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Лобанова Светлана Игоревна

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Предварительный просмотр:

Tambov Region Museum Complex”

        Tambov Region is a Russian Federation subject, a part of Central Federal District. The provincial capital of the region is Tambov. Our goal is to give an idea about it's museums, supplied with the illustrated materials.

        There is an idiom in the Russian language: "Tambov wolf is comrade for you". It is tied with history of the region.

Museum of Wolf

        There is a Wolf museum in Tambov, appeared because of the mentioned idiom. The concept of the museum is an attempt to create a model for modern mythology, being worked out from the bottom of the mind, representing kind of syncretism, which includes elements of artistic and analytic, narrative and ritual, psychological and ethnical, cognitive and recreational. All the discource of the museum is based on the image of the wolf, which is very rich in meanings and associations. Museum includes biological exposition (all wolves of the world), historic and culturological one (image and theme of the wolf in the history, ethnography, mythology of the different peoples of the world), art show of the works, where a wolf as a main character and exposition of the Tambov Wolf, including everything tied with this idiom.

                       Tambov Museum of Regional Studies

        Tambov Museum of Regional Studies is one of the oldest Russian museums. It was established in 1879 and based on several donated private collections. Today there are more than 72 thousands of exhibits in the museum archive. Among others there are unique collections of ceramics (including amazing porcelain collection), archeology, ethnography. The museum has an interesting collection of drawings and oil pictures. The prioruty of the museum work is popularizing of the Tambov history. Several exhibitions are thematically bound with the names of famous people, who visited or livid in Tambov region (e. g. "Friendship of Pushkin and Baratinsky"). At the contemporary moment the museum scientific staff is succesfully developing several new exhibition projects.


        The museum includes archive, departaments of history, nature, metodic, restoration, scientific library, photo lab, planetarium and also four branch-museums (among them Rachmaninov's). Yearly more than 70 thousands of visitors experience the unique histori of Tambov and local museum.

                G.V.Chicherin House-Museum

        The Memorial House of G.V. Chicherin was opened in Tambov on December 12, 1987. The Museum is situated in the old private house of the former Russian diplomat of the19th century V.N.Chicherin. All the exhibits remind us that he was an outstanding revolutionary diplomat, a professor, a scientist, a journalist and a brilliant pianist. The Museum tells its visitors about Chicherin's life, his relatives and his house: one can hear music in the Drawing room, short plays and scenes are played here.

The Tambov Regional Art Gallery

        The Tambov Regional Art Gallery was opened for viewers on April 30, 1961. However, the museum collections in Tambov have longstanding traditions. The first museum in Tambov was founded in 1879 in honour of the 100th anniversary of governor-general institution in the region. The first Tambov museum didn't have its own premises. Five years later (in 1884) the regional scientific archives commission was founded on the initiative of N.V.Kalachov (1819 -1885). It was founded among the first four ones (in the towns of Orel, Tambov, Ryasan and Tver) and it didn't have its own place either. It was decided to locate those two organizations in one place. In the State Archives of the Tambov region there is a document called "Historic Document on the Premises of the Tambov scientific Archives Commission" (1914), where it is written that the Committee of the Tambov Public library decided to build the third floor in the building of the Public library for the Historical Archives, the Archive Commission, the library and the museum to be placed there.  Lately the gallery funds have been stocked with the pieces of arts bought by the All-Union and Russian Ministries of Culture, the regional department of culture or by the gallery. The items endowed to the gallery are rather rare now. Now the gallery keeps about 4 thousand pieces of arts.

                Tambov postal history museum

        Last on my list of Tambov museums is the post museum. This is, in a nutshell, a museum that looks at the history of the Tambov postal service. It starts right at the beginning and finishes with the latest developments. Huge interest is caused by the real objects related to Tambov post activity, submitted at museum expositions – postal bells, real sledge driven by coachmen, gas lanterns, chests and trunks for mail transportation, letter boxes, postman’s uniform.

Список используемых источников информации:

  1. http://www.russianmuseums.info/M980

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