Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 4 классе по УМК "Starlight 4"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Гарбузова Ирина Валерьевна

Технологическая карта урока разработана по УМК "Starlight 4" К. Барановой, Дж. Дули. Урок направлен на закрепление обучающимися лексики по теме "Животные", использование времени Present Continuous. Основной целью урока является знакомство обучающихся со степенями сравнения прилагательных, а также развитие устной речи посредством описания и сравнения различных животных. На уроке используются современные педагогические технологии, что позволяет сделать его эффективным и интересным, а также повышает мотивацию к изучению английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Технологическая карта урока.

Teacher’s name:  Garbuzova I.V.

Form:  4

Topic: Animals

Type of the lesson: the lesson of application of the knowledge and skills on the subject

Aim of the Lesson: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to compare animals, using comparative and superlative degrees of comparison and active lexis of the Module.


          Teaching -   to practise using the verbs in Present Continuous;

  • to improve the skills of pronunciation;
  • to practise comparing animals
  • to practise speaking using Present Continuous;
  • to practise using lexis on the topic in speech

        Developing- to develop the skill of reading, logic, the methods of thinking: analysis, synthesis, attention, observation, critical thinking 

        Educating – to promote interest for studying English, to form the culture of communication, to develop moral and ethical qualities of the person 

Lesson Prosedure.


Methods or Steps

Purpose of the activity

Patterns of Interaction

Teacher’s activity

Pupils’ activity

1 min.

1 min.

I. Warming Up

-Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you!

-What is the date today?

What is the day?

What is the weather like today?

-And now I want you to look at the blackboard.

-What will we speak about today?

-That’s right. We’ll compare animals and speak about them.

-Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!

Students answer the questions.

Student 1 reads the poem on the slide.

-About animals and adjectives.

To lead the students into the communicative activity

Class work

Slide 1

Slide 2

1 min.

II. Phonetic drills

Now let’s read the words.

Students read

 the words  all together                                            

To practise the students to pronounce word combinations correctly

Class work

Slide 3

2 min.

3 min.

1 min.

1 min.

3 min.

4 min.

3 min.

III. Grammar. Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Great. Now listen to my story and find the difference between the adjectives. “My collection of toy animals” I’ve got a great collection of toy animals. I’ve got three foxes. This one is nice, that is nicer and the last fox is the nicest of all.

And I’ve got three monkeys. This one is funny, that is funnier and the last monkey is the funniest of all. All my collection is in three boxes. This one is big, that is bigger and the last box is the biggest of all. And it is the most beautiful. Revise rules.

Now look at the board again let’s compare the animals. Please, read the example.

That’s great. Let’s check your homework.

Open your book ex.1 p.80 and give your book to your partner and let’s check. Read the first sentence, please.

Well done! Now give your book back. Ex.4 p81

Do in pairs please. And look at your pictures and continue.

Let’s do ex.6 p.81

We’ll listen two times.

Let’s check your homework.  ex.5 p.81 and p.82

p.84 – this comics you’ll listen and read and do ex.2 at home.

Now look at the board and compare animals according to the example

We have no time, look at the board and check your work.

Students find the differences and answers.


compare the animals.

Students read the sentences one by one.

Students read and do exercise. Then they look at the pictures and work in pairs.


do ex.6 p.81,

check  ex.5 p.81, p.82


write the degrees of comparison of adjectives

To develop students’ skills for analysis and classification of the adjectives

To practise the students to compare animals using degrees of comparison;

To practise the students to use active lexis in speech

Class work

Slide 4

Class work

Slide 5

Slide 6

1 min.

Now, stand up, please.

Let’s have a rest.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

Can you be like a good child?

As still as you wish?

Well, take your sits.

Students do the exercises

To make the students to relax

Class work

10 min.

IV. Activating of lexis

Now look at the board and give characteristics
of the following animals and birds. Look at your pictures and continue in pairs.

Students give characteristics
of the animals

To practise the students to use active lexis in speech

Pair work

Slide 7

2 min.

 V. Speech drills.

Very good. It’s time to make up the short topic about animals.

Now let’s answer the questions.

What are your favourite animals?

What are they like?

What do they like doing?

Why do you like them?

What do you think

 when you listen about

these animals? Only one word!

Учитель записывает ответы на доску и получается синквейн.

That’s great. Now we have a cinquain.

Students answer the questions.

To practise the students on oral speech

Class work

6 min.

3 min.

VI. Team work.

That’s really nice.

Now let’s form 3 teams. Red, green and blue. Each team will choose one animal and write a

cinquain about it. Let’s begin our team work. We have only three min.

Stop, please. I want to listen to your cinquains.


work in teams and make cinquains.

Each team comes to the board and reads their cinquains.

To practise the students to work in team, to develop the skills of communication

Group work

1 min.


2 min.

VII. Reflexing.

Do you like our lesson?

What can you do now?

What do you understand?

So let’s talk about your homework.

Объяснение домашнего задания на русском языке.

As for me I like your work.

Good bye.

Students answer the questions.

Slide 8

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