Материал к ГИА по английскому языку 9 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Name ______________________Grade_______________
Examination Test (Grade 9, June 2009)
1. Установите соответствия рубрик A-G отрывкам 1-6, взятых из различных газет. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз, в задании одна рубрика лишняя.
1. I was angered by the article entitled Losing his Grip, published in Wednesday's issue of your newspaper. The arti cle suggested that footballer Alan Baxter was not playing as well as he used to. However, if the author had researched the article properly, he would have known that Mr. Baxter's game has actually improved recently.
2. Partly cloudy with a chance of showers. Lows in the higher sixties. South winds 10 to 15 miles per hour later becoming northerly at 5 mph. Chance of rain.
3. Sony HiFi system. CD player and double cassette deck with radio, two speakers, remote control and aerial. In good condition. £50 or nearest offer. Call: 01345 134596 evenings only.
4. 7pm: Celebration Street Rachel is wondering where Dave has got to and Marie is thinking of taking a new job. Gary wants to end# his relationship with Susie but she has other things on her mind. (Repeat)
5. Buying tickets for David Hamilton's stage production of 'Hamlet may be the best thing you do this year. Not only is the performance beautifully directed with a fabulous cast, but the stage design is also very good. True theatre lovers should not miss it.
6. Winger Airways announced today that it would begin flying from New York to Hong Kong twice a week in June 2004. Hong Kong will be the 12th destination in Winger Airways' growing network. Winger Airways currently operates eight non-stop services each week from New York to popular holiday destinations.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
2. Прочитайте вопросы 1-5 и рекламные объявления A-F различных музеев, и установите соответствие между вопросами и рекламными объявлениями. В каждом тексте вы найдете ответ только на один вопрос. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу, приведенную ниже, где под номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании один текст лишний.
Which museum would you visit if you ...
- want to view works of art by various artists?
- want to view artwork done by a Dutch artist?
- want to learn about prehistoric creatures?
- want to see an artifact made for a king?
- want to see sculptures you can eat?
A. 'Museo de la Xocolata' (Chocolate museum), Barcelona, Spain.
This museum traces the history of chocolate from its ori gins to its diffusion around the world, and displays a strange series of sculptures made out of chocolate. The museum hosts temporary exhibitions from time to time in addition to its permanent collection. Make sure to take part in the tasting sessions at the end of the tour.
B. 'Musee d’ Orsay’, Paris, France.
Museum of fine arts in former railway station that features a collection of art of the period 18484914, including the impressionists. Paintings, pastels, sculptures, furniture, and photography reflect the richness and diversity of this era. If you like impres sionist paintings, this is the place to go.
C. 'Rembrandt House Museum', Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Rembrandt lived and worked from 1639 to 1658 in this 17th century house which has been refurbished and turned into a museum. It houses many of his artistic works including most of his etchings. This museum pays tribute to Rembrandt's life and career.
D. 'Dinosaur Museum of Blanding', Utah, USA.
The dinosaur museum where you can look into the distant past as you move among life-size realistic dinosaur models, fossils and skeletons. Make sure to view the dinosaur eggs, fossilized dinosaur skin and a fossilized tree that is over 275 million years old.
Barcelona's science museum opened in 1981 and was the first of its kind in Spain. The main objective of the museum is to provide information on science and technology to the general public and students in particular. The museum consists of exhibitions with interactive models for visitors to operate.
F. ‘The Egyptian Museum in Cairo', Egypt.
The renowned Egyptian museum in Cairo, completed in 1902, has more than 120,000 artifacts on display. It has 107 halls with objects ranging from the prehistoric era to the Greco-Roman period. The best-known exhibit in the museum is the golden funerary mask of king Tutankhamun.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3. Read this text and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space.
A success story
When Rodney was at school, he was one of (I)_______students. During class he 2)_______ daydream of all the things he would do when he left school. He was an amusing boy who 3)____ a lot of jokes and so he was very (4)_______with the other students. He would get invited to
parties because he told (5)_______stories and he often (6)_______ the whole class laugh with his funny remarks. He also had another talent: he used to (7)_______magic tricks at parties. He (8)_______this skill from his grandfather who was a (9)_______magician. Years after he had
left school, Rodney became one of (10)_______TV stars in the country.
1 A worse | B | the worst | C | the worse | D | bad |
2 A use | B | usually | C | used | D | used to |
3 A has known | B | knows | C | knew | D | knowed |
4 A famous | B | popular | C | jealous | D | attractive |
5 A the fun | B | funnier | C | the funnier | D | the funniest |
6 A make | B | made | C | maked | D | has made |
7 A make | B | produce | C | bring | D | perform |
8 A has learnt | B | was learning | C | has been learning | D | had learnt |
9 A qualification | B | occupied | C | professional | D | success |
10 A successful | B | more successful | C | most successful | D | the most successful |
4. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные справа так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
You can't see it, you can't smell it and it is usually very ____________________ danger to touch it; electricity is, _____________, sure
an _____________________ form of energy. amaze We use it to light and heat our homes, to start our car engines and to wake us
up in the mornings. Without ________________ we would not have electric
television, telephones, computers and many other things.
In fact, it is _______________ to imagine our world possible without it.
Many famous scientists were doing ________________ experimental with electricity in the 19th century, but the story of one man stands out.
Michael Faraday, a man who never had a proper school_____________ educate made the_______________ electric motors and generators as part of his one
experiments. His work led to the ___________________ great
understanding of what electricity is. A full _______________ explain of the theory of electricity would have to wait until science understood
the nature of atoms and electrons, but there is no doubt that Faraday
was a ______________________ man, and fame one of the greatest _______________ of his time. science
Read the extract from your pen-friend’s letter. His name is Andrew. Write a letter to Andrew, who has just sent you a present. In your letter:
- tell him about your clothes;
- ask three questions about a new shop in his street.
Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Where do you buy your clothes? Do you like going shopping?
By the way, a new shop has just opened in our street. Now it takes me two minutes to go shopping.
6. Listening A
Вы услышите интервью с ученым. Выберете и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.
1. Francisco Sanchez is
A an astronaut B astronomer C a TV presenter
2. Sanchez has discovered
A the Big Bang B new stars C new facts about the stars
3. How long ago did the Big Bang take place?
A 14,000 years ago B 4 million years ago C 14,000 million years ago
4. The biggest telescope in Europe will be in
A Spain , La Pama B Greece C Chile
5. When will the sun come to an end?
A In 5,000 years B In 5 million years C In 5,000 million years
6. How much of the universe do we already know?
A 10 per cent B 19 per cent C 90 per cent
Listening B
Вы услышите высказывания четырех молодых людей о школе. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-4 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-E. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Запишите ответы в таблицу.
- I have enough time to do my homework.
- He/She doesn’t like school at all.
- He/She would like to finish school earlier.
- He/She doesn’t like to study on Saturdays.
- He/She thinks the government shouldn’t make the summer holidays shorter.
Говорящий | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Утверждение |
English Olympiad Grade 8 ( 2007 )
1. Read this text and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space.
A success story
When Rodney was at school, he was one of (I)_______students. During class he 2)_______ daydream of all the things he would do when he left school. He was an amusing boy who 3)____ a lot of jokes and so he was very (4)_______with the other students. He would get invited to
parties because he told (5)_______stories and he often (6)_______ the whole class laugh with his funny remarks. He also had another talent: he used to (7)_______magic tricks at parties. He (8)_______this skill from his grandfather who was a (9)_______magician. Years after he had
left school, Rodney became one of (10)_______TV stars in the country.
1 A worse | B | the worst | C | the worse | D | bad |
2 A use | B | usually | C | used | D | used to |
3 A has known | B | knows | C | knew | D | knowed |
4 A famous | B | popular | C | jealous | D | attractive |
5 A the fun | B | funnier | C | the funnier | D | the funniest |
6 A make | B | made | C | maked | D | has made |
7 A make | B | produce | C | bring | D | perform |
8 A has learnt | B | was learning | C | has been learning | D | had learnt |
9 A qualification | B | occupied | C | professional | D | success |
10 A successful | B | more successful | C | most successful | D | the most successful |
2. Read the text and mark the sentences as true/false/not given.
I have just come back from fortnight at Vista Beach. What a terrible holiday! The weather was awful, the town was boring, the hotel was dreadful and I spent all my money. It rained almost every day and there was a strong wind which blew from the sea, so that when it didn’t rain it was impossible to sit on the beach.
There wasn’t much to do in the town – not many interesting places to visit. So I stayed in the hotel most days and read a lot of books and watched a lot of rain. In the evening I went out to bars and discos. But I didn’t talk to many people, because I didn’t feel well. The hotel looked beautiful in the travel brochure but when I got there I found it was small and dirty. Most of the meals were badly cooked and the waiters were slow and rather rude. I had a tiny room with one small window and a beautiful view of the local fish market. What a smell! And what a noise!
I’m back in England now and I need a holiday.
- It was a terrible holiday.
- He spent two weeks at Vista Beach.
- He spent all his money on entertainment.
- It rained every day.
- He made many friends.
- The hotel looked the same as in the travel brochure.
- He didn’t like the food.
- The waiters were badly trained.
- He didn’t like the view out of the window.
- He wished he had holidays.
.Writing and Listening Midterm Test ( Grade 11) .
Read the extract from your pen-friend’s letter. His name is Andrew. Write a letter to Andrew, who has just sent you a present. In your letter:
- tell him about your clothes;
- ask three questions about a new shop in his street.
Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Where do you buy your clothes? Do you like going shopping?
By the way, a new shop has just opened in our street. Now it takes me two minutes to go shopping.
Listening A
Вы услышите интервью с ученым. Выберете и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.
1. Francisco Sanchez is
A an astronaut B astronomer C a TV presenter
2. Sanchez has discovered
A the Big Bang B new stars C new facts about the stars
3. How long ago did the Big Bang take place?
A 14,000 years ago B 4 million years ago C 14,000 million years ago
4. The biggest telescope in Europe will be in
A Spain , La Pama B Greece C Chile
5. When will the sun come to an end?
A In 5,000 years B In 5 million years C In 5,000 million years
6. How much of the universe do we already know?
A 10 per cent B 19 per cent C 90 per cent
Listening B
Вы услышите высказывания четырех молодых людей о школе. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-4 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-E. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Запишите ответы в таблицу.
- I have enough time to do my homework.
- He/She doesn’t like school at all.
- He/She would like to finish school earlier.
- He/She doesn’t like to study on Saturdays.
- He/She thinks the government shouldn’t make the summer holidays shorter.
Говорящий | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Утверждение |
Name ______________________Grade_______________
Examination Test (Grade 9, June 2008)
- Установите соответствия рубрик A-H отрывкам 1-7, взятых из различных газет. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз, в задании одна рубрика лишняя.
1. This is a full-length (ninety minutes) cartoon, which is entertaining for both adults and children over six. The animation and colour are of very high quality and the story has lots of fun and excitement. The plot is quick moving and full of surprises. There's romance, action, comedy, music and lots of fantastic songs and dances.
2. This is a full-blooded magnificently written por trait of history's most fascinating woman. Readers will lose themselves for hours in this richly entertaining novel full of dramatic twists and turns. From the spec tacular era that bears her name comes the spellbinding story of Elizabeth I — her tragic childhood, her con frontation with Mary, Queen of Scots and her brilliant reign.
3. The young woman is shown in a "shepherdess" hat and white dress, recalling a classical chiton. The background landscape, common in such paintings, seems to indicate the heroine's closeness to nature, to the ordinary joys of life. The painter's colour range -at times as translucent as porcelain, at others muted like mother-of-pearl — is based upon subtle plays of gray and green, light blue and pink.
4. In this picture one is struck by the artist's abso lute mastery in portraying natural details, whether the dry, sandy soil of the forest, the clear stream of water in the foreground, the yellow bark and fluffy needles of
the pines, or the sense of a bright, clear, calm summer day. The artist managed to create an image familiar to anyone who has seen a Russian forest.
5. Have a good time on the most lively and exciting island in the Caribbean. Relax under a palm tree on the white sandy beaches. Swim in the clear, blue sea. Listen to the bands playing Calypso music. Or get really ad venturous and go scuba diving for sunken treasure on the sea bed. Join in the many cultural celebrations we offer, for example the sugar harvest festival.
6. This event is considered the greatest attraction for visitors to the Isle of Man. No definite date can be given, but it is normally held between 5th and 15th July. The Pageant begins at about 8 p.m. First we are given a glimpse of village life in Celtic times. Then suddenly Viking long ships appear and then there are scenes of war. Then Celts and Vikings unite, and the Manx nation is born. The actual Pageant is followed by a grand torchlight procession and firework display.
7. Do you like Latin American dancing? Do you want to dance like you see in the films and on the stage? Do you want to feel the rhythm of the music in your body and in your soul? Do you want to meet other people who have a love for the same music as you? If you have answered "Yes" to any of these ques tions, join our Latin dance classes on Thursday night between seven and ten. All are welcome.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
2. Прочитайте вопросы 1-5 и рекламные объявления A-F различных городов в Италии, и установите соответствие между вопросами и рекламными объявлениями. В каждом тексте вы найдете ответ только на один вопрос. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу, приведенную ниже, где под номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании один текст лишний.
Small Towns of Lazio Region (Italy)
1. What is a port town?
2. Where can you enjoy theatre performan ces in the ancient theatre?
3. What town has been the seaside resort for thousands of years?
4. Where can you watch the wild birds and animals in their natural environment?
5. Where can you walk through the garden paths and enjoy flowering plants?
Sperlonga: The most ancient nucleus of the town, dating back to the Middle Ages, is grouped together on a peak of the mountain jut ting out towards the sea and it has the typical appearance of a Mediterranean seaside resort. The climate and scenery were renowned and ap preciated even in Roman times. You can visit the ruins of the Grotto of Tiberius there.
Gaeta: From Sperlonga to Gaeta the coast winds in an intricate and stupendous arabesque of promontories and bays up to the characteris tic natural port which was one of the attrac tions of the ancient city of the Aurunci. The medieval district of St Erasmus with its cathe dral and Angevin-Aragonese Castle is an au thentic jewel.
Fondi: Situated on a lake of the same name, the sea and the slopes of the Aurunci moun tains, the plane of Fondi is one of the most re nown agricultural areas in Latium. In the in habited centre, there is the Cathedral of San Pi-etro, the Baronial Castle and the Palace of the Prince.
Minturno: A large town with a medieval as pect, Minturno rises on the terrace dominating the sea. Particularly interesting are the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Minturnae with its theatre of the 1st century AD excellently preserved and the seat of summer theatrical activity.
Ninfa: A medieval town, completely abandoned in the 18th century due to malaria, it has been defined by the historian Gregorovius as the "Pompei of the Middle Ages". Today it is a botanic garden dominated by the tower of the Caetani Castle.
Sabaudia: The elegance of this new town, founded only half a century ago, is due to the regular urban planning and to the splendid natural setting of the sea. The National Park of Circeo starts there. It was constituted in 1934 to safeguard the marvelous nature of the area. It extends over 8.300 hectares one-third of which consists of uncontaminated state-owned forests where wildlife and vegetation are protected.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3. Read this text and decide which answer, 1, 2, 3 or 4, best fits each space.
A Model
One morning Hughie visited a painter, Alan. He 22 _____by Hughie at first because of the
young boy's charm. However, after he 23 _____ Hughie better, he liked him quite as much for his generous nature.
When Hughie came in, he found Trevor 24 _____a wonderful picture of a beggar-man. The beggar himself 25 _____on a platform in a corner of the studio. He was an old man, with a very unhappy expression. Over his shoulders there was a dirty coat; his thick boots 26 _____, and in one hand he had a rough stick, while with the other he 27 _____his hat for money.
"What an amazing model!" whispered Hughie.
"Oh, yes!" shouted the painter. "Such beggars as he 28 _____every day".
"Poor old chap!" said Hughie. "How miserable he 29 _____! How much does a model get for sitting?" asked Hughie.
"A shilling an hour".
"Well, I think the model should have a percentage", cried Hughie; "they 30 _____quite as
hard as you do".
"Nonsense, nonsense!" said Alan and left the room for a minute.
The old beggar-man looked so tired and miserable that Hughie could not help 31 _____
him. He felt in his pockets 32 _____what money he had. All he could find was a coin. "Poor old fellow", he thought to himself, "he wants it more than I do". And he threw the coin into the beggar's hat.
22 1) had attracted 2) attracted 3) was attracted 4) had been attracted
23 1) had known 2) knew 3) was known 4) know
24 1) finishing 2) finish 3) was finished 4) to finish
25 1) stood 2) standing 3) stands 4) was standing
26 1) were wearing 2) were worn 3) had worn 4) had been worn
27 1) hold out 2) was held out 3) held out 4) had held out
28 1) don't meet 2) have not met 3) are not met 4) isn’t met
29 1) is looking 2) looked 3) looking 4) looks
30 1) work 2) are working 3) have been working 4) have worked
31 1) pitying 2) pity 3) pitied 4) to pity
32 1) to see 2) saw 3) to seeing 4) see
4. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные справа так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Marilyn Monroe
She was born in 1926 and always had the _________________ bad memories of her __________________________. Ben Lyon, children
_____________________ of the most country first _________________ producers in Hollywood changed her name to power
Marilyn Monroe. Unfortunately, in her first films she has no chance to show
what ____________________ actress she was. skill
But in the 50th her film “ Some Like it Hot “ was very _____________ success
and turned her into a film star. However, in her _______________ life person Marilyn was very ____________________ and her marriages failed . happy
She started taking drugs to get her through her _______________ sleep nights and most of her friends left her.
Read the extract from your pen-friend’s letter. His name is Dan. Write a letter to Dan, who is going to visit you in May. In your letter:
- tell him about your favorite season;
- ask three questions about his visit to Russia.
Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
…I know that the climate is not the same in different parts of your big country.
As we have agreed I’ll be visiting you at the end of May. What is the weather like in May in the place you live? I’d like to know what clothes to bring with me.
By the way, what season do you like and why?
6. Listening A
Вы услышите разговор между тур оператором и женщиной, которая хочет заказать путевку на лето. Отметьте утверждения как правильное (true) или неправильное (false).
1. A woman wants to book a holiday for 4 people.
2. She wants to go on holiday in July.
3.The woman doesn’t want to go on safari because it would be too expensive.
4. When on holiday the woman’s family enjoy going to museums.
5. The woman went to Spain last year.
6. The travel agent asks the woman to pay for her booking beforehand.
Listening B
Вы услышите высказывания пяти людей о том , как они добираются до работы. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-F. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Запишите ответы в таблицу.
He/She goes to work by…
A. motorbike
B. car.
C. bicycle
D. bus
E. underground (tube)
Говорящий | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Утверждение |
Говорящий | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Утверждение |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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