons very much.
  7. One day Walt Disney decided to create a special … for children and parents to have fun together.
  8. So he built Disneyland. Disneyland is in …, near ….
  9. Disneyland is a place for … of all ages.
  10. At Disneyland you can have a … on a boat, take a … to the mountains,  … all the Disney characters or just sit in the sun and eat …!

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: could you tell your classmates

  • what you know about Walt Disney;
  • how Mickey Mouse came into the screen;
  • why Disney’s cartoons are so popular with the audience;
  • what you know about Disneyland;
  • your favourite Walt Disney’s cartoon.

Mind the word order and the Grammar Tense.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. study the new Vocabulary ex.12 p.296

read and translate ex.17 p.298

   Good luck!


My Country

I Love Russia



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • the geographical position of Russia;
  • Russian symbols.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • give the summary of the story “I Love Russia.”




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. враг
  2. честный человек
  3. берег озера
  4. храбрый человек
  5. преданный друг
  6. межу
  7. благородный поступок
  8. русская береза
  9. храбрость

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. There is a nice town on the … of the river.
  2. He is very … to his mother.
  3. Russian people plant … near their houses and  always sing beautiful songs about it.
  4. Where is the arm-chair? – It’s … the sofa and the table.
  5. He comes from a … family.
  6. You can believe him, he never tells a lie, he is an … person.
  7. He is famous for his … .
  8. A successful man often has many … .

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “I Love Russia.”

Exercise 12 p.382

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: answer the questions ex.13 p.384

Do exercise 16 p.374

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.12 p.382.

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: prove:

  • Russia is a large and rich country;
  • Russian people are very brave and devoted to their country.

Mind the word order and the Grammar Tense.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling text ex.6 p.380
  2. speak about Russia

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!

The United States of America

The History of Thanksgiving Day



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the history of Thanksgiving Day.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about the way Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. с тех пор как
  2. быть в опасности
  3. вместе
  4. Бог
  5. дикая индейка
  6. хороший урожай
  7. готовиться к чему-то
  8. упорный, тяжелый

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. The first colonists in America had a very … life during their first year.
  2. A … is like a chicken but much bigger.
  3. Autumn is a … season.
  4. He has lived in London …2002.
  5. The colonists wanted to thank … for many things.
  6. My friend and I usually go to school … .
  7. His work was difficult and full of … .
  8. Have you … dinner?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “The History of Thanksgiving Day”

Exercise 17 p.328

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday.
  2. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day in October.
  3. Thanksgiving Day is the most important day in the American year.
  4. People go to church on that day.
  5. Americans celebrate this holiday in offices.
  6. Thanksgiving Day is rather like Christmas.
  7. The life of the first colonists was difficult and full of danger.
  8. There were many turkeys in New England.
  9. In the autumn of 1620 the colonists had their first harvest.
  10. The colonists had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people.
  11. The dinner lasted for five days.
  12. The turkey has become the symbol of  Thanksgiving Day.

Task: answer the following questions

  1. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  2. How do Americans celebrate this holiday?
  3. What is the traditional meal for this day?
  4. What can you say about the life of the first colonists in America?
  5. Why did the colonists have a thanksgiving dinner in autumn of 1621?
  6. What for did they thank God?
  7. What is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day? Why?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.17 p.328

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about Thanksgiving Day?


  • About the way Americans celebrate this holiday;
  • About the history of this holiday.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. Study the new Vocabulary  ex.13 p.335
  2. Would you like to know some facts about  the life of Native Americans? Then read and comprehend ex.17 p.337.

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!

The United States of America

The Discovery of America



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • the word formation: compounds;
  • some facts from the life of Christopher Columbus;
  • the contents of the story “The Discovery of America”.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • make up new words;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Christopher Columbus;
  • give a short summary of the story “The Discovery of America”.






Your aim: get acquainted with the new rule of word formation

Task: study the grammar material on page 309 / 407

Work independently

Work in pairs

(методика ВЗ)

Your aim: check yourself if you can use the new grammar material

Task:  do ex.4 p.310

Task: do ex. 17 p. 314 (in writing)





Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. достигать
  2. матрос
  3. открытие
  4. парус
  5. первооткрыватель
  6. открывать
  7. плыть под парусом

Task: answer the questions from ex. 9 p.311

Task: fill in a suitable word ex.20 p.319

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work in pairs

(методика ВЗ)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “The Discovery of America”

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.





Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text  

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. In our days everybody knows what the word “America” means.
  2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in1492.
  3. People know everything about Christopher Columbus.
  4. Christopher Columbus was born in Spain.
  5. His parents were rich.
  6. Christopher Columbus lived in England for a long time.
  7. Christopher Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.
  8. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round.
  9. Christopher Columbus sailed to India twice.
  10. “The New World” was the name of the new land.

Task: answer the following questions

  1. What was Christopher Columbus?
  2. Where was he born?
  3. Where did Christopher Columbus live?
  4. What is Christopher Columbus famous for?
  5. Where did Christopher Columbus go in 1492?
  6. Who gave him money to go to India?
  7. How did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  8. How did people call America?

Task: put the following sentences into a right order.

a) He was born in Italy.

b) After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land.

c) And America is the name of the two continents.

d) It was a new land – a new continent.

e) In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India.

f) Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

g) In our days everybody knows what the word America means.

h) It was America.

i) Christopher Columbus thought it must be America but it wasn’t.

j) First of all it is the name of the country.

k) People don’t know much about Christopher Columbus.

l) People began to speak about the land as “The New World.”

m) He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round.

n) Christopher Columbus lived in Spain for a long time.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.12 p.312.

Don’t forget to use the CF.

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about Christopher Columbus? 

  • Say a few words about him;
  • Choose a partner and talk about Christopher Columbus;
  • Give a short summary of the story “The Discovery of America.

Use ex.14 p.314 as a plan.

Mind your grammar!


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling test ex.7 p.310
  2. learn the new words ex.8 p.316
  3. to get more information about Christopher Columbus & his voyages to the New World study ex.13 p.317

      Good luck!



The United States of America

The Discovery of America



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • the word formation: compounds;
  • some facts from the life of Christopher Columbus.

To be able to:

  • use compounds in your speech;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Christopher Columbus;
  • give a short summary of the story “The Discovery of America”.



Your aim: check yourself how you can use  the new words

Task: fill in a suitable word 

  1. When shall we … the port?
  2. Television is a very important … of the 20th century.
  3. Captain Cook was a famous … .
  4. There was a beautiful white … on a boat.
  5. I’ve read a very interesting book about important … of our century.
  6. Christopher Columbus was a great … .
  7. Who … America?

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.




Your aim: check yourself if you know some information about the discovery of America  

Task: answer the following questions

  1. What was Christopher Columbus?
  2. Where was he born?
  3. Where did Christopher Columbus live?
  4. What is Christopher Columbus famous for?
  5. Where did Christopher Columbus go in 1492?
  6. Who gave him money to go to India?
  7. How did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  8. How did people call America?

Task: put the following sentences into a right order.

a) He was born in Italy.

b) After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land.

c) And America is the name of the two continents.

d) It was a new land – a new continent.

e) In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India.

f) Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

g) In our days everybody knows what the word America means.

h) It was America.

i) Christopher Columbus thought it must be America but it wasn’t.

j) First of all it is the name of the country.

k) People don’t know much about Christopher Columbus.

l) People began to speak about the land as “The New World.”

m) He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round.

n) Christopher Columbus lived in Spain for a long time.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.12 p.312.

Don’t forget to use the CF.

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about Christopher Columbus? 

  • Say a few words about him;
  • Choose a partner and talk about Christopher Columbus;
  • Give a short summary of the story “The Discovery of America.

Use ex.14 p.314 as a plan.

Mind your grammar!


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. learn the new words ex.8 p.316
  2. to get more information about Christopher Columbus & his voyages to the New World study ex.13 p.317

      Good luck!



The United States of America

The Discovery of America



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • the word formation: compounds;
  • the contents of the story “The Discovery of America”.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • make up new words;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree.






Your aim: get acquainted with the new rule of word formation

Task: study the grammar material on page 309 / 407

Work independently

Work in pairs

(методика ВЗ)

Your aim: check yourself if you can use the new grammar material

Task:  do ex.4 p.310

Task: do ex. 17 p. 314 (in writing)





Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. достигать
  2. матрос
  3. открытие
  4. парус
  5. первооткрыватель
  6. открывать
  7. плыть под парусом

Task: answer the questions from ex. 9 p.311 using the new


Task: fill in a suitable word ex.20 p.319

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work in pairs

(методика ВЗ)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “The Discovery of America”

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text  

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. In our days everybody knows what the word “America” means.
  2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in1492.
  3. People know everything about Christopher Columbus.
  4. Christopher Columbus was born in Spain.
  5. His parents were rich.
  6. Christopher Columbus lived in England for a long time.
  7. Christopher Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.
  8. Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet was round.
  9. Christopher Columbus sailed to India twice.
  10. “The New World” was the name of the new land.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.12 p.312.

Don’t forget to use the CF.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling test ex.7 p.310
  2. ex.14 p.314

      Good luck!



The United States of America

Let’s Remember Columbus



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some information about Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the New World;

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • divide the text into logical parts;
  • choose the right statement;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about  - Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the  

                               New World;

                           - the first English settlements in America




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Ex.7 p.310

Task: fill in a suitable word 

  1. When shall we … the port?
  2. Television is a very important … of the 20th century.
  3. Captain Cook was a famous … .
  4. There was a beautiful white … on a boat.
  5. I’ve read a very interesting book about important … of our century.
  6. Christopher Columbus was a great … .

      7.   Who … America?

Ex.8 p.316

Task: translate into English

  1. интересоваться чем-либо
  2. круглая башня
  3. старое поселение
  4. маленький остров
  5. появляться

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Christopher Columbus’s Voyages”  ex.13 p.318

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the contents of the story about Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the New World;

Task:  true, false or don’t know ex.14 p.318

Task: divide the text into two parts & name them

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)



Your aim: brush up your speech skills

Task: what have you learnt about Christopher Columbus’s Voyages to the New World   the life of Native Americans?

  • Give a short summary of the story “Native Americans”;
  • Choose a partner and talk about the life of Native Americans.

The United States of America

Let’s Remember Columbus



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some information about Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the New World;
  • since & for in the Present Perfect Tense.

To be able to:

  • make up sentences using the active vocabulary of the lesson;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about  - Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the  

                               New World;

             - the first English settlements in America;

  • use since & for (say for how long …).




Your aim: check yourself if you can use the new words in your speech

Task: do ex.1-4 p. 320

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. Me elder brother … in reading books.
  2. The Earth is … .
  3. Cuba is an … .
  4. The first English … appeared in America at the beginning of the 17th century.
  5. An … is smaller than the continent.
  6. Suddenly a ship … on the sea.
  7. There was a .. table and four chairs in the room.

T – Cl

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills

Task: what have you learnt about Christopher Columbus’s Voyages to the New World & the first English settlements in America?

  • Speak about Christopher Columbus’s Voyages to the New World ;
  • Speak about the first English settlements in America;

  • Choose a partner and talk about the first English settlements in America.

You may use ex.16 p.319 as a plan.

The questions of ex.17 p.319 can help you.


Your aim: brush up your grammar skills

The United States of America

Let’s Remember Columbus



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some information about Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the New World;

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • answer the questions using the active vocabulary of the lesson;
  • read and translate;
  • divide the text into logical parts;
  • choose the right statement.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: translate into English

  1. интересоваться чем-либо
  2. круглая башня
  3. старое поселение
  4. маленький остров
  5. появляться

Task: answer the questions ex.10 p.316

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Christopher Columbus’s Voyages”  ex.13 p.318

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the contents of the story about Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the New World;

Task:  true, false or don’t know ex.14 p.318

Task: divide the text into two parts & name them

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

Work independently


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling test ex.8 p.316
  2. ex.17 p.319
  3. ex.18 p.319

B –level

C - level


The United States of America

Native Americans



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the life of Native Americans.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Native Americans.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: translate into English

  1. хороший охотник
  2. деревянный дом
  3. мир
  4. дружба
  5. вдоль дороги
  6. жить в мире
  7. миролюбивая страна
  1. охотиться на лисицу
  2. родной город
  3. лес
  4. немного орехов
  5. курить
  6. родная земля

Task: fill in a suitable word 

  1. The Native Americans were very … and helped a lot the first English colonists in the New World.
  2. Many years ago the Native Americans fished and … wherever they chose.
  3. What is your father’s hobby? – He is a … .
  4. Some Indians ate only grass, fruit and … what they could find.
  5. All people in the world want to live in … .
  6. As far as I know, you were born in Brighton, have lived for a long time in London. So what is your … city?
  7. The Great Fire of London burnt for four days because the houses were … at that time.
  8. Excuse me, where is the toy shop? – Go … the street, turn right and you’re at the toy shop.  
  9. You should give up … .
  10. We always live in … with our neighbours.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Native Americans”

            ex.17 p.337

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: answer the following questions

  1. The Native Americans came from Siberia, didn’t they?
  2. How did they travel?
  3. How did they meet the English colonists?
  4. Where did the Native Americans live?
  5. Prove that the Native Americans were peaceful.
  6. What did the Native Americans believe in? Why?
  7. What did they have before they went hunting or fishing?
  8. Why are Native American songs and poems a very important part of their traditions?
  9. What can you say about a famous American tradition of smoking a peace pipe?
  10. Where do most Native Americans live now?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties consult

ex.17 p.337.

don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills

Task: what have you learnt about the life of Native Americans?

  • Give a short summary of the story “Native Americans”;
  • Choose a partner and talk about the life of Native Americans.





Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling test ex.13 p.335
  2. speak about the life of Native Americans.




The United States of America

American Symbols



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • American symbols.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak American symbols.





Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. воскресная газета
  2. писать письма
  3. друг друга
  4. продавать газеты
  5. скучный журнал
  6. собственный дом
  7. американское правительство
  8. американский штат
  9. каждая страна

Task: could you answer the questions using the new words?

Do exercise 11 p.362 

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. There are 50 … in America.
  2. What do you prefer to read … or … ?
  3. They have … their country house and are moving to London.
  4. How many … are there in the English alphabet?
  5. … pupil must do his homework everyday.
  6. I don’t like to write … .
  7. Do you know anything about the … of the country?
  8. We haven’t seen … for ages.
  9. I can’t believe you.  – But I saw it with my … eyes.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “American Symbols”

Exercise 14 p.363

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. The American flag has thirteen stars.
  2. One of the most famous symbols of America is the Statue of Liberty.
  3. There are three colours on the flag of the USA.
  4. The USA has an official song.
  5.  One can’t see the American flag at American schools.
  6. The Statue of Liberty is situated in Washington, D.C.

Task: answer the following questions

  1. What do people often call the American flag?
  2. How many colours are there in American flag? Name them.
  3. How many stars are there in the American flag? What do they symbolize?
  4. And what about the stripes?
  5. Americans are proud of their flag, aren’t they? Develop your idea.
  6. What symbols of the USA do you know? Name them.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.14 p.363.

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about American symbols? Say a few words about each of them.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. Study the new Vocabulary  ex.11 p.370
  2. Would you like to know some facts about life in America? Then read and comprehend ex.15 p.373.

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!

The United States of America

American Way of Life



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some information about every day life in America.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • give the summary of the story “Every Day life in America”.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. расслабляться, читая газеты и журналы
  2. личный дневник
  3. переехать в новую квартиру
  4. давать советы
  5. хорошая хозяйка
  6. скучный человек
  7. возможно
  8. дружелюбный хозяин
  9. грамматическое правило
  10. полезный совет 

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. A … or a … is a person who invites people to come to his or her house as a guest.
  2. You’ve done a lot of mistakes in your test paper, so you should learn the … better.
  3. The doctor … him to have a good rest.
  4. A hot bath helps me to … .
  5. He is fond of giving … .
  6. Do you know who the … of this house is?
  7. I am sure Mr. Brown is really a … .
  8. When are you going to … to the country?
  9. My friend Edward is really a clever … .
  10. … he doesn’t do his homework regullary.

Task: translate into English

  1. Твой совет действительно хороший, но я не могу ему следовать.
  2. Ты уверен, что ты хорошо знаешь это правило?
  3. Мы поблагодарили наших хозяев за теплый прием и прекрасный вечер.
  4. Мой папа любит расслабляться, читая газеты и журналы.
  5. Кто этот человек?
  6. Она слишком часто задает вопросы личного характера.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.

Work independently, do the task in writing.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Every Day Life in America.”

Exercise 15 p.373

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: true, false or there is no information

Task: answer the following questions

  1. Do you agree with the statement that America is a friendly country? Then develop the idea.
  2. What do Americans do when they meet people for the first time?
  3. What do you know about a “pot luck” dinner?
  4. Americans love to get together, aren’t they?
  5. Do they like to relax? Prove your point of view.

Do exercise 16 p.374

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.15 p.373.

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: say what you can about the way American people live.

Mind the word order and the Grammar Tense.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

Ex.18 p.374

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!


Walt Disney’s World



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the life of Walt Disney.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about Walt Disney’s World.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. говорить правду
  2. создавать героя
  3. смотреть на экран
  4. иметь успех
  5. посещать различные земли
  6. тоже, также
  7. родиться
  8. означать

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. Leo Tolstoy … in 1828.
  2. What does this word … ?
  3. Walt Disney has made a new … for children and their parents.
  4. He likes to … funny stories.
  5. Nick knows English well and he … can speak a little German.
  6. Who … Neznaika?
  7. This film has  great … .
  8. They asked us to look at the … .

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Do the task in writing.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “Walt Disney World.”

Exercise 16 p.290

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: fill in a suitable word according to the story

  1. The name of Walt Disney to many people in our century means the world of  … .
  2. Walt Disney was born in … .
  3. One day he had an idea to make a … the main character of the cartoons and called him … .
  4. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the … for the first time.
  5. In fact Walt Disney … a special animal world full of optimism and success.
  6. … always feels comfortable and enjoys the cartoons very much.
  7. One day Walt Disney decided to create a special … for children and parents to have fun together.
  8. So he built Disneyland. Disneyland is in …, near ….
  9. Disneyland is a place for … of all ages.
  10. At Disneyland you can have a … on a boat, take a … to the mountains,  … all the Disney characters or just sit in the sun and eat …!

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: could you tell your classmates

  • what you know about Walt Disney;
  • how Mickey Mouse came into the screen;
  • why Disney’s cartoons are so popular with the audience;
  • what you know about Disneyland;
  • your favourite Walt Disney’s cartoon.

Mind the word order and the Grammar Tense.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. study the new Vocabulary ex.12 p.296

read and translate ex.17 p.298

   Good luck!


My Country

I Love Russia



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • the geographical position of Russia;
  • Russian symbols.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • give the summary of the story “I Love Russia.”




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. враг
  2. честный человек
  3. берег озера
  4. храбрый человек
  5. преданный друг
  6. межу
  7. благородный поступок
  8. русская береза
  9. храбрость

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. There is a nice town on the … of the river.
  2. He is very … to his mother.
  3. Russian people plant … near their houses and  always sing beautiful songs about it.
  4. Where is the arm-chair? – It’s … the sofa and the table.
  5. He comes from a … family.
  6. You can believe him, he never tells a lie, he is an … person.
  7. He is famous for his … .
  8. A successful man often has many … .

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “I Love Russia.”

Exercise 12 p.382

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.



Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: answer the questions ex.13 p.384

Do exercise 16 p.374

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.12 p.382.

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: prove:

  • Russia is a large and rich country;
  • Russian people are very brave and devoted to their country.

Mind the word order and the Grammar Tense.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. get ready for a spelling text ex.6 p.380
  2. speak about Russia

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!

The United States of America

The History of Thanksgiving Day



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts from the history of Thanksgiving Day.

To be able to:

  • give the English equivalents;
  • fill in a suitable word;
  • read and translate;
  • agree or disagree;
  • answer the questions;
  • speak about the way Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day.




Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: give the English equivalents

  1. с тех пор как
  2. быть в опасности
  3. вместе
  4. Бог
  5. дикая индейка
  6. хороший урожай
  7. готовиться к чему-то
  8. упорный, тяжелый

Task: fill in a suitable word

  1. The first colonists in America had a very … life during their first year.
  2. A … is like a chicken but much bigger.
  3. Autumn is a … season.
  4. He has lived in London …2002.
  5. The colonists wanted to thank … for many things.
  6. My friend and I usually go to school … .
  7. His work was difficult and full of … .
  8. Have you … dinner?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВД)

Work independently.

Check the task with the key.



Your aim: improve your reading and translation skills

Task: read and translate the text “The History of Thanksgiving Day”

Exercise 17 p.328

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.




Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the text

Task: true, false or there is no information

  1. Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday.
  2. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day in October.
  3. Thanksgiving Day is the most important day in the American year.
  4. People go to church on that day.
  5. Americans celebrate this holiday in offices.
  6. Thanksgiving Day is rather like Christmas.
  7. The life of the first colonists was difficult and full of danger.
  8. There were many turkeys in New England.
  9. In the autumn of 1620 the colonists had their first harvest.
  10. The colonists had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people.
  11. The dinner lasted for five days.
  12. The turkey has become the symbol of  Thanksgiving Day.

Task: answer the following questions

  1. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  2. How do Americans celebrate this holiday?
  3. What is the traditional meal for this day?
  4. What can you say about the life of the first colonists in America?
  5. Why did the colonists have a thanksgiving dinner in autumn of 1621?
  6. What for did they thank God?
  7. What is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day? Why?

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex.17 p.328

Don’t forget to use the CF.



Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: what have you learnt about Thanksgiving Day?


  • About the way Americans celebrate this holiday;
  • About the history of this holiday.


Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.


Home task:

  1. Study the new Vocabulary  ex.13 p.335
  2. Would you like to know some facts about  the life of Native Americans? Then read and comprehend ex.17 p.337.

   Good luck!

Thank you for your cooperation!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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