Презентация к уроку "Знакомство с Лондоном."
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку по теме

Афанасьева Елена Владимировна

Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Learning more about London" для 5, 6 классов. В начале презентации учащимся предлагается вспомнить названия достопримечательностей Лондона по картинкам. Затем происходит знакомство с Тауэром, его традициями и обитателями. Далее учащиеся знакомятся еще с несколькими легендами. Материал способствует поддержанию интера школьников к изучению языка и культуре Великобритании, а также мотивирут их на поиск новых легенд.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Discovering places of interest in London Афанасьева Е.В.

Слайд 2

What sights of London do you know? Trafalgar Square The Tower of London The Houses of Parliament Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace Big Ben

Слайд 3

You know there are many legends about the Tower of London. One of them is the legend about the Princes in the Tower.

Слайд 4

Princes in the Tower The Princes in the Tower , Edward V of England ( November 4 , 1470 – 1483?) and his brother, Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York ( 17 August 1473 – 1483?), were the two sons of Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville . Edward IV married Elizabeth Woodville secretly. Later England was going to make friends with France . The plan was that Edward should marry a French princess. When the marriage to Elizabeth became public, their marriage was declared illegitimate. Both princes were declared illegitimate by an Act of Parliament of 1483 too. Their uncle, Richard III of England , placed them both in the Tower of London (then a royal residence as well as a prison) in 1483. There are reports of their early presence in the courtyards etc, but there are no records of them having been seen after the summer of 1483. Their fate remains unknown, and it is presumed that they either died or were killed there. There is no record of a funeral. In 1674, the skeletons of two children were discovered under the staircase leading to the chapel, during the course of renovations to the White Tower . At that time, these were believed to have been the remains of the two princes. On the orders of Charles II the remains were reburied in Westminster Abbey . In 1933, the grave was exhumed and found to contain both human and animal bones; however the identification of the age and sex was not then possible. Because of this accident people call the Tower- the Bloody Tower.

Слайд 5

the ceremony of the keys. One of the most famous traditions of the Tower of London is

Слайд 6

The ceremony of the keys If you have visited the Tower of London, you will remember the warder, dressed in a red tunic and wearing a Tudor hat and ruff. Familiarly, he is called a Beefeater. Specifically, he is an Honorary Yeoman of the Guards, a member of the Queen's bodyguard. If you spoke to him, you may have heard the story of the Ceremony of the Keys. Every night, the Chief Warder locks the Tower gates and brings the keys to headquarters in the ancient fortress. The sentry calls out "Halt! Who comes there?" "The Keys." "Whose keys?" "Queen Elizabeth's keys." Everyone presents arms and the warder calls out, "God preserve Queen Elizabeth." The guard responds, "Amen." Tonight and every night, this traditional ceremony of Britain continues. The yeoman repeats the same words that have never been changed in 450 years.

Слайд 7

The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower and Britain will fall. The raven Master is the person who gives them the food. Under the special care of the Raven Master, the ravens are fed a daily diet of raw meat paid for out of a special fund set aside by Parliament. There is no danger of them flying away, as their wings are clipped!

Слайд 8

What do you know about St. Paul’s Cathedral? St. Paul’s Cathedral is a masterpiece of the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren. It took him 35 years to construct this beautiful building.

Слайд 9

You can see the huge dome with a golden bell and cross on the top. The Cathedral is full of monuments.

Слайд 10

There is the Whispering Gallery there, which runs round the dome. People say that if someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a person with his ear close to the wall on the other side can hear what is said.

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