Стихи и песни на уроках английского языка
статья по английскому языку на тему

Вульфсон Евгения Евгеньевна

 Использование аутентичных стихотворных форм и текстов песен на уроках английского языка не является абсолютно новым приемом для тренировки фонетики и грамматических явлений, и пополнения лексического запаса. Многие учителя используют стихи и песни на своих уроках в качестве фонетической зарядки. Чтение и заучивание поэтических текстов, разучивание и пение текстов помогает учащимся оперировать набором фонетических, лексических, грамматических элементов на автоматизированном уровне, особенно на начальном и среднем этапах обучения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Стихи и песни на уроках английского языка


     Использование аутентичных стихотворных форм и текстов песен на уроках английского языка не является абсолютно новым приемом для тренировки фонетики и грамматических явлений, и пополнения лексического запаса. Многие учителя используют стихи и песни на своих уроках в качестве фонетической зарядки. Чтение и заучивание поэтических текстов, разучивание и пение текстов помогает учащимся оперировать набором фонетических, лексических, грамматических элементов на автоматизированном уровне, особенно на начальном и среднем этапах обучения.

     Преподавание английского языка предполагает широкий спектр внеклассной работы, такой как театральные постановки, концерты. Работа в различных кружках, фонетические чтения, литературные уголки и клубы любителей литературы на английском языке. Здесь стихи и песни играют важную роль.

     В нашей школе ежегодно проводятся конкурсы песни на иностранных языках и фонетические конкурсы – участие в таких мероприятиях дополнительно мотивируют учащихся к изучению поэзии и эстрады англоговорящих стран, что в свою очередь улучшают работу учеников непосредственно на уроках.

     Стихи и песни не только знакомят учащихся с английской и американской поэзией и эстрадой, но и ведут их в культуру стран английского языка, знакомят с национальным своеобразием их традиций, быта, особенностями образности в поэтическом восприятии мира.


     Как уже было отмечено, учителя часто используют стихи и песни на своих уроках. Однако хочется заметить, что стихи и песни используются чаще всего в начальной школе. Когда как в среднем и особенно  старшем звене использование стихов и песен идет на спад. Это объясняется многими причинами – отсутствием свободного времени на уроке, падением интереса учащихся к стихам и песням и отсутствием подходящего материала. С появлением Интернета последнее отпадает, однако поиск материала занимает очень много времени самого учителя.

     Ссылаться на плотность урока не стоит, всегда можно найти минуту-другую на стихотворение и песню. Правильный подбор текстов повышает мотивацию учеников, помогает уйти от мысли о скучности и “деткости” песен и стихов. Хочется отметить современную эстраду, которая с трудом относится к высокохудожественной и нравственной. И опять все зависит от учителя, его владения предметом и знания современной эстрады.

     Я с большим удовольствие использую стихи и песни на своих урока. Со временем у меня скопился целый арсенал, с которым, хотя бы частично, хочется поделиться. Дополнительно нужно отметить два пункта – предварительную работу с текстом и задания после разбора и заучивания текстов.

Собрала огромную коллекцию стихов и песен на английском языке. С появлением Интернета проблем отныне не существует. Однако много лет тому назад, когда никто даже не знал слова компьютер, мне очень помогла книга: Б.Я.Лебединская “От чтения к устной речи”, Москва, “Высшая      школа”, 1992г. Всем, кто интересуется стихами и песнями, я бы порекомендовала начать свою собственную коллекцию именно с этой книги.

Предварительная работа с текстом

     Первое ознакомительное чтение стихотворения или текста песни необходимо проводить с разъяснением всех лексических и грамматических трудностей. Для примера привожу стихотворение, которое можно использовать при изучении темы “Food”, “Table Manners”.

At Table

Why is it Goops must always wish

 to touch each apple on the dish?

Why do they never neatly fold

Their napkins until they are told?

Why do they play with food, and bite

such awful mouthfuls? Is it right?

Why do they tilt back in their chairs?

Because they are Goops! So no one cares!

By  Gelett Burgess

     Слова Goops, neatly,to fold, mouthful, to tilt back должны быть выписаны на доску, обязательно с транскрипцией и переводом. Эти слова являются новыми и их необходимо отчитать и выучить. После снятия лексических трудностей нужно снять грамматические трудности, если таковые имеются. В данном стихотворении грамматических трудностей нет, поэтому сразу можно перейти к переводу, затем к повторению хором вслух, затем чтению стихотворения по цепочке, в парах, по одному. Стихотворение можно использовать в качестве фонетической зарядки на протяжении нескольких уроков, пока не произойдет автоматическое запоминание. Снятие языковых трудностей необходимо проводить всегда, дальнейшее использование стихов или песен зависит от цели, выбранной учителем.  Кроме фонетической зарядки стихотворение можно использовать для введения лексики по теме, а так же тренировки специального вопроса. В этом случае заучивание и многократное повторение необязательно.

Задания после разбора текстов

        Использование заданий так же зависит от цели, поставленной учителем при планировании урока.  В старших классах, когда уже не нужно заучивание, можно использовать следующие задания, развивающие речевую деятельность.

1. Retell the content of the poem or song in your own words.

2. State the central idea of the poem or song.

3. Give your opinion of the poem or song.

4. Describe the feelings and thoughts the poem aroused in you.

5. Answer the questions (If there are some).

      Такие задания я употребляю в основном в средних и старших классах, однако похожие задания можно и нужно вводить на более раннем этапе обучения, например:

  1. Do you like the poem or song?
  2. What is the poem (song) about?
  3.  Give your opinion on the poem (song)?

     Данными заданиями пользуюсь я, однако при желании можно разработать другие задания.



  1. The indefinite article

Enter November by Eleanor Farjeon

Here’s November

The year’s sad daughter,

A loveless maid,

A lamb for the slaughter,

An empty mirror,

A sunless morn,

A withered wreath,

The husk of the corn,

A night that falls

Without a tomorrow,

Here’s November,

The month of sorrow.  (10 класс)

If I had a boat

If I had a boat,

A cat boat,

A flat boat,

An upside-down-derby hat boat,

A boat like a jug, a boat like a plate,

A boat that  swings like an open gate,

That dances and dips, sweeps and slips

Over the blue,

A boat small or big,

A punt or a gig,

A row boat,

A show boat,

A fast boat,

A slow boat.

And boat’s better than no boat.  (8 класс)

2. The definite article

Things to remember  by James Reeves

The buttercups in May,

The wild rose on the spray,

The poppy in the hay,

The primrose in the dell,

The freckled foxlove bell,

The honeysuckle’s smell,

Are things I would remember

When cheerless, raw November

Makes room for dark December. (10 класс)

Who’s in?   by Elizabeth Fleming

“The door is shut fast

And everyone’s out.”

But people don’t know

What they’re talking about!

Says the fly on the wall,

And the flame on the coals,

And the dog on his rug,

And the mice in their holes,

And the kitten curled up,

And the spiders that spin—

“What, everyone’s out?

Why, everyone’s in!”  (10 класс)

The Bear and the Butterfly  by  Margaret Wise Brown

The bear and the butterfly had a fight

All the day and most of the night,

Till at last the bear lay waving his paws

And the butterfly lit on one of his jaws.

Oh, never struggle and never fight

With a butterfly on a moonlight night.

3.Number of nouns

Many windows   by Donald J.Bisset

Many windows

Many floors

Many people

Many stores

Many streets

And many bangings

Many whistles

Many clangings

Many, many, many, many--

Many of everything, many of any.  (8 класс)

My favourite things      from the film “The sounds of music”

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens,

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,

Brown paper package tied up with strings, --

These are a few of my favourite things.

Cream-coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels,

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles,

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings, --

These are a few of my favourite things.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,

Silver-white winters that melt into springs, --

These are a few of my favourite things.  (10 класс)

Sounds of the 80s  by Lesley Wilkinson

Big sounds, small sounds,

Noises fill the air;

Jets flying, babies crying,

Transistor everywhere.

Church bells ringing,

Choirboys singing,

Traffic noises too;

Clock tickling,

Dogs licking,

Noise of boat and shoe.

Fire bell clanging,

Front bells banging,

Every day they’re there;

Big sounds, small sounds,

Sounds that fill the air.  (8 класс)

Mary, Mary   by Eve Merriam

Mary, Mary,

Urban Mary,

How does your sidewalk grow?

With chewing gum wads

And cigarette butts

And popsicle sticks

And potato chip bags

And candy wrappers

And beer cans

And broken bottles

And crusts of pizza

And coffee grounds

And burnet out light bulbs

And a garbage

Strike all in a raw.  (10 класс)

The Hippopotamus     by  Ogden Nash

Behold the hippopotamus!

We laugh at how he looks to us.

And yet in moments dank and grim

I wonder how we look to him.

Peace, peace, thou hippopotamus!

We really look all right to us,

As you no doubt delight the eye

Of other hippopotami.

KITTENS   by  Eve Merriam

Kittens are furry.

Kittens are purry.

They lap at milk in a shallow dish.

They lick their whiskers and dream of fish.

The Guppy    by Ogden Nash

Whales have calves,

Cats have kittens,

Bears have cubs,

Bats have bittens.

Swans have cygnets,

Seals have puppies,

But guppies just have little guppies.

  1. The participle

The brook   by Alfred Tennyson

Grumbling, Stumbling,

Fumbling all the day;

Fluttering, stuttering,

Muttering away;

Rustling, hustling,

Bustling as it flows,

That is how the brook talks,

Bubbling as it goes.  (11 класс)

Boating   by James Reeves

Gently the river bore us

Beneath the morning sky,

Singing, singing, singing

Its reedy, quiet tune

As we went floating by;

And all the afternoon

In our small boat we lay

Rocking, rocking, rocking

Under the willow grey.  (11 класс)

School—bell   by Eleanor Farjeon

Nine-o’clock Bell!

Nine-o’clock Bell!

All the small children and big ones as well,

Pulling their stockings up, snatching their hats,

Cheeking and grumbling and giving back-chats,

Laughing and quarreling, drooping their things,

These at a snail’s pace and those upon wings,

Lagging behind a bit, running ahead,

Waiting at corners for lights to turn red,

Some of them scurrying,

Others are worrying,

Carelessly trudging or anxiously hurrying,

All through the streets they are coming pell-mell

At the Nine- o’clock



Bell ! (10 класс)

  1. The present Indefinite tense

Sixteen  by Carolyn Calahan


Sees and laughs,

listens and sighs,

sleeps and eats,

aches and cries,

babbles, thinks,

loves and hates,

stretches, lives and hopefully waits.  (8 класс)

Roadways    by John Masefield

One road leads to London,

One road runs to Wales,

My road leads me seawards

To the white dipping sails.

One road leads to the river,

As it goes singing slow;

My road leads to shipping,

Where the bronzed sailors go.

My road calls me, lures me

West, east, south, and north;

Most roads lead men homewards,

My road leads me forth.  (8 класс)


Nobody loves me

Nobody cares

Nobody picks me peaches and pears.

Nobody offers me candy and Cokes,

Nobody listens and laughs at my jokes.

Nobody helps me when I get in a fight,

Nobody does all my homework at night.

Nobody misses me,

Nobody cries,

Nobody thinks I’m a wonderful guy.

So if you ask me who’s my best friend, in a whiz,

I’ll stand up and tell you that Nobody is.

But yesterday night I got quite a scare,

I woke up and Nobody just wasn’t there.

I called out and reached out for Nobody’s hand,

In the darkness where Nobody usually stands.

Then I poked through the house, in each cranny and


But I found somebody each place that I looked.

I searched till I’m tired, and now with the dawn,

There’s no doubt about it—

Nobody’s gone!

6. The present continuous tense

All through the night    welsh melody

While the moon her watch is keeping,

All through the night.

While the weary world is sleeping,

All through the night.

Love, to thee my thoughts are turning,

All through the night,

And for thee my heart is yearning,

All through the night.  (8 класс)

In the dark  by A.A.Milne

I’m talking to a rabbit……

I’m talking to a sun…….

I think I am a hundred –

I’m one

I’m lying in a forest…….

I’m lying in a cave………

I’m talking to a dragon……..


I’m lying on my left side……

I’m lying on my right……..

(Heigh—ho !)


7. The present perfect tense

Alone   by Edgar Allan Poe

From childhood’s hour I have not been

As others were; I have not seen

As others saw; I could not bring

My passion from a common spring.

From the same source I have not taken

My sorrow; I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone;

And all I loved, I loved alone.

To Birthday Child   by  Rose Fyleman

Everything’s been different

All the day long,

Lovely things have happened,

Nothing has gone wrong.

Nobody has scolded me,

Everybody has smiled.

Isn’t it delicious

To be a birthday child?

8. The past indefinite tense

The end of the road    by Hilaire Belloc

In these boots and with this staff

Two hundred leaguers and a half

Walked I, went I, paced I, tripped I,

Marched I, held I, skelped I, slipped I,

Pushed I, panted, swung and dashed I,

Picked I, forded, swam and splashed I,

Strolled I, climbed I, crawled and scrambled,

Dropped and dipped I, ranged and rambled,

Plotted I,hobbled I, trudged and tramped I,

And in lonely spines camped I,

Lingered, loitered, limped and crept I,

Clambered, halted, stepped and leapt I,

Slowly sauntered roundly strode I,


Let me not conceal. (11 класс )

In Baltimore  by  Ogden Nash

In Baltimore there lived a boy.

He hasn’t anybody’s joy.

Although his name was Jabez Dawes,

His character was full of flaws.

In school he never led his classes,

He hid old ladies’ reading glasses,

His mouth was open when he chewed.

And elbows on the table glued.

He stole the milk of hungry kittens.

And walked through doors marked  NO ADDMITTANCE.

He said he acted thus because

There wasn’t any Santa Claus.

Another trick that tickled Jabez

Was crying “Boo” at little babies.

He brushed his teeth they said in town.

Sideways instead of up and down.


I went to the doctor—

He reached down my throat,

He pulled out a shoe

And a little toy boat.

He pulled out a skate

And a bicycle seat,

And said, ”Be more careful

About what you eat.”

9. The passive voice

The planets by Eleanor Farjeon

The Moon is made of silver,

The Sun is made of gold,

And Jupiter is made of tin,

So the ancients told.

Venus is made of copper,

Saturn is made of lead,

And Mars is made of iron,

So the ancients said.

But what the Earth was made of

Very long ago

The ancients never told us

Because they didn’t know.

Facts for little folks   by Edith Segal

Tea is prepared from the leaf of a tree;

Honey is gathered and made by the bee.

Butter is made from the of the cow;

Pork is the flesh of the pig or the sow.

Oil is obtained from fish and from flax.

Paper is made from straw and from rags.

Worsted is made from wool soft and warm;

Silk is prepared and spun by a worm.

Out of Sight, out of Mind   by  Barnabe Googe

The rarer seen, the less in mind,


The lesser pain, less grief I find,

The lesser grief, the greater gain,

The greater gain, the merrier I;

Therefore I wish thy sight to fly.

The further off, the more I joy,

The more I joy, the happier life,

The happier life, less hurts annoy,

The lesser hurts; pleasure most rife;

Such pleasures rife shall I obtain

When distance doth depart us twain.

III. Подборка стихотворений по темам

Topic “Professions”

Girls in a Factory     by  Denis Glover

Seated in rows at the machines

Their heads are bent; the tacking needle

Stitches along the hours, along the seams.

What thoughts follow the needle

Over the fields of cloth,

Stitching a scarlet thread of love,

A daisy-chain of dreams?   (8th form)

Manual System by Carl Sandburg

Mary has a thingamajig clamped on her ears

And sits all day taking plugs out and sticking plugs in,

Flashes and flashes – voices and voices

Calling for ears to pour words in:

Faces at the end of wires asking for other faces

At the ends of other wires:

All day taking plugs out and sticking plugs in,

Mary has a thingamajing clamped on her ears.  (8th form)

Long Distance Lorry  by Phillip Callow

Red truck slumbering in the alley

At midday, tucked out of sight;

A wintry sun just missing the tin roof.

The driver and his mate fast asleep,

Keeled over sideways, both of them,

As if sleep had hit them from one side.

Strangers. I go by surprised,

Staring at them through the windscreen.

Unknowns. I go by unknown,

Lingering, nobody in sight/

One is yellow about the face,

The other needs a shave.

Babes in the cab. Secrets

And journeys on their eyelids,

Their faces bathed with tiredness.

I shall never see them again.


Work   by  D.H.Lawrence

There is no point in work

Unless it absorbs you

Like an absorbing game.

If it doesn’t absorb you

If it’s never any fun,

Don’t do it.

When a man goes out into his work

He is alive like a tree in spring,

He is living, not merely working.  (8th form)

     Эти стихотворения использую в 8ом классе в качестве домашнего чтения.

Topic “Nature Protection”

Rub your eyes and look around,

Litter lying on the ground,

Bottles, cans and polythene –

Take the tip and change to green!

Forests going up in smoke,

Cities fit to make you choke,

Nowhere left to be that’s clean –

Take a breath and change to green!

Animals and plants have died,

People starve to feed our pride,

For the life that might have been

Take a stand and change to green!

There’s so much that isn’t right,

It could get you well upright,

So make a start and change the scene –

The lights are flashing – change to green!  

     Стихотворение используется в 10ом классе при изучении темы.

Topic “Youth Problems”

To my mother   by Brian Patten


I won’t be home this evening, so

Don’t worry; don’t hurry to report me missing.

Don’t drain the canals to find me,

I’ve decided to stay alive, don’t

Search the woods, I’m not hiding,

Simply gone to get myself classified….

I have taken off my short trousers

And put on long ones, and

Now am going out into the city, so

Don’t worry; don’t hurry to report me missing.

I’ve rented a room without any curtains

And sit behind the windows growing cold,

Heard your plea on the radio this morning,

You sounded sad and strangely old…….

     Стихотворение неоднозначно воспринимается учениками, заставляет задуматься, тема конфликта с родителями очень тяжела. Использую его в 9ом классе при изучении темы.

Topic “Family Relations”

In This City  by Alan Brownjohn

In this city, perhaps a street.

In this street, perhaps a house.

In this house, perhaps a room.

And in this room a woman sitting,

Sitting in the darkness, sitting and crying

For someone who has just gone through the door

And who has just switched off the light

Forgetting she was there.

     Я использую это стихотворение в 11ом классе при изучении темы. Одновременно можно повторить грамматику – Participles, The Present Perfect Tense. Необходимо обратить внимание на порядок слов в предложении, почему автор использует именно этот прием?

Topic “Television”

Channels 1’s no fun

Channel 2’s just news

Channel 3’s hard to see

Channel 4 is just a bore.

Channel 5 is all alive.

Channel 6 needs to be fixed.

Channel 7 and Channel 8 –

Just old movies, not so great.

Channel 9’s a waste of time.

Channel 10 is off, my child.

Wouldn’t you to talk a while?

Just Suppose There Was No More TV   by Roald Dahl

The most important thing we’ve learned,

So far as children are concerned,

Is never, NEVER, NEVER let

Them near your television set –

Or better still, just don’t install

The idiotic thing at all.

In almost every house we’ve been,

We’ve watched them gaping at the screen.

They loll and slop and lounge about,

And stare until their eyes pop out.

(Last week in someone’s place we saw

A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)

They sit and stare and stare and sit

Until they’re hypnotized by it,

Until they’re absolutely drunk

With all that shocking ghastly junk.

Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,

They don’t climb out the window sill,

They never fight or kick or punch,

They leave you free to cook the lunch

And wash the dishes in the sink –

But did you ever stop to think,

To wonder just exactly what

This does to your beloved tot?

It rots the senses in the head!

It kills imagination dead!


It makes a child so dull and blind

He can no longer understand

A fantasy, a fairyland!

His brain becomes as soft as cheese!

His powers of thinking rust and freeze!

He cannot think – he only sees!

     Первое стихотворение отлично подходит для развития устной речи. Подходит в качестве фонетической зарядки при изучении темы. Используется в 8ом классе. Второе стихотворение больше подходит для старшего звена, использую его в 11ом классе.


Topic “Holidays”

Thanksgiving dinner’s sad and thankless

Christmas dinner’s dark and blue

When you stop and try to see it

From the turkey’s point of view.

Sunday dinner isn’t sunny

Easter feasts are just bad luck

When you see it from the viewpoint

Of a chicken or a duck.

Oh how I once loved tuna salad

Pork and lobsters, lamb chop too

Till I stopped and looked at dinner

From the dinner’s point of view.

I must remember

I must remember…

Turkeys on thanksgiving,

Pudding on Christmas,

Eggs on Easter,

Chicken on Sunday,

 Fish on Friday,

Leftovers, Monday

But ah, me – I’m such a dunce.

I went and ate them all at once.

     Оба стихотворения легки в заучивании наизусть. Обычно используется в среднем звене при изучении темы. В старшем звене стихотворения подходят для аудирования с последушщим заданием: Write a composition on the topic “How do you celebrate holidays?”

Topic “Education”


This morning I got kidnapped

By three masked men.

They stopped me on the sidewalk,

And offered me some candy.

And when I wouldn’t take it

They grabbed me by the collar,

And pinned my arms  behind me,

And shoved me in the backseat

Of this big black limousine and

Tied my hands behind my back

With sharp and rusty wire.

Then they put a blindfold on me,

And plugged up my ears with cotton

So I couldn’t see where they took me,

So I couldn’t hear their voices.

And drove for 20 miles or

At least 20 minutes, and then

Dragged me from the car down to

Some cold and moldy basement,

Where they stuck me in a corner

And went off to get the ransom

Leaving one of them to guard me

With a shotgun pointed at me,

Tied up sitting on a stool…….

That’s why I’m late for school !

     Стихотворение воспринимается учениками великолепно. Использую его в 8ом классе при изучении темы. Одновременно повторяем The Past Indefinite Tense. Возможно задание: Imagine that you are late for school, write a short story on the topic.

Wonderful World  by Sam Cooke

Don’t know much about history.

Don’t know much biology.

Don’t know much about a science book.

Don’t know much about the French I took.

But I do know that I love you.

And I know that if you love me too,

What a wonderful world this would be.

Don’t know much about geography.

Don’t know much trigonometry.

Don’t know much about algebra.

Don’t know what a slide rule is for.

But I know that one and one is two,

And if this one could be with you,

What a wonderful world this would be.

Now I don’t claim to be an A student,

But I’m trying to be.

For maybe by being an A student, baby,

I could win your love for me.

     Это стихотворение я использую в 8ом классе при изучении темы. Задание следующее: Write your own verse using the words: Don’t know much about, algebra, geometry, biology, science, chemistry, geography and so on.

Topic “English-speaking countries”

A recipe

First take a couple of Red Indians

And put them in a bowl.

Cover them with a thin layer of English settlers

And a smart Dutchman.

Mix them all together with a fork and

Leave them to stand for a century.

Gradually remove the Red Indians,

So that very few remain.

Instead, pour in a handful of African slaves

To give body to the salad.

Let it simmer for another 150 years.

Then add the following;

Two hard-working Chinese families,

A fiery Irish navy,

Two lively Hispanics (preferably Puerto Ricans),

And at least four Jews.

Don’t forget the Italian –

He will give you it flavour.

You should also add a tablespoonful

Of Germans, Hungarians, Armenians and Greeks.

Put the salad in the fridge overnight.

Before serving, sprinkle it with

Half a dozen of Cubans,

Some Vietnamese refugees

And a Filipino or two.

Taste the salad immediately.

It is an experience you will never forget.

     Очень интересное стихотворение, я его еще не использовала, по содержанию можно предположить и класс и тему.

IV . Подборка песен к урокам

     Песни на английском языке подобрать очень сложно. Несмотря на огромное количество популярных исполнителей, практически все песни применить в школе нельзя, из - за неподходящего смысла. В данной работе я представил тексты песен, которые достаточно известны. Некоторые можно использовать при изучении определенных тем. Я использую песни в качестве фонетической зарядки. К курсовой работе не приложишь мелодию, однако все мелодии, клипы песен можно найти на сайте  YOUTUBE.

  Topic “Man, the Believer” 10th form  

Turn! Turn! Turn!  By The Byrds

Words-adapted from The Bible, book of Ecclesiastes
Music-Pete Seeger, Group “The Byrds”

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to build up ,a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late

Let My People Go     by Louis Armstrong

When Israel was in Egypt’s land

Let my people go

Oppressed so hard they could not stand --

Let my people go, The Lord said --


Go down, Moses

‘way down Egypt’s land

Tell old the Pharaoh

To let my people go.

Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said

If not I'll smite your firstborn’s dead


So let us all from bondage flee

So let us all in God be free


     Обе песни отлично подходят к теме “Man, the believer” 10 класс. Учащиеся воспринимают песни очень хорошо, быстро выучивают слова наизусть.

Topic “Holidays, Travelling”

I am a traveller by   Flock of Seagulls

I am a traveller

And I’m arriving

In a new place

With a new face.

So don’t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Don’t look behind you.

You don’t;

t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,

They’ll never find you.

I am a traveller

Across the ocean

I wanna get there.

I wanna swim in your emotion.

So don’t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Don’t look behind you.

You don’t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,

They’ll never find you.

I am the traveller

Across a million miles of open.

I wanna get there,

I wanna swim in your emotion.

I won’t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Won’t look behind you.

They won’t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,

Until they find you.

I am a traveller,

I am a traveller,

I am a traveller,

I am a traveller,

 So Far Away By Dire Straits

Here I am again in this mean old town

And you’re so far away from me

And where are you when the sun goes down

You’re so far away from me

So far away from me

So far I just can’t see

So far away from me

You’re so far away from me

I’m tired of being in love and being all alone

When you’re so far away from me

I’m tired of making out on the telephone

And you’re so far away from me

So far away from me

So far I just can’t see

So far away from me

You’re so far away from me

I get so tired when I have to explain

When you’re so far away from me

See you been in the sun and I’ve been in the rain

And you’re so far away from me

So far away from me

So far I just can’t see

So far away from me

            You’re so far away from me


Electric  by Flock of Seagulls


You’ve got information,

You heard something you should hear,

Electrical motion

Is in the atmosphere.

Something in the air has

Given me a scare,

Electric in my fingers,

Electric in my hair.

Electrics every where

Electrics every where

Thinking of the future,

Living in the past,

Electric interference,

Disturbance from the blast.

Electrics every where

Electrics every where

Electrics every where

Electrics every where

Electrics every where.

GENERATION BY   Flock of Seagulls

 Man made machines make music for the man.

 Now machines make music while the man makes plans.

 A second generation, a generation lost,

 While the man prepares for the holocaust.

 Man made machines to control the days,

 Now machines control while the man obeys.

 A second generation, a generation lost

 While machines prepare for the holocaust.

Messages  by Flock of Seagulls

The hands on the clock

Can’t hold back the time.

Without the clock

There’s no reason why.

We’re sending messages,




With hands held high

To the new sunrise,

With open arms

To the empty skies

Receiving messages,




(From the rings of Saturn.)





Through space and time

For a million years,

(From the rings of Saturn)

Receiving messages.

Receiving messages,




(From the rings of Saturn.)






Radio light

To your solar system

On a beam of light.

     Музыка этой молодой британской группы, на мой вкус, слишком современна, под нее не очень удобно петь. Зато слова многих песен подходят для школы. Использую песни этой группы при изучении темы “Science”  в 8ом классе.

Topic “TV in our life”

Telecommunication  by Flock of seagulls

This is telecommunication,        




Laser beam

Coming through the night

To my T.V. screen,

To my color eye.

This is telecommunication,




Video screen,

Silver page,

With a new calibration

For the nuclear age.

This is telecommunication,




This is telecommunication,




Music :Rudolf Schenker  Media Over

Lyrics:Klaus Meine

 They’re watching me

 They’re watching you

 Taking all the world under control

 They make you laugh

 They make you blue

 In the end they try to eat your soul

 Satellites transmit the latest thrill

 We can’t escape the media overkill

 A purple flash

 The biggest crash

 Totally in tune around the world

 They take you high

 They make you cry

 We are at the point of no return

 Satellites transmit the latest thrill

 We can’t escape the media overkill

 Over and over and over

     Песни очень хорошо подходит для изучения темы. Использую эту песни в 8ом классе.

Topic “Weather”

Have you ever seen the rain  by Creadence

Someone told me long ago there’s a calm before the storm

I know, it’s been coming for some time

When it’s over, so they say, it’ll rain a sunny day

I know, shining down like water

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain

coming down on sunny day?

Yesterday, and days before sun is cold and rain is hard

I know, been that way for all my time

Till forever on it goes through the circle fast and slow

I know, and it can’t stop, I wonder

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain

coming down on sunny day?


I want to know, have you ever seen the rain

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain

            coming down on sunny day?

     Песня очень знаменита. Использую эту песню в старших классах в качестве фонетической зарядки. Присутствует лексика по теме “Weather”, однако песня о жизни, о жизненных сложностях. В младших классах использовать песню не стоит, как я и заметила ранее, песня для 10-11 классов.

Topic”Town vs Country”

Where the river flows, You find me by Scorpions

Music : Rudolf Schenker

 Lyrics: Klaus Meine

 Under suburban skies

 Where life is bleeding

 Where concrete skies are grey

 There’s plenty of room for dreaming

 I still keep coming here

 Follow those traces

 I travel back in time

 Remember all those places

 Feels like I never left

 The house’s still standing

 Down by the river where

 The dreams are never ending

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me by the river

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me where the river flows

 Under the silent moon

 This industrial city

 Is heartland even though

 Life’s been not that pretty

 I still keep coming here

 To that old river

 To find my roots just where

 The future lives forever


 You find me

 You find me

 You find me by the river

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me, you can find me

 By the river where dreams will never die

 By the river under suburban skies

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me by the river

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me where the river flows

 By the river where dreams have never died

 By the river I look through children’s eyes

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me by the river

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me where the river flows

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me by the river

 You find me

 You find me

 You find me where the river flows

 Where the river flows

 Where the river flows

 Where the river flows


     Использовать песни и стихи на уроках английского языка нужно и можно. Как было отмечено ранее, стихи и песни легче всего подбирать для классов младшего и среднего звена. Для классов старшего звена подбирать стихи и особенно песни намного труднее. Однако это не является неразрешимой задачей. В данной работе я постаралась дать тексты песен и стихов, которые я использую на уроках в 8-10 классах. Я работаю в школе 16 лет, за это время у меня скопилось много материалов, с которыми я бы очень хотела поделиться с коллегами. Представленные стихи и особенно песни – это примерно одна десятая часть того, что я применяла и применяю на своих уроках.

VI. Литература


2.Е.И.Хакина “Poems to Enjoy”, “Просвещение”, Москва, 1966г.

3.Ресурсы интернет



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