Тематические тесты, 3 класс, Верещагина
тест по английскому языку по теме

Тесты для 3 класса, Верещагина по темам: повторение, Food, Clothing, The English Year, Pets, итоговый.


Файл test_1povtorenie.docx63.17 КБ
Файл test_work2_food.docx15.58 КБ
Файл test_clothing.docx13.05 КБ
Файл test_the_english_year.docx15.47 КБ
Файл test_work_pets.docx76.02 КБ
Файл test_itogovyy.docx16.32 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 1


Task 2.

Task 3.

Task 4.

Test 1


Task 2.

Task 3.

Task 4.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test work. Food.

  1. Refer the sentences to the past.
  1. I am a pupil.
  2. His uncle goes to the stadium every day.
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Robin eats meat soup, potatoes, fish, fruit and vegetables.
  5. My father drinks a glass of milk for breakfast.
  6. They think so.

  1. Ask questions to the sentence.
  1. Last year my parents were in America.
  2. Yesterday my aunt bought apples in the shop.

  1. Do the test.
  1. English people have … meals a day.
  1. three            b) two          c) four
  1. English people like … very much.
  1. porridge        b) eggs          c) bananas
  1. Russian tea is tea with … .
  1. milk              b) ice-cream       c) lemon
  1. English people don’t eat much … .
  1. soup             b) bread          c) vegetables
  1. Their last meal is … .
  1. lunch            b) breakfast      c) dinner or supper
  1. The English drink tea from … .
  1. cups        b) glasses     c) plates

  1. Put in “much” or “many
  1. I can see … milk in the glasses.
  2. I see … sweets in the box.
  3. I see … cups of tea on the table.
  4. I can see … carrots in the bag.
  5. I can see … butter in the porridge.
  6. I see … hamburgers on the plate.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test. Clothing

Task 1. Write down the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives:

  1. a beautiful doll –
  2. a nice puppy –
  3. big ears –
  4. a tasty cake –
  5. a good son –
  6. a bad song –
  7. a long walk –
  8. an interesting tale –

Task 2. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Моя сестра любит носить шляпки.
  2. Вчера мама купила мне новые туфли.
  3. Мой свитер хорошо подходит к моим джинсам.
  4. Ты надевал новую куртку вчера?
  5. Какого цвета шорты ты носишь летом (in summer)?
  6. Твоя мама любит носить юбки и блузки?
  7. Завтра мы купим новую рубашку для моего брата.
  8. Что ты обычно надеваешь, когда холодно?
  9. Я всегда ношу пальто, кепку, ботинки, брюки и теплый свитер, когда холодно.
  10. Какого размера колготки вы носите?

Task 3. Ask question for more information. Write the negative sentence.

He will go there.

  1. Общий вопрос
  2. Альтернативный вопрос
  3. Кто?
  4. Куда?
  5. Когда?
  6. Отрицание.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the adverbs: медленно, быстро, красиво, опрятно (опрятный – nice), плохо, хорошо

  1. The tortoise is a slow animal, it moves …
  2. The hare runs very …
  3. She is a beautiful singer, she sings …
  4. This woman is … dressed.
  5. She is a bad cook. She cooks…
  6. He is a good footballer. He plays football…

Предварительный просмотр:

Test. The English Year.

  1. Put in the missing words. Make the sentences complete.
  1. In Great Britain …, …, … and … are winter months.
  2. I like winter … in winter I can ski and skate.
  3. In Great Britain there are two spring months: they are … and … .
  4. Horses, sheep, cows like to eat … .
  5. In spring the … on the trees are green and small.
  6. … is the third summer month in Great Britain.
  7. We celebrate Victory Day on the ninth of … .
  8. … comes before July.
  9. Do you like to ski in the … in winter?
  10. Grasshoppers live in the … .
  11. In … children begin to prepare for school.
  12. Does school start on the first of …?
  13. On the 31st of … in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children – Halloween.
  1. Put in SOME or ANY where it is necessary
  1. I have … cheese.
  2. Is there … sugar in my tea?
  3. Is there … tea in the cup?
  4. – No, there is not … . There is not … ham on the plate.
  5. Are there … pencils in the box? – No, there are not. There are … pens in it.
  6. There are … eggs in the shed.
  7. There are no … buttons on her dress.
  8. I don’t drink … milk. I like tea or coffee.
  9. Put … butter on the plate.
  1. Put in anybody/somebody/nobody/anything/something/nothing
  1. Is there … new?
  2. There is … in the room. He wants to speak to you.
  3. I shall not give the book to … else.
  4. … knows his name.
  5. He never writes … to me about it.
  6. There is … at home mow.
  7. It is 7 o’clock. There is … at school now.
  8. We can see … in the room.
  9. He wants to say … to me.
  10. He doesn’t want to say … .
  11. He puts … into his bag.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test work. Pets and other animals.

  1. Write down the names of the parts of the body.

  1. Translate from Russian into English.

У меня есть домашний питомец. У меня есть кошка. Ее зовут Pussy. Она очень умная и красивая. У нее длинный пушистый (fluffy) хвост. Я должен ухаживать за моей кошкой. Кошки – это мои любимые животные. Это домашние животные. Моя кошка ест мясо, кашу. Она пьет молоко. Pussy не любит рыбу. Я очень люблю Pussy. У моей сестры есть попугай. Он умеет говорить. Он очень смешной.

  1. Write down the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives: nice, happy, large, big, hot, funny

  1. Open the brackets, use the necessary form of the adjectives:
  1. The giraffe has got (long) neck.
  2. Are bananas (tasty) than oranges?
  3. Kate’s toy is (new) than Jane’s.
  4. The bear’s nose is (short) than the elephant’s.
  5. The elephants’ ears are (big).

  1. Translate from Russian into English:
  1. Лев – самое сильное животное.
  2. Попугаи умнее, чем овцы.
  3. Зубы крокодила острее, чем у собаки.
  4. Шея жирафа длиннее, чем у медведя?

  1. Write the numbers in words: 18, 107, 34, 9-й, 52, 91-й, 20-й, 12-й.

  1. Put must or mustn’t.
  1. You … play hockey at the lesson of English.
  2. I … be late for school.
  3. People … go shopping to buy bread.
  4. You … do homework.
  5. Pupils … dance at the lesson.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test. Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite.

  1. Open the brackets. Use the necessary grammar tense.
  1. Tom (to play) football every Sunday.
  2. He (not to play) football every day.
  3. I (to wear) a raincoat now.
  4. They (to play) in the room now?
  5. She (to help) her mother every day?
  6. You (to come) to my place next Sunday?
  7. Look! Kate (to go) to school.
  8. When your sister (to leave) home for school tomorrow?
  9. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.
  10. We (to buy) a new coat last week.
  1. Ask questions
  1. Mary eats bananas every day. (what? Альтернативный вопрос)
  2. I usually have supper at 7 o’clock. (when? Who?)
  3. Granny made a fruit salad yesterday. (альтернативный вопрос. Who?)
  4. We shall be in Africa next year. (альтернативный вопрос.Where?)
  5. The boys are playing basketball now. (альтернативный вопрос. What?)
  1. Translate into English
  1. Я читаю сейчас.
  2. Она не любит есть суп с хлебом.
  3. Твои родители были дома вчера.
  4. Ты ел мороженое на ужин вчера?
  5. Я буду есть курицу с картошкой на обед завтра.

Test. Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite.

  1. Open the brackets. Use the necessary grammar tense.
  1. Tom (to play) football every Sunday.
  2. He (not to play) football every day.
  3. I (to wear) a raincoat now.
  4. They (to play) in the room now?
  5. She (to help) her mother every day?
  6. You (to come) to my place next Sunday?
  7. Look! Kate (to go) to school.
  8. When your sister (to leave) home for school tomorrow?
  9. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.
  10. We (to buy) a new coat last week.
  1. Ask questions
  1. Mary eats bananas every day. (what? Альтернативный вопрос)
  2. I usually have supper at 7 o’clock. (when? Who?)
  3. Granny made a fruit salad yesterday. (альтернативный вопрос. Who?)
  4. We shall be in Africa next year. (альтернативный вопрос.Where?)
  5. The boys are playing basketball now. (альтернативный вопрос. What?)
  1. Translate into English
  1. Я читаю сейчас.
  2. Она не любит есть суп с хлебом.
  3. Твои родители были дома вчера.
  4. Ты ел мороженое на ужин вчера?
  5. Я буду есть курицу с картошкой на обед завтра.

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