Открытый урок « The United Kingdom ».
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Задубенко Анна Степановна

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 7 классе


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    7  класс



   учитель: Задубенко А.С.

Открытый урок по теме « The United Kingdom ». Цель: 1, Обобщение линво-страноведческого материала по заданной теме.

  1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
  2. Закрепление грамматического материала по теме «Reported speech» Оборудование: карта Великобритании, карточки журналы, картины, государственный флаг Великобритании, эмблемы.

Ход урока: 1. Оргмомент и речевая разминка.

Dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. We have today an unusual lesson- a competition. There are two teams: the first team is " the Rose" and the second team is " the Daffodil". They will show us their knowledge of the UK because our lesson is devoted to this country.

We'll speak about the sights, the capital of the country, some famous persons and facts. I have lots of blue and red stans here. For an excellent answer you will get a red star. For a good answer you will get a blue star. The winner will be team with the biggest number of red stars. I hope our competition will be fun, I разминка

Now you will answer my question about the United Kingdom. Каждая команда отвечает на 3 вопроса.

  1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

(The UK is situated on the islands in the northwest of Europe)

  1. Which island is the largest one?

(Great Britain is the largest island).

  1. What separates Great Britain from the continent?

(The English channel separates Great Britain from the continent)

  1. How many countries does the UK consist of?

( the UK consist of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

  1. What is the population of the UK?

(The population of the IJK is about 60 million people)

  1. Witch city is the capital of the country? (London is the capital of the country)
  1. The second task is " Spot the mistake"

You will listen to the text about London. You know a lot of facts about this wonderful city. Now try to spot the mistakes made in the facts about London and correct them. Учащиеся прослушивают текст. London is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the oldest and largest cities of the world. They say that London is one hundred years old. London has suffered many misfortunes.(

In 1665 the Great war broke out. Many people died. Then in winter of 1666

the great fire broke out. Most of the city was destroyed.

Now London is a big political, industrial and cultural centre. More thgn 1

million people live there. London is situated on the river Clyde. The river connects

the capital with the sea.

London is divided into two parts. They are the'city, the West End, the East End and West mister.

The heart of London is the West mister. It is the oldest part of London. One of the greatest sights is the white Tower of London Goun Cennedy built it in the 11th century. There are always black sparrows in the tower of London. People keep them and look after them as they beliebe that London will be rich while sparrows live there.

  1. Тренировка орфографических навыков.

Команды получают по 4 карточки.

  1. 1. A person is        when he thinks what he is doing a saying, (careful)

2        is a country ruled by a king ar a queen. (Kingdom)

3. We are all        at the latest news, (surprised)

4        is a group of people living together under one government, (state)

  1. 1. A dark cloud is a'        of rain, (sign)
  1. A person feels                 . . when he is unhappy because he is alone (lonely)
  2. Manchester and hiverpuol are        .cities (industrial)
  3. Don't be                        in the street, (carelessly)

IV. Работа над техникой чтения.

P.ead the notes and say if they are right. How many mistakes have you found?

Correct them please.

Одна команда зачитывает предложения а вторая команда исправляет их ошибки.

1. In the UK the weather is changeable only in spring. 2 .Winters are very mild

  1. Sometimes in snows and snow melts quickly.
  2. The trees and flowers begin to blossom early in summer.
  3. The poppy and red rose are the national emblems of England.
  4. The daffodils and shamrock are the emblems of Wales.
  5. The pine and birch are the symbols of Scotland.
  6. Wildlife in Britain is in danger because of climate.

Mistakes:        1. In the UK the weather is changeable all the year round.

  1. 4 The trees and flowers begin to blossom early in spring
  2. 5 Тhe national emblems of England is the red rose.
  3. 6 The daffodils are the national emblem of Wales.
  4. 7 The thistle is the symbol of Scotland.
  5. 8 Wildlife in Britain is in danger because of pollution.
  1. Today we shell repeat Reported Speech. Each team gets some cards with sentences. You must make these sentences in Reported Speech.

(Работа по карточкам)

  1. The next task. You mast fill the table about the countries and then capitals of the United Kingdom.                                







The English





The Welsh

Northern Ireland

The Irish

VII The next task. The captains of the team go to the black board and write down The first: the names of the UK. The second : the capitals of the countries of the UK

VIII The next task is to answer my question about the UK r\, What is the name of the UK flag? (the Union Jack) 1-^ 2. How many crosses is the flag of the UK maole up? (3 crosses)

( of the St. George, St Andrew, St. Patrick)

1. What languages are spoken in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. (English, Walsh, Scottish, Irish)

2. What is the Buckingham Palace? (The Queen's residence)

  1. How many years did it take Sin Christopher wren to build St. Paul's Cathedral: 35 years or 15 years? (35 years)
  2. How many crosses are there in the flag of the UK?  (3 crosses   of St. George, St. Andrew,  St. Patrick)

1. When is Halloween celebrated? (October 31)

            2. When do English children go from house to house an say " Trick or treat"  ( On                                  Halloween)

   1. What food is Traditional At Christmas? ( roast turkey)      .2.What bird do English people take care of? (the raven)

  1. What is the name of the biggest clock in London, (the Big Ben )
  2. Who is the official head of state in Britain. (The Queen)

1. What is the name of the Queen? (Elizabeth)

2. Name any Members of the Queen's Family, (her husband Prince Philip, her "sons Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, her daughters Princess Anne and Princess Margaret).

1. Who is Agatha Christie? (a detective story writer

 2. What is Robert Burns famous for? (Scottish national poet)

1. Where did the great fire of London begin? In house of the King's butcher or the King's baker? (of the King's baker)

2. Where do English people keep the Queen's crown: in the tower of London or - in Westminster Abbey( in Tower of London)

VI   Give the Russian Equivalent of the English Proverbs:

1  There is no smoke without fire/Нет дыма без огня.

  1.  An Englishman's house is his castle/Дом англичанина- его крепость

VII     Now I offer you to guess crosswords witch each team has prepared. The Red Rose gets crossword of the Shamrock's team.

And the Shamrock gets crossword of the Red Rose's team

VIII   Игра: Snowball.

Make up sentences in wright order. One member of each team may write only one word and the next member of it should continue this sentence                    

IХ  Подведение итогов урока.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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