Сценарий праздника "Рождество"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Сценарий праздника "Рождество" для учащихся 2-11 классов

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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий праздника «Christmas Day».

Ведущий 1:

Good afternoon, dear children! We are so glad to see you here. And you?

Do you know what season is it now? What are winter months? Oh, yes you are right and do you know any poems about these months? Please tell us them.

(Дети читают стихи December, January, February) – 5 класс

Ведущий 1:

Thank you very much. And what can we do in winter? (Can we ski, skate, sledge, play snowballs?)

Ведущий 2:

As you know, pupils from America and from European countries have their Christmas holidays now.  Christmas holiday begins on the 25th of December. It is a happy holiday for many people in different countries, children meet this day with songs, dances, poems and funny games.

(презентация – слайд 1)

Ведущий 1:

Dear, children, do you know what Christmas mean?

This holiday is commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. (слайд 2)

The word “Christmas” comes  from the term Christes Masse, meaning Christ’s Mass

To people all over the world Christmas is a time of gathering with loved ones and of giving and receiving presents (слайд 3)

Ведущий 3:

And what are the symbols of Christmas?

  1. Stockings for present  - we also have a very big stocking with presents for you (слайд 4) (один из  эльфов показывает сапожок с подарками)
  2. Christmas tree, decorated with glass bulbs in numerous colors and shapes, candy canes, wreaths, bells… (слайд 5) (стих)
  3. Boughs of holly (слайд 6)(стих)
  4. Mistletoe (by custom anyone standing under the mistletoe gets to kissed) (слайд 7) (стих)

(слайд 8)

When do Russian people celebrate Christmas?

Ведущий 2:

Now, dear children, you know some facts about Christmas. I think it’s time for beginning our holiday. Welcome to our holiday, and let’s start our holiday with a song “On Christmas Day”, then you will see the guests who came with us to your holiday.

Все поют песню, на экране слова, под последний куплет заходят Микки Маус, Плуто, Дональд Дак, Чип и Дейл)

Mic. Mouse:

Hello, my dear friends. I’m from America. My father is W. Disney. I’m the main hero of many cartoons. Today my friends and I came to your holiday. Meet them.


Good afternoon, dear children! I congratulate you with this holiday. Merry Christmas for you! And now try to guess my riddles.

(загадывает загадку) (текст загадки показывается на экране)

За каждый правильный ответ детям вручается подарок, который вручает эльф)


Good afternoon! Do you like to play? Now try to play the game with us. We’ll show you, how to play.

(Игра: называется буква, на которую надо назвать слово, одновременно эта буква показывается на экране. Ch&D показывают, как играть, бросая мяч и называя букву.) (Во время игры на пол аккуратно бросаются перчатки)

Ведущий 3:

Oh, dear children, look! Somebody has lost their mittens. Don’t you know whose are they? Sh-sh, listen, somebody is mewing.

(Мяукают котята – выбегают на сцену)

«Котятки-перчатки» - 2 класс

Donald Duck:

Hello, children and their parents! I came to your holiday and also have some riddles for you.

(загадывает загадки про животных (ласточка, крот, мышь, лягушка)

Загадки одновременно показываются на экране, потом высвечивается ответ)

Dear children? Do you remember in what fairy-tale we can meet all these animals and birds?  Maybe, your parents help you?

Yes, it’s  Thumbelina. Let’s meet this beautiful girl with her friends.

(Сценка «Дюймовочка» - 2-3 класс)


Thank you very much. And we also know a very beautiful fairy girl who came with us. Can you guess who is she?

Yes, it’s Cinderella.



Hello, dear guests! My congratulations for you.

Ведущий 1:

Dear, Cinderella! Mеrry Christmas! We have a small surprise for.

(Сценка «Золушка») – 5 класс


Thank you very much. Do you like songs? Now I’ll sing you a song and you can sing and play with me)

(Золушка поет песню-игру “One and two and three and four…)

Одновременно слова показываются на экране

Ведущий 2:

Dear children! There are not all guests who came to our party. Here are some riddles about another guest. Try to guess who is he?

(загадки про Санта Клауса, зал хором отвечает)

При последнем ответе входит Санта Клаус с эльфами.


Hello, my dear children! My name is Santa Claus. I’m so glad to see you! How are you?

(Дети отвечают)

I’m fine too. Thank you. Now, children, I think that you have got some presents for me. Show them, please.

Ведущий 3:

Dear, Santa our children prepared you a lot of presents: songs, dances, plays. Now we want to sing you a song.

(Песня “Silent Night” – 6 класс) – слова песни на экране


Dear children, you are tied a little. Let’s play with us.

Игра “If you’re happy”

Ведущий 1:

Santa Claus, we can not only sing beautiful songs, but we also can dance very well. And now we will show you.

(Танец – начальная школа)


Oh, I see that you can sing, dance and play very well, but do you know any Christmas poems?

Ведущий 2:

Of course our children know a lot of poems and now they’ll tell them to you.

(Стихотворный коллаж – 2-4 классы)


Thank you very much. I see that this year you learnt a lot of different interesting and useful things. You are  very good pupils. And did you make any promises for me for this year?

Ведущий 3:

Yes, children made many different promises for you. Now you’ll hear them.

(Один человек из класса читает обещание, а остальные повторяют “We promise”)


Your presents are very good. Now let’s sing a song with me. Do you know the song Mistletoe”?

Все поют песню “Mistletoe” (на экране – слова песни)

Ведущий 1:

And now dear Santa, we have German and French presents for you.

Немецкий и французский язык.


Oh! Thank you dear children. You have prepared me so many presents and I like them very much.  And I also brought you my presents.

(Эльфы дарят каждому ребенку подарок)

But it’s time for me to say you “goodbye”. Goodbye my dear children. I hope that you’ll invite me the next year.

Под песню “Jingle Bells” Санта Клаус уходит.

Все танцуют под музыку.


And now we want to congratulate the most active pupils who took part in our English week.


Приложение – презентация Christmas по ссылке http://www.sendspace.com/file/n2jrgc

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