Contemporary Writers
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме


Презентация по теме:

 What are the most popular authors with British young people?

(Книга для чтения  к учебнику  English 9 (Кузовлев В.П.) - Unit 1 - Reading...? Why not...?)

Совершенствование навыка чтения с извлечением конкретной информации на примере таких известных писателей как Джоан Роулинг, Кевин Брукс, Филип Пуллман, Джаклин Вилсон.

Пошаговое заполнение таблицы по вопросам о предыдущей работе и литературных произведениях этих писателей ( см.упр.2 стр.6 Книги для чтения)



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Подписи к слайдам:

What are the most popular authors with British young people?
Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
7 Harry Potter books
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London

Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson

Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson

Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award

Previous jobs
Literary works
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer

Previous jobs
Literary works
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer

Previous jobs
Literary works
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer
Carnegie Medal1995 Guardian Prize1996 Astrid Lindgren Award2005

Previous jobs
Literary works
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer
Carnegie Medal1995 Guardian Prize1996 Astrid Lindgren Award2005

Previous jobs
Literary works
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer
Carnegie Medal1995 Guardian Prize1996 Astrid Lindgren Award2005
a secretary
Previous jobs
Literary works
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer
Carnegie Medal1995 Guardian Prize1996 Astrid Lindgren Award2005
a secretary
Previous jobs
Literary works
Notable awards
an English teacher a French teacher
1998: British Children's Book of the Year, winner Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2012: Freedom of the City of London
a petrol pump attendant a post office clerk a railway ticket office salesperson
-Branford Boase Award-Guardian Children’s Book Award
a librarian a teacher of English and Literature a lecturer
Carnegie Medal1995 Guardian Prize1996 Astrid Lindgren Award2005
a secretary
Guardian Prize 2000 British Book Award 2000, 2003

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