Контрольные работы для учебника англ. языка Бонк Н.А.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Моя разработка представляет собой семестровые контрольные работы, разработанные на базе учебника английского языка под редакцией Бонк Н.А.,Котий Г.А., Лукьяновой Н.А. Они охватывают лексический и грамматический материал 3 и 2 курсов.Контрольные работы представлены в трёх вариантах каждая.


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для групп переучивания 3 курс 2 семестр.



1.Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.


  1. Don’t say these words  … a loud voice
  2. There is a beautiful river … the Soul of my town.
  3. Whom are you waiting …?
  4. Yesterday I went … home … the taxi.
  1. My mother is looking … all her letters and telegrams.
  2. He said that we were going … the wrong directions.
  3. This man is hurry.
  4. Out teacher often speaks to us … a low voice and we don’t hear … him

2.Поставьте глагол в нужной форме.

  1. My parents have never been angry  … me.
  2. I must say good-bye … my friends, because he is leaving to Paris.
  3. There is beautiful forest  not far … our town.
  4. They will go …  the west … a few days.
  1. I (to make) my first voyage 5 years ago.
  2. He often ( to read) books about voyages.
  3. My friends ( to smoke) in the corridor, when he saw them.
  4. Look! She (to come) home now.
  5. They (to have) dinner at that time tomorrow.
  1. My girl-friends ( to like) to go sightseeing.
  2. Our students (to go) to Minsk last summer.
  3. I (to hurry) to the Institute, when you met me.
  4. What are you doing? – I (to read) a book.
  5. I (to meet) my friends at the railway station at 8 tomorrow evening

  1. I (to have) dinner, when you came home.
  2. My family (to go) shopping last week.
  3. My mother always ( to make) breakfast for me
  4. We (to discuss) this questions at 5 o’clock next  Monday.
  5. Where you (to hurry) now?

3.Запишите предложения в страдательном залоге

  1. We often discuss these questions after work…
  2. She finished the work yesterday.
  3. My wife will pack these dress into the suit-case.
  1. The workers construct many houses in our town.
  2. He wrote this book in 1990.
  3. They will visit many places of interest in Moscow.

  1. The teacher gives a lot of work to the students.
  2. My friends wrote this article last year.
  3. I will take this book in the library.

4. Поставьте местоимения в нужной форме.

  1. This book is not (my, me, mine).
  2. (My, me, mine) pen is worse take (her, hers).
  1. A friends of (him, his) told me about it.
  2. These books are not (yours, your), don’t take (their, theirs, them)  
  1. May I take (your, yours) pen?
  2. The flat of my mine friends is lager, than (your tours).

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для групп переучивания 3 курс 1 семестр






1. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо

1) My friends and I always prepare … our exam together.

2) I’m going … the seaside with my sister … this year.

3) This village is not very far … Moscow.

  1.  When I was away … holiday last year, I went to the country.
  2. I met my friend … the way to the factory … last week.
  3. My sister lives … a narrow and dirty street.
  1.  I’ll have my holiday … the end of May next year.
  2. She only stayed … home a week or two.
  3. My brother is going … the country with his wife … this year.

2. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме

1) She just (to write) a letter.

2) We seldom (to speak) Russian at our classes.

3) In 1999 we (to go) to Sochi with my friend.


  1. He always (to come) for his work in time.
  2. She never (to be) to London.
  3. Jack (to come) hone very early yesterday.


  1. My sister (to live) in Moscow in 1980.
  2. She (to know) English well.
  3. We (not to work) in the garden yet.

3. Закончите следующие предложения

1) He couldn’t go there,…?

2) My friend is at home,…?

3) You didn’t see your parents,…?


  1. She know you,… ?
  2. Her sister speaks English,… ?
  3. You were not born in Moscow,… ?


  1. You are busy now,… ?
  2. Our mother works at the factory,… ?
  3. She can’t speak French,… ?

4. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме, соблюдая правило согласования времён

1) He said that he (to live) in Leningrad in 1945.

2) I knew that he (to work) at the factory.

3) They didn’t know that they (to go) there next year.


  1. He said that he (to live) in Leningrad next year.
  2. I knew that he (to work) at the factory 3 years before.
  3. We knew, that Peter (to be) in Kiev/


  1. He said that (to live) in Leningrad.
  2. I knew that he (to work) at the factory next month.
  3. Mr. Smith said that he (to hear) a lot about this gallery many years ago.

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 курс 1 семестр

Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Вариант 3

 1.Написать три формы глагола

To come

To speak

To know

To be

To write

To give

To take

To go

To send

2.Вставить предлоги, где это необходимо

  1. A lot…students go…college every day.
  2. I don’t like…playing football.
  3. This is a letter … my sister(моей сестры).

  1. My friend’s soon … college now.
  2. Ann’s children were … hospital … last week.
  3. I am always … time … my lessons.
  1.  I’m going … hospital … two days.
  2.  Mary lives near … a large park.
  3.  He usually gets … home at 4 o’clock. 

3. Поставить все вопросы к предложению.

  1.  Ann speaks French well.
  2.  We wrote a letter yesterday.
  1.  We live in a big house.
  2.  He read a book last week.
  1.  Mary works at English school.
  2. They lived in Moscow last year.

4. Перевести с английского на русский.

  1.  They worked at a large factory three years ago.
  2.  When did you last read an interesting book?
  1.  Last month my sister received a letter from her friend.
  2.  When did he decide to go to the theatre?
  1.  They were here an hour ago.
  2.  Where did you send your telegram yesterday?

5. Перевести с русского на английский.

  1. Мой рабочий день длился 8 часов в прошлом году.
  1. Моя сестра приехала в Москву три года назад.
  1. В прошлом году наши студенты говорили по-английски хорошо.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для групп переучивания 2 курс 2 семестр

Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Вариант 3

1.Поставьте глагол в нужную форму.

  1. I (to get up) late yesterday morning.
  2. She often (to play) the piano in the evening.
  3. We (to translate) a text now.
  4. You already (to read) this book.
  5. I (can) read when I was a little boy.
  6. We (to have to go) to the cinema yesterday.
  1. She seldom (to come) home at 12 o’clock.
  2. We ( to take) this book at the library yesterday.
  3. I just ( to see) a very interesting film.
  4. My brother (to watch) TV now.
  5. We ( to have to learn) these words last week.
  6. She (can) speak English, where she was 4 years old.
  1. My friend (to live) in the country.
  2. He (to come) home from school on hour ago.
  3. They never (to be) to London.
  4. My sister (to speak) on the telephone now.
  5. She (can) play the piano very well.
  6. We (have) to visit our parents last night.

2. Задайте 4 вопроса к предложению.

They have leaned the new rule today.

We have a long walk today.

I have translate this text today.

3.Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

  1. My mother teaches English…..the Institute…Foreign languages.
  2. We do our homework…home.
  3. She always helps…her mother…the evening.
  4. We live…the center…Leningrad.
  5. I’m going to speak…the telephone.
  6. These book are too difficult…me.
  1. She usually comes….the Institute…9 o’clock.
  2. We spend 6 hours…school…every day.
  3. They do not live…their parents.
  4. There is a table…the center…the room.
  5. What did you hear…the radio yesterday.
  6. I always go…in summer (уезжаю).
  1. We start work…the morning and finish…tonight.
  2. They live…the country, not far …Moscow.
  3.  My sister often stays…her mother.
  4. There is a piano…the right the table.
  5. I always watch TV or listen…the radio.
  6. I want ti read a book…Oscar Wilde.

4.Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. When did you last have a dictation?
  2. How well can you ski?
  3. Where is your telephone?
  4. Do you like playing football?
  5. Did you spend the summer in town?
  1. How many mistakes did you make in your last dictation?
  2. Can you go to the cinema today?
  3. Do you like music?
  4. Where is your piano?
  5. Do you like watching TV?
  1. When did you leave school?
  2. Can you speak English or German?
  3. Do you live in a house or block of flats?
  4. Where is your TV set?
  5. How often do you listen to the radio?

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