конспект урока в 3 классе
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс)

данный конспект урока разработан к учебнику Тер-Минасовой. 3 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ф. И. О. педагога: Котова Г.С.

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 4a

Дата проведения: 19.02.18

Тема урока: “Let’s help the planet”


Вид урока: смотр знаний, устные опросы, творческие задания.

Цель урока: 

Деятельностная: развитие навыков структуризации полученного знания, умение перехода от частного к общему и наоборот, формирование навыков самоконтроля.

Содержательная: проверка знаний, умений, приобретенных навыков и самопроверка учеников.

Воспитательная: воспитание бережного отношения к природе.

Задачи урока: активизировать и закрепить лексику по теме «Защита природы», развивать навыки монологической речи, учить строить логичные высказывания, отстаивать свою точку зрения используя имеющиеся лексические единицы, закрепить навыки составления высказываний на заданную тему с использованием фразовых клише.

Используемые педагогические технологии: ИКТ, проектная деятельность, технология развития критического мышления, здоровьесберегающие

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая

Методическое обеспечение: интерактивная доска, мультимедийная презентация, учебник, рабочая тетрадь.

Используемые ресурсы: С.Г.Тер-Минасова учебник, электронный учебник, видеоролик.

Ход урока:


T: Good morning, everybody! I am glad to see you.

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it?

Is anybody absent?

What season is it?

What is your favourite season?

How are you today?

Slide 1

T: Put the letters in the correct order.

Ss: Possible answers. (planet, protect, nature, animals, water, forest)

The Main part of the lesson

Slide 2

T: Look at the pictures. What do you see?

Slide 3 

T: What can we do to help the planet and animals?

Slide 4    

T: We are going to listen to the dialogue. Open your textbooks. Page 24. Ex.5.

     Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

Ss: Possible answers.

It is a special holiday.

It was an American holiday.

In April.

People protect nature. They clean water and the air.

They protect trees and flowers, animals and fish.

They make homes for birds.


Slide 5

T: What animals do you know?

T: What animals are the symbols of Australia and Canada?

T: What do you know about these animals?

Read the text and correct the mistakes. Pair work.

There are grey and brown kangaroos. The kangaroo has usually got a big head with long ears and a long funny nose. It has got a short tail. When it is hungry, it eats red food. It can swim very well. The kangaroos make their homes on rivers.

The koala lives in Canada. It is red and grey. It has got small funny ears and a white nose. The koala is not very lazy. It runs a lot. It eats yellow leaves from trees.

The beaver lives in Australia. It is a white tree animal with long hair. It has got short legs and a funny tail. Beavers make their homes in trees. Trees protect them from big hungry animals.

Slide 6 

T: What animals are the symbols of Russia?

Describe them.

Ss: Possible answers.

T: Do you have any pets?

Tell us about your favourite animal or a pet.

Ss: Possible answers.

Slides 7


T: What did we talk about?

Now you know how to protect nature and help animals.

Ss: Possible answers.

T: You’ve worked great today.

Your marks are …..

Slide 8

Your Home task is Ex. 11, 12, 14 page 88-89 and Ex.5 page 97

Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!

Card 1

Read the text and correct the mistakes.

There are grey and brown kangaroos. The kangaroo has usually got a big head with long ears and a long funny nose. It has got a short tail. When it is hungry, it eats red food. It can swim very well. The kangaroos make their homes on rivers.

The koala lives in Canada. It is red and grey. It has got small funny ears and a white nose. The koala is not very lazy. It runs a lot. It eats yellow leaves from trees.

The beaver lives in Australia. It is a white tree animal with long hair. It has got short legs and a funny tail. Beavers make their homes in trees. Trees protect them from big hungry animals.

Card 1

Read the text and correct the mistakes.

There are grey and brown kangaroos. The kangaroo has usually got a big head with long ears and a long funny nose. It has got a short tail. When it is hungry, it eats red food. It can swim very well. The kangaroos make their homes on rivers.

The koala lives in Canada. It is red and grey. It has got small funny ears and a white nose. The koala is not very lazy. It runs a lot. It eats yellow leaves from trees.

The beaver lives in Australia. It is a white tree animal with long hair. It has got short legs and a funny tail. Beavers make their homes in trees. Trees protect them from big hungry animals.

Card 1

Read the text and correct the mistakes.

There are grey and brown kangaroos. The kangaroo has usually got a big head with long ears and a long funny nose. It has got a short tail. When it is hungry, it eats red food. It can swim very well. The kangaroos make their homes on rivers.

The koala lives in Canada. It is red and grey. It has got small funny ears and a white nose. The koala is not very lazy. It runs a lot. It eats yellow leaves from trees.

The beaver lives in Australia. It is a white tree animal with long hair. It has got short legs and a funny tail. Beavers make their homes in trees. Trees protect them from big hungry animals.

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