Seasons of the Year. Presentation.
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

зиновьева юлия владимировна

Презентация на тему " Времена года" по английскому языку.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Seasons. What seasons are these? Why do you think so? What can you see in the picture?

Слайд 2

Say what season comes after…

Слайд 3

What season is it now? What comes after …?

Слайд 4

Read and learn the new words: Pineapple Pear Grapes Tangerines Carrots Lemons

Слайд 5

Reading. Say if it is true or false. Big Banana wears a white jacket and a blue cap. He is from Great Britain. He has got a little red mouth. He is sillier than his sister. Big Banana is a great worker. He has got many friends. Grapes and tangerines are his friends. He is very, very bad.

Слайд 6

WINTER. It’s winter now, so bundle up tight! Warm mittens and caps will be just right. Ice on the lake, snow on the ground, Time to ski and skate all around. Winter, spring, summer, fall- I like winter best of all.

Слайд 7

Answer the questions: How many seasons are there in a year? What are winter months? Is it cold in winter? Does it snow in winter? What do people wear in winter? What is the first winter month? What is the second spring month? What is the third summer month? What is the first autumn month?

Слайд 8

What seasons are these? How can you prove it? What months are they? What can you see in the picture?

Слайд 9

Sat if it’ s true or false. The Little Banana is the Big Banana's mother. She’s got a little white nose and long yellow hair. She is so little. She likes to work very much. She is very, very lazy. The Big Banana teaches her how to look beautiful. She cares only about her clothes. The Big Banana takes good care of his sister.

Слайд 10

Months. November, December, January, February. The winter months in Great Britain . Thanksgiving Day Traditional Roast turkey Pumpkin pie Together Queen’s speech

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Seasons of the year

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Seasons of the year

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