Таблица времен Present, Past, Future Tenses
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Эля Павловна Черткова

В таблице представлена информация о правилах употребления времен Present, Past, Future Tenses с примерами.


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Always, often, usually, every day…; timetable.

I usually go to bed late.

The sun rises in the east.

I don’t work at weekends.

What time does the shop open?

Yesterday, last week, … ago

I was ill last week.

I went skiing a month ago.

I didn’t like the film I saw yesterday.

Was the weather good when you were on holiday?

How many plays did Shakespeare write?

Tomorrow, next week…

I hope you will pass your exam.

‘I’ve got no money.’ – ‘Don’t worry, I’ll lend you some.’

I won’t be late, I promise.

Will you turn on the light, please?

Shall I help you with your project?


(duration of the action)

Now, at the moment; plans for the future

I’m working hard at the moment.

We’re leaving tomorrow.

What are you doing tonight?

*to be going to…

I’m going to study law at University.

Look out! The ladder is going to fall!

At … o’clock yesterday, from…to… o’clock,

 … when (while) …/past

I was having a lesson at 5 p.m. yesterday.

The children were sleeping from 2 to 4 yesterday.

I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

I was doing my homework while my friends were playing football.

At … o’clock tomorrow, from…to… o’clock,

 … when (while) …/future

Don’t phone me at 8. I will be sleeping.

I’ll be busy from 9 to 12. I’ll be taking my exam.

This time next week I’ll be flying to New York.

I’ll be working on my project when you come to see me.



Just, already, yet, ever, never, recently, lately, so far, this week…; for , since*

The taxi has just arrived.

I have never been abroad.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

I’ve played tennis twice this week.

It’s the first time I’ve lost my keys.

We’ve known each other for years.

Before, by the time something else happened

The film had started before we got to the cinema.

He had already had lunch by the time I came home.

He was nervous because he had never flown before.

Before, by the time something else happens (will)

By next August I will have finished my exams and I’ll be ready for a holiday.

The show will have finished before I get to the theatre.

I will have read the book by the end of the week.


For, since, how long

I have been learning English for 5 years.

She has been waiting for me since morning.

How long have you been driving?

I’m tired. I’ve been working hard all day.

For…when (before) something else happened

He had been driving for an hour when the car broke down.

I was tired because I had been travelling all day.

How long had you been waiting when the bus

finally arrived?

For… when (before) something else happens

I will have been watching the film for two hours when you come.

I will have been working for a year by the time you leave school.

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