Sights of London:Trafalgar Square.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Орлова Анастасия Олеговна

Презентция для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.


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Слайд 1

Sights of London Orlova Nastya Form 6 V

Слайд 2

Trafalgar Square This is one of the nerve- centres of London. It was named Trafalgar Square to commemorate the historical naval victory won on the 21st of October 1805 by the British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson over the combined French-Spanish fleet commanded by Villeneuve. The battle took place at Cape Trafalgar in the mouth of the Straits of Gibraltar and lasted several hours; Nelson was fatally wounded by a shot which broke his backbone; He died on board his flagship the Victory, but not before being told that he had won the battle.

Слайд 3

Trafalgar Square Nelson's Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on top, rises in the centre of Trafalgar Square. This most impressive monument is 170 feet (about 52 m) tall. The statue of Nelson, placed facing towards the sea he loved, measures 17 feet (more than 5 m) in height. To the north-east of Trafalgar Square there is the building that houses the National Gallery of Art - one of the most impor­tant Art Galleries in the world - and behind is the National Port­rait Gallery. Quite often the square becomes the location for meetings and in it crowds of Londoners congregate to celebrate political rallies. So it can be said that Trafalgar Square is the heart from which the beat is emitted to all the Londoners. There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them. Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of peace all over the world.

Слайд 4

Nelson’s column

Слайд 5

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 6

Trafalgar Square

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