План урока в 7 классе “How to Become Famous?”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

План урока английского языка в 7 классе "Как стать знаменитым?" (урок показан на конкурсе Учитель года)


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План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе

Тема:         How to become successful

Тип урока: по основной дидактической цели – урок комплексного применения изученного;

по основным этапам учебного процесса – урок повторения и обобщения.

Цели урока:

Цель образования:

  1. формирование умений употребления лексических единиц по теме в речи (монологическое высказывание),

Цель развития:

  1. развитие аналитических способностей учащихся;
  2. развитие навыков говорения;
  3. развитие навыков аудирования.

Цель воспитания:

  1. формирование активной жизненной позиции.

Дидактические средства обучения:

  1. компьютерная и мультимедийная техника;
  2. проекционный материал;
  3. раздаточный материал.

Структура урока.

I этап: Организация начала урока.

Задача: Мотивация учебной деятельности, постановка цели.

Slide 1

Good morning, everybody.

Today we are going to speak about famous people in Britain. Today we will speak about their lives, actions and achievements.

II. Подготовка к основному этапу. Фонетическая и  речевая зарядки.

Задача: активизация знаний, развитие аналитического мышления и творческих способностей учащихся

Slide 2

First of all, let’s remember people of what professions can do their country popular?

Listen and repeat after me.

  1. a composer
  2. a doctor
  3. a painter
  4. a ballet dancer
  5. an architect
  6. a teacher
  7. a writer
  8. a pilot
  9. a journalist
  10. a cosmonaut
  11. an astronaut
  12. a warrior
  13. a politician
  14. a sportsman
  15. a musician
  16. a playwright
  17. an actor / actress
  18. a scientist

Now I’d like you to imagine how these people can do their country famous?

You can open your Students’ book at Page 149 and use the words given in ex. 2

You should answer using this scheme:

  1. I think that …. can do country popular because ….. can…..

III. Основной этап. Определение плана-перспективы работы, постановка проблемы урока.

Now, look at the next slide. Here you can see 2 sayings / proverbs. Let’s read and translate them and then try to guess what we are going to speak about.

1)   Actions speak louder than words.

2)   Do your best and people may like it.

What do you think we are going to discuss? That’s right.

Today we will find out (define) the formula of success. In other words, we will know what to do and how to behave to become famous / popular.

First of all, let’s imagine that a person will become popular if he or she possesses certain traits of character. During 2 minutes I’d like you to remember as many qualities as you can that will help a person to become famous. What traits can you name?

Slide 3

I also have a list of adjectives, let’s read them and try to explain how they can help us:











Now I have got these words on these cards on my table. I would like you to come here, choose one characteristic that you consider the most important and explain your choice, using this scheme:

  1. Being … can help me to become famous because …

IV. Применение знаний в новой ситуации.

Задача: развитие навыков чтения (использование приемов проблемного обучения - Predict (предвосхищение развития текста), Fill in the gaps (заполнение пропусков), Label ( называние - присвоение имени материалу)

You know that one of the most famous and popular people in Britain was Princess Diana. She was not only attractive woman, but also kind, helpful and supportive. I think that you already have read some information about her, your teacher surely told some facts about her life.

I would like you to answer the questions given on the slide:

  1. What did Princess Diana do for Britain?

          She ….

  1. What character did she have?

           She was……

  1. Would you like to be like she was?

           Yes, I would like because….

           No, I wouldn’t like because….

Now take the sheets of paper on your tables with information about Princess Diana. Your task is to complete this text using the following words, and then you should name each paragraph. You have 5 minutes to do it.

Let’s check up your answers. Look at the slide.

Ok, if we speak about being famous, the 1st important part is a good character.

A good character + ? = success

V. Применение знаний в измененных условиях

Задача: развитие навыков поискового чтения, аналитического мышления, развитие грамматических навыков, совершенствование навыков аудирования.

Can you name another famous people in GB instead of Princess Diana?


I’ve chosen some people whom I consider to be popular and well-known.

 Let’s see, if you know them.

I will read a definition, and you should name this person:

Charlie Chaplin                        a famous actor, played in silent films

David Beckham                        a famous English football player

W. Shakespeare                        a wonderful playwright, wrote tragedies & historical plays

The Beatles                               an English rock group formed in Liverpool in 1960

Admiral Nelson                        a famous warrior, won the battle of Trafalgar

Queen Elizabeth II                    is the Queen of Great Britain now

Kipling                      a famous writer, wrote books for children such as “The Jungle Book”

Florence Nightingale               a nurse, reformed and changed the system of army hospitals

The next task is Matching. You have got cards and your task is to match the name and the information about a person.

1) David Beckham

  She opened more than 60 schools and homes for orphans in different countries of the world.

2) Neil Armstrong

  He is a great sportsman. He plays football wonderfully.

3) Steven Spielberg

  She helped needy people and sick children, was involved in many charities.

4) Mother Teresa

   He was the first man to go to the Moon.

5) Princess Diana

   She wrote a famous book about Harry Potter.

6) Joan K. Rowling

 He is an American film-maker. His films are known all over the world.

7) Horatio Nelson


  He was a talented English playwright.

8) Florence Nightingale

  She was a famous British politician, Prime Minister of the 20th century.

9)William Shakespeare


  She was the monarch of the United Kingdom in the 19th century.

10) Margaret Thatcher

  She was a nurse, saved many people after battles.

11) Queen Victoria

  He was a brave and skilful admiral. He won the battle of Trafalgar.

So, the next part of the formula of success is hard work?

Do you agree with it?

VI этап: Рефлексия.

Задача: самооценка и самоанализ деятельности.

Slide 17

So, what conclusion can we draw?

What can you say at the end of the lesson?

I’d like to say that we should develop certain traits, should have a plan, have and follow somebody’s example in life. Then we may become a success.

Thank you for the lesson. You have been great. You’ll get your total marks after I look through your written works.

Good! The next task you will do in groups. The 1st one is Green Group, the 2nd is Red Group. Your task is to make up sentences according to the theme shown on the slide.

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