Present Simple- Dayly routines
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Вульфсон Евгения Евгеньевна

 Целью этой работы является закрепление Present Simple


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. I / You / We / They wake up at 7 o´clock.
  2. He / She/ It wakes up at  7 o´clock


  1. I / You / We / They don´t wake up at seven o´clock.
  2. He / She/ It doesn´t wake up at seven o´clock



  1. Do  I / You / We / They wake up at seven o´clock?
  2. Does He / She/ It wake up at seven o´clock?

Short answers

  1. yes, I/we/they do

No, I / we/ they don´t.

  1. Yes, he/she/it does.

No, he/she / it doesn´t.


  1. You use the Present Simple when you want to talk about something you do regularly.

       “I usually catch the bus.”

  1. To talk about facts that are generally true.

“The sun rises every day.”

  1. You can also use the present simple when you want to talk about your thoughts and feelings at the present moment.

     “I don't want to feel as if you don't like me.”


Always, often, usually, sometimes, frequently, seldom, every day, once a week, generally…


  1. They indicate how often something occurs and are generally used with Present Simple.

Position: We usually put these adverbs:

  1. Before full verbs: drive, say, feel.
  2. After the verb be.

Present Simple

Frequency Adverbs

wake up

get up

take a



comb (my)


get dressed

put on

make up

have breakfast

go to work

have lunch

go back


get undressed


have dinner

watch TV

go to bed

brush (my)


  1. Mary does her homework (always)
  2. _______________________________________________________.
  3. Mark watches TV (seldom)
  4. _______________________________________________________.
  5. She cooks dinner. (never)
  6. _______________________________________________________.
  7. We go to school at 8 o o´clock.(often)
  8. _______________________________________________________.
  9. We stay up until 10 p.m. (sometimes)
  10. _______________________________________________________.

  1. Rewrite the sentences below put the adverbs in brackets in the right place.

B) Build sentences with the words given. Don´t forget to put the verb in the present Simple.

  1. Visit / sometimes / she / her grandparents
  2. _______________________________________________________.
  3. busy / teacher/ be / always
  4. _______________________________________________________.
  5. do / Mark / homework / seldom
  6. _______________________________________________________.
  7.  sometimes / play / Colin / at school / never
  8. _______________________________________________________.

C) Put the following sentences in the negative form

  1. Susan wakes up late.
  2. _______________________________________________________.
  3. The children watch TV
  4. _______________________________________________________.
  5. Their parents go shopping at weekends.
  6. _______________________________________________________.
  7. They go to school at 8.30
  8. _______________________________________________________.
  9. Mark and Carl do their homework before dinner.
  10. _______________________________________________________.
  11. I  leave school at 4 p.m.-
  12. _______________________________________________________.

D) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Mary _________ (wake up) at 7 o`clock.
  2. She _________(go) to the bathroom and _________(have) a shower.
  3. _________ she_________ (prepare) breakfast for her and her sister?
  4. No, she _________.
  5. Everyday Mary _________(take) her dog for a walk in the park.
  6. _________they _________ (go) for a walk in the park near their house?- Yes, they _________.
  7. Mary _________ (not/go) to school by bus.
  8. She _________(have) lunch at school.
  9. She _________not/do) her homework at night.

E) Answer these questions

  1. What time do you go to school?
  2. _______________________________________________________.
  3. Do you go to school by bus?
  4. _______________________________________________________.
  5. What time do you leave school?
  6. _______________________________________________________.
  7. Do you like soup?
  8. _______________________________________________________.
  9. How do you go to school?
  10. _______________________________________________________.

F) What do you do every day? Using the present Simple and frequency adverbs write about your daily routine.


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