Стихи для фонетической зарядки
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

 Шелудько Олеся Юрьевна

Здесь представлены стихи для отработки звуков на фонетическую зарядку.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

Black background, brown background.

Why do you cry, Willy?

 Why do you cry?

 Why, Willy?

 Why, Willy?

 Why, Willy? Why?

Very well, very well, very well ...

 Tie twine to three tree twigs.

Rain, rain go away

Rain, rain go away,

 Come again another day.

The Toy Shop

I can see balls and bats and cars.

 I can see boats and planes.

 I can see carts, skipping ropes, dolls.

 I can see ships and trains.

 I can see games and tops and lorries.

 I can see bear and bikes.

 I can see swings and slides and skates.

 I can see drums and kites.

Of all the toys I can see,

 I want one for me!

My House

Let's go to my house.

 Let's go today.

 I'll show you all the rooms

 Where we work and play.

Here is the kitchen

 Where Mother cooks for me.

 Here is the living room

 Where I watch TV.

Here is the dining room.

 We eat here every day.

 And this room is my room

 Where I sleep and play.


Monday's child is nice and slow

  Tuesday's child is go, go, go

   Wednesday's child is very funny

    Thursday's child is happy and sunny

     Friday's child is like a king

      Saturday's child can dance and sing

       Sunday's childe can stand on her head

        And count the ghosts under her bed!

I like To Skip

I like to skip,

 I like to jump,

 I like to run about,

 I like to play,

 I like to sing,

 I like to laugh and shout.

I like

I like comics, I like hats.

 I like biscuits, trees and cats.

 I don't like spider, I don't like cheese.

 I don't like rats or big yellow bees.

Do it

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round

 Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.

 Look left, look right, look up, look down.

 Turn round, sit down, touch something …brown!

Point to your teacher, point to the door,

 Look at the window, look at the floor,

 Stand on your left leg, stand on your right.

 Now sit down, touch something…white.

Put your hands and touch your toes.

 Cross your fingers, hold your nose.

 Bend your knees and shake your head,

 Stamp your feet, touch something…red.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

 Knees and toes, knees and toes;

 Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

 Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.


Red, yellow, pink and white.

 Let's play ball day and night!

My family


 This is my family.


 I love them every day.


 Mother, father, baby, oh


 Brother, sister, you can see

 U V W X Y Z

 All the people in my family.

Good morning

Good morning to you,

 Good morning to you,

 Good morning, dear teacher,

 Good morning to you.

Good night

Good night mother,

 Good night father,

 Kiss your little son.

 Good night sister,

 Good night brother,

 Good night everyone.

Good - bye

Good - bye,

 Good - bye,

 Good - bye

 My doll.

 Good - bye,

 Good - bye,

 Good - bye

 You all.

My Class

1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3.

 I like school and

 school likes me!

My face

Eyes and ears.

 Eyes and ears.

 Eyes and ears.

 1, 2, 3.

Hark, hark, the dogs do bark

Hark, hark, the dogs do bark,

 The beggars are coming to town

 Some in rags, and some in jags,

 And some in velvet gowns.

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