Открытый урок по теме "Prepositions of place"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Барабанова Татьяна Александровна

Материал данного урока подходит для ребят из 4 класса. Задания направлены на запоминание учащимися предлогов места.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «Предлоги места». 4 класс

  1. Организационный этап.

Teacher (T): Today we have an unusual lesson. You are my students now. My name is Tatiana Alexandrovna and I`m your teacher for today.

  1. Речевая разминка.


Let`s start with tongue twister.

“Not these things here, but those things there”.

  1. Этап проверки знаний.

A topic of our lesson is prepositions of place. Do you know any prepositions? Which of them do you know?

Tell me, please a rule about prepositions.

We can use prepositions of place to say where things are.

Look at this! This is our book for today. Open your books at page 1 Ex. 1

Write the words under the pictures. (На картинке нарисован мяч и коробки. Следует подписать нужный предлог).

Ex. 3 p. 2 Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

  1. What have you got_____ this bag?  in front of / in / opposite
  2. We`re waiting for your friends ___her house. in front of / under / on
  3. My sister was hiding ____the door! under / behind / on
  4. I didn`t sit ______my best friend today. in / between / next to
  5. Is your house _______the park? on / opposite / between
  6. Can I sit _______you and my Mum on the sofa? under / behind/ between
  7. Stand ________the umbrella; it`s raining! under / behind/ in
  8. Please, don`t put your feet _____the table.  between / in / on

Ex. 1 p. 1  True (T)  or false (F) ? Read and circle true or false for these sentences.

     I love our pets! Our dogs like playing in the garden behind our house, sleeping under my bed and sitting in front of the TV. Our hamster lives in a cage next to our fish. He has a little house between his wheel and his water. He`s on his wheel now!

a). She has got some dogs, a hamster and some fish.                     T  /  F

b). The dogs like playing in the garden in front of her house.       T  /  F

c). They like sleeping on her bed.                                                       T  /  F

d). The hamster has a little house.                                                     T  /  F

e). He`s on his house now.                                                                   T  /  F

Now let`s watch a grammar video.  https://youtu.be/0J0W796MxVE

It`s name is “Hero`s adventure”. We can see and listen a dialog between Kitty and her Gran. Then answer the question : “Where is hero the hamster?” Let`s watch! (смотрят видео 2 раза)

Интерактивная игра. What`s the word?


Read the dialog between Kitty and Gran

Hero`s adventure.

Kitty: I can`t believe, you lost Hero, Gran! Where did you last see him?

Gran: He was next to the front door.

Kitty: And now…..?

Gran: I don`t know where he is. Why don`t you try looking for him, Detective Kitty!

Kitty: Where shall I start?

Gran: Try behind my bed. Not in front of the bed. Behind the bed, Kitty!

Kitty: Hmm. He was here but he isn`t now!

Gran: Is he on the top of the wardrobe?

Kitty: Oops! I was looking under the wardrobe! Let me think. Mmm…in the bed?  Aha! Hero! He`s between the pillows!

(смотрим видео еще 1 раз)

Ex. 2 p. 5 Watch the video and circle the correct answer.

a). Gran last saw Hero next to  the _______.  lamp / front door / window

b). Hero was behind  the _________.  wardrobe / chair / bed

c). Kitty looks _________  the wardrobe.  under / on top of / behind

d). There`s a __________ under the wardrobe. cat / spider / mouse

e). ___________is in the bed. Kitty/ Gran / Hero

f). Hero is between  the __________.  pillows / books / clothes

Write some sentences about where things are in your bedroom.

4 этап.  Рефлексия. (reference card)

5 этап. Домашнее задание. Описать свою комнату. Рассказать о местоположении предметов используя предлоги места.


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