St.Valentine's Day Party
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Кулева Людмила Сергеевна

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 5-7 классов в честь Дня Святого Валентина включает в себя сценарий проведения праздника. Предлагается страноведческий материал, который будет способствовать повышению мотивации при  изучении английского языка. В разработку включены ролевые и языковые игры, конкурсы,  загадки и т.д.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                                Л.С. Кулёва
                                                                            учитель английского языка
                                                                        МОУ «Гимназия № 58» г.Саратов
               Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся  5 – 6 классов

                       ST. VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY/

                       WELCOME TO OUR
                      ST. VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY/
                      TUESDAY,February 14
                     2-4 pm
                     Valentine’s outfits required
                      ( red, pink, white)
                     FUN!GAMES! PRIZES!
                      SEE YOU THERE!

2. Пригласительные билеты:
Dear …!     / To ….
Welcome to our   St. Valentine’s Day Party
on Tuesday
th February at 2 p.m.
Please let us know if you can come.

3. Оформление:
а)  праздничные постеры, выполненные учащимися к празднику;
б) « Дерево Судьбы»;
в) «Волшебная шапочка»
г)  «Посылка»;
д) Плакат «Ослик без хвоста»;
е) « Разбитое сердце»;
ж) «Стрелы Купидона»;
з) « Половинки сердец»;
и) сувениры - призы.
                           Сценарий праздничной вечеринки..
1. Встреча и размещение гостей. Ситуация: Знакомство.
- Hello, … , come in, please.
- This is Ann.
- Hello, Ann.
- Hello.
- Sit down, please/
- Help yourselves to…
- Put on  the badge with your name, please/

2. Приветствие ведущего:
- Good afternoon, everybody!
We are glad to see you at our ST. VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY/
Today we shall  play games, listen to beautiful music and dance,  sing songs and guess riddles.
I hope you will have a lot of fun and enjoy our English party!

3,Проведение игр учащимися 6-х классов.
1)  Look we’ve got a FORTUNE TREE
-If you want to know your fortune, take a berry from this tree. You can see blue, red and pink berries.
Blue berries are for boys, pink berries are for girls, red berries are for adults: teachers and parents.

2)I have got “ A MAGIC HAT” It can say the name of a person, who loves you/!
- Do you want to play this game? Let’s start!

3) Look, we have got a parcel. Let’s play the game “PASS THE PARCEL”
We need 12 people. You should stand (or sit) in a circle. When the music plays, pass the parcel to the person next to you. When the music stops, you will take off one piece of paper. The person who takes the last sheet of paper off, wins the prize!
- This is your prize!
4.Музыкальная пауза : звучит песня на английском языке в исполнении уч-ся 6 класса
5. Ведущий: You know, today is the 14
th of February. This day is called St. Valentine’s Day. It is celebrated in many countries, because it is the day of love and friendship. People gather together to say :”Be  my Valentine. You are the best”
  Now let’s play a game   ”MAKE A WORD”. Use the letters from the words SAINT VALENTINE’S DAY to make as many different words as possible. Your time is limited. In two minutes we’ll learn which group is a winner.
- Read your words
- Now look at the blackboard, please. What is it in the poster? Is it a dog? A cat? A cow?

Oh, yes, it is a donkey! But where is its tail?
- Just a minute!
- I’ve got 4 tails for the donkey. Who can pin the tail?

I invite 1 person from each table. You have a chance to pin the tail , but it is not easy, because you cannot see! You have a scarf over your eyes/

The person, who puts the tail nearest to the right place is the winner!
7. Now, dear guests, we shall play another game, which is called “A HEART GAME”

Take the halves of the hearts. If you find your half, you will be ale to answer the question; ’What is love?’
8 Музыкальная  пауза : звучит песня на английском языке в исполнении уч-ся  6 класса
9. Ведущий:

Can you guess riddles?
1) Who fell in love with Juliet? (Romeo)
2) What is the symbol of love?(a red rose, a heart)
3)What was the name of a gay little god who liked to see people happy? He went around shooting gold arrows into the hearts of humans and they fell in love. (Cupid)
For you, who can guess riddles, we have prepared  a surprise – a dance, performed by the pupils of the 5
th form
10/ It’s high time to play the game  called “Cupid’s Arrows”. Your task is to pin the point of an arrow on a small heart drawn within a large heart/ Who wants to begin? Good luck! Be lucky!
11. Now   let’s have a game “Who Stole My Heart?” One of you will sit in front of us with a heart behind his back/./He must guess who has stolen his heart.
12 At the end of our party we shall play a game “A Dance with a Broken Heart”.
- All are dancing in pairs, but one person is alone/ He has got “A Broken Heart”/ He can break any pair, giving “A Broken Heart” to one of the dancing partners and taking his partner. (A person with “A Broken Heart” gets a consolation prize at the end of the dance)

 Заключительное слово ведущего:
At the end of our party use your hearts to design “Happy Valentine’s Face” posters, adding small colorful hearts for his eyes, ears. lips and  nose.
Oh, it’s very nice!
Thank you for your coming to our party!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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