Personal Traits of Character
методическая разработка (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме



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Meeting people for the first time we always make a judgement based on their appearances though the proverb tells us not to make this mistake. Still we look at the face, try to guess age or profession, listen to the way a person speaks. The same way other people might estimate us. Let’s try to look at ourselves as if we are strangers and this criticism might help us improve our character.

Certainly, the very first look is at your face and build or figure.

If your face has a rosy complexion and your bright eyes shine at the world you are a person who spends a lot of time outdoors, doesn’t sit in front of telly and combines work and fun reasonably. The well-combed hair and neatly cut nails will tell everyone that you are a tidy person who respects yourself and the people around you. A stooping back and badly cleaned teeth wouldn’t be considered positive and would betray your dislike of physical exercise and laziness. Now, what can you say about your appearance?

The world of emotions makes its imprints on appearance, too. What emotions are the most frequent in your life? /joy, sorrow, anger, excitement, shame, pride, enthusiasm, loneliness, misery, love./

If you are a determined and strong-willed person you would never give up and behave coolly and calmly whatever happens in your life. Only weaklings would scream or fly into a rage. Good-humoured people take things as they are and think of ways out of difficulties.

Much is connected with your attitude to people. If you are communicative, sociable people would appreciate you and you would have lots of friends. On the contrary, hostile, tactless, false and deceitful people are repulsive and are doomed to stay alone.

Certainly, there is no ideal person in reality but if we tried to portray such a person they would possess the following qualities: He/she must be kind-hearted and friendly, but modest at the same time. Generosity and sincerity are the traits that would attract everybody. A good friend is definitely a person who is interesting to speak to – he must be witty and intelligent. Vain and impudent people are very difficult to deal with, they consider themselves the hub of the universe and never try to look at themselves critically. Today’s idea of courage has changed and it’s not necessary to fight with wild animals or travel to unknown lands. But diligence and industry are the qualities that are always valued.

Task 1

There are no ideal people. We should take the world as it is but try to improve it starting with ourselves. What positive qualities do you consider absolutely necessary for everyone? Which negative traits can’t you agree with? Why?

Describe one of your friends and speak about his/her positive and negative traits of character. Speak about yourself. Which traits would you try to develop in yourself? Which ones have to be rooted out?

Describe People

Height: tall, short, medium, stumpy, leggy, stocky
Build: stout, plump, fat/thin, slender, lean (men), slim (women), graceful, broad-shouldered, bulky, paunchy, well-made

Hands: small, delicate, thin, plump, bony, calloused, rough, groomed

Looks: attractive, handsome (men), beautiful, pretty (women, children), charming, good-looking/ugly, unattractive, plain
Face shape: round, square, oval, angular, long, thin, plump
Complexion: dark, fair, pale, sun-tanned, freckled, pimpled, wrinkled, fleshy, swarthy, tired, healthy, natural
General features: delicate, regular, stern, forceful, sharp, prominent, wearing much/little/no make-up; having a mole/birthmark/scar on the cheek/chin, clean-cut
Hair color: blonde-haired, brown-haired, dark-, black-, red-headed, fair, grey-haired, hair is going grey, grizzling, hair is thinning, he is going bald, dyed, highlighted, chestnut, auburn, golden
Hair type: silky, curly, straight, frizzy, wavy, thick, thin.
Hair style: a hair-cut, a hairdo, rumpled, to wear a fringe, her hair is caught with a ribbon, plaits, braids, ponytail, bald
Facial hair: clean-shaven, bearded, stubby face, moustache (close-cropped, drooping), whiskers (they frame his face)
Forehead: protruding/hollow forehead, bulging, high/low, broad/narrow, sloping
Nose: big, little, short, long, fleshy, snub, turned-up,  hooked, aquiline, straight, wide, narrow-nostrilled, pointed, flat
Eye color: grey, blue, dark, green, hazel, steel-grey
Eye description: glassy, big, little, round, close-set, deep-set, cross-eyed, piggy eyes, dark bags\areas under the eyes, enormous, a piercing look/glance, slanted, a languish look

Brows: thin, thick, penciled, arched, to raise one’s brows, eyelids (heavy\drooping)
Ears: big, little, lobes, cauliflower ears, outstanding, lop-eared

Cheeks: pink, rosy, hollow, lean, plump, pale, dimples in one’s cheeks, there is some color on her cheeks

Mouth: upper lip, lower lip, full lips, thin, firm, well-cut, to compress one’s lips
Chin: double, smooth, pointed, massive, round, protruding

Smile: bright, broad, lovely, charming,  faint, cunning, sad, strained, ironical, sweet, she wears a…smile
Jaw: square, strong, long
Neck: short, long, thick, thin, twisted
Shoulders: broad, square, stooping
Walk\gait: easy, elegant, measured, rolling, limping, steady/unsteady, heavy/light
Age: of school age, of uncertain age, to look younger/older than . . . , to look one’s age, middle-aged, elderly, youthful


1. Someone has stolen a woman’s bag. You are a witness. Try to describe the thief.

2. You can’t meet your friend at the airport. Ask your colleague to meet him/her and describe him/her.

3. You love your little niece/nephew so much that you want everyone to love her/him either. But unfortunately you left the picture at home. Describe the kid to your friends.

4. Match the opposite traits of character. Say who of your friends, relatives or acquaintances have such traits.

5. Try to find the Russian proverbs equivalent to the English ones.

Four eyes are better than two. A closed mouth catches no flies. A fair face may hide a foul heart. The face is the index of the mind.

Make up a story that can be illustrated with one of these proverbs.

6. The range of emotions is wide. Study these words and expressions and describe your emotional condition right now, yesterday or at some moment in the past.

to feel happy, to be in a . . mood, to feel scared/guilty/furious/lonely/, to be in a bad temper; admiration, excitement, pride, joy; anger, annoyance, irritation, despair, humiliation, embarrassment, envy, jealousy, shame, terror.

to display, to hide, to control emotions; to cope with one’s feelings easily, to lose ones temper, to fly into a rage, to burst out crying/laughing

7. Speak about people using the following outline

Appearance: age, height, build or figure, face, hair, eyes, complexion, clothes
Background: family, education, occupation
Character, temperament
Hobbies, tastes, interests, with regard to people


Traits of Character

Positive: polite, modest, quiet, industrious, honest, wise, knowledgeable, obedient, generous, sincere, merciful, broad-minded, easy-going, self-possessed, just, brave, courageous, merry, frank, careful, strong-willed, grateful, good-humored, earnest, dashing, respectable, witty, devoted, gentle, efficient, reserved, scrupulous

Negative: impudent, shameless, noisy, lazy, deceitful, silly, ignorant, naughty, greedy,  cruel, intolerant, hot-tempered, shy, envious, hostile, idle, stubborn, unscrupulous

There are some interesting expressions characterizing people. Guess what kind of person they describe and then check your answer with the key. Can you apply these words to yourself or persons you know?

a. a pain in the neck

1. She talks on and on about her opinions and ideas.

b. a rolling stone

2. He’s always got his head in the clouds, always fantasizing.

c. a slow coach

3. Everyone thinks he’ll get rapid promotion. He’s destined to succeed.

d. a tomboy

4. He loves taking dangerous risks.

e. a daydreamer

5. He dresses and behaves in a very careless, often disgusting way.

f. a dare-devil

6. She’s a girl who likes to play rough, boys’ games.

g. a battle-axe

7. He’s a bit wild, always getting into fights and other trouble.

h. a golden boy

8. She’s very aggressive and bossy. She likes to dominate.

i. a tearaway

9. He’s a real nuisance. I can’t stand him.

j. a wind bag

10. He’s always slow and behind the others in his work or studies.

k. a slob

11. He can’t settle down. He goes from job to job, place to place.

Key: a-9, b-11, c-10, d-6, e-2, f-4, g-8, h-3, i-7, j-1, k-5


—    Have you seen our new computer programmer?

—   Not yet. Why?

—   She is a very pretty girl.

—   Really?

—   She is tall, slim and I'd say she has a very good figure. Her long hair is fair. Her eyes are blue. She has a snub nose and full lips.

—   What s her name?

—   Constance Ritzwater. She is about thirty years old.

—    Is she married?

  •  That's what I would like to find out.

—   What kind of person is she?

—    She has been working here for about two weeks. They say she is qualified for the job, has good manners, very reserved and efficient.

—    I see. Is Bob Madison her chief?

—   Exactly. Do you know him?

—   He is a friend of mine. We have been on friendly terms for about ten years.

—   What do you think of him?

—    Bob is a nice guy.  He is very honest and just, well-read and kind. Sometimes he is a bit stubborn. Nevertheless he is pleasant to deal with.

—  He is a handsome man, isn't he?

—     Sure. He is of middle height, neither thin nor stout. His hair is dark. He wears a beard and a moustache. He has large dark eyes, a straight nose and thin lips.

—    Is he married?

—    He is divorced. He has a son by first marriage.

—    Have you seen the boy?

  • Of course. His name is Michael. He is nine years old.   A very talented boy. He learns to play the piano and makes good progress.

—     I see.

Translate into English and Reproduce:

—   Ты хочешь познакомиться с Бейкером?

—   Well, I don't know anything about him. What does he look like?

—    He is neither tall nor short, broad-shouldered, he has dark eyes and dark hair. He wears spectacles.                    —   Что он за человек?

—    He is very reserved, polite, energetic and professional.

—   Сколько ему лет?

—    I don't know exactly. I guess he is not more than thirty years old.

—    Он женат?

—    No, he isn't and he has never been married.

—    Познакомь меня с ним.

—    All right. Tomorrow at seven sharp come to the dancing hall.

—    Я обязательно приду.

The fragment below is from "The Moon and Sixpence" by W.S. Maugham

When I knew her she was a woman of fifty, who looked older, and of enormous proportions. Tall and extremely stout, she would have been of imposing presence if the great good nature of her face had not made it impossible for her to express anything but kindliness. Her arms were like legs of mutton, her breasts like giant cabbages; her face, broad and fleshy, gave  you an impression of almost indecent nakedness, and vast chin succeeded to vast chin. I do not know how many of them there were. They fell away voluminously into the capaciousness of her bosom. She was dressed usually in a pink Mother Hubbard, and she wore all day long a large straw hat. But when she let down her hair, which she did now and then, for she was vain of it, you saw that it was long and dark and curly; and her eyes had remained young and vivacious. Her laughter was the most catching I ever heard; it would begin, a low peal in her throat, and would grow louder and louder till her whole vast body shook. She loved three things — a joke, a glass of wine, and a handsome man. To have known her was a privilege.


I. Why is it important to choose a profession correctly? What/who can help you make the right choice? What professional field can you choose? Why? Does the family tradition have any influence on your choice? Are your favorite subjects connected with your choice? Do you have any practical skills? Which personal qualities can help you in acquiring this profession?

What do you know about the requirements of the profession you have chosen? Do you see the advantages and disadvantages of this profession? Will English help you in your future work?

 II. Speak about professions requiring special knowledge:

talent and imagination;

diligence and being good;

special skills;

good health, strength, stamina;

doctor/surgeon, nurse, baby-sitter, smith, journalist, construction building worker, clerk/secretary, teacher, biologist, gardener, film producer, cashier, lawyer, painter, composer/musician, pilot, computer operator, fashion designer, security officer, manager, police officer, air hostess, actor.

 III. Match combinations denoting the actions with the professions:

to run a business, to be patient, to have the knowledge of psychology, to wear a uniform, to train physically, to have green fingers, to have a good ear, to be fond of children, not to get airsick, to work night shifts, to speak from memory, to know the laws, to have a rich imagination, to study constantly, to be polite, to be able to imitate, to be careful and scrupulous, to be strict.

If you have ideas of your own you may add them to this list.

Do you think that when you are looking for a job you should take into account

work/office hours;
part//full time work;
having experience in the field of . . . ;
being straight from school; getting a contract with a probation term;
to be paid by the job//by the hour?

 IV. What reasons make you choose a profession:

interest, curiosity;
risk; excitement;
moral inclination; sense of community;
money you earn;
family tradition.

Which profession would you never choose? Why?

steeplejack, electrician, sailor, fireman, veterinarian, body guard, politician, banker, actor/actress.

To bluff, to fall down, to be shipwrecked, to be seasick, to be electrocuted, to get burnt, to be bitten, to be shot, to go on tours.

 V. These proverbs are connected with jobs. Can you comment why?

A rolling stone gathers no moss.
The proof of the pudding is in eating.
The cat in gloves never catches mice.
Practice makes perfect.
No pains, no gains.

 VI. Answer the questions:

1. What makes people choose a definite profession? Why is it vitally important?

2. What did you want to become when you were a little kid?

3. Have you already made your choice? Who/what helped you to do this? Why do parents usually play an important role helping children with the choice? Why is this their responsibility?

4. What qualities are necessary for this profession? What do you know about the psychological aspects of the profession? Do you meet your professional requirements?

5. What professions are considered to be risky?

6. Could you give any advice to your friends about the choice of profession?

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