Контрольная работа 6 класс (Unit 7)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме


Контрольная работа по англ.яз. для 6 класса по Unit 7

УМК Enjoy English - 6  Биболетова.

Составитель: Водина Наталья Александровна.


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST (Unit 3). Enjoy English-6

Name ___________ Surname ______________ Form _____

  1. Напишите определения.

  1. A male relative with the same parents  - ________________.
  2. A female parent - ________________.
  3. The daughter of a brother or a sister -  ________________.
  4. The son of a brother or a sister - ________________.
  5. A female relative with the same parents - ________________.
  6. The son or daughter of an uncle or aunt - ________________.
  7. Te wife of an uncle - ________________.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. It (to be) very cold yesterday. 2. When you (to meet) him? 3. I (not to see) him since 2007. 4. How many mushrooms you (to gather)? 5. Where you (to put) the newspaper? I want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere. 6. The new school (to begin) working last year. 7. At last I (to do) all my homework: now I shall go out. 8. The building of the house (to begin) early in April. 9. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing. 10. We already (to solve) the problem. 11. He (to come) a moment ago. 12. I never (to speak) to him. 13. He just (to finish) his work. 14. You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your dictation? 15. What books you (to read) when you (to live) in the country? 16. They (not yet to come) from the south. 17. He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover). 18. If everybody (to read) this new novel, let's discuss it. 19. You (to book) tickets? — Yes, I .... I (to book) them several days ago. 20. I can hardly recognize you. I (not to see) you since you (to leave) for Moscow. And you (to change) so much. 21. You (to read) all the books on this shelf? 22. I (not to see) my cousin since last year. 23. Why you (to put) these things in the wrong place? 24. Why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught. 25. "We (not to meet) for such a long time!" said my friend. "Yes, indeed," I answered, "and we both (to grow)."

  1. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо.

Mrs Blake is a Londoner. ________ the moment she lives not far ________ the centre _______ London. She has a nice house _____ her own. She has a semi-detaches house _____ a yellow colour. There is a nice garden _____ the back ____ the house and a flowerbed _____ the front. Mrs Blake lives ______ a residential area _____ lots of similar houses. It’s very close ____ Hyde Park.

  1. Вставьте слова home или house.

  1. How many rooms are in your ________.
  2. _______ sweet _____________.
  3. At ________ I like to listen to the rock-music.
  4. What kind of a ______ have you got: terraced or detached?
  5. What’s your ______ town?  – Paris.

  1. Вставьте правильный предлог: of или from.  

  1. The monument is made _____ stone.
  2. Russian borsch is made _____ cbbage, potato, onions.
  3. My warm coat is made _____ wool.
  4. A sandwich is made _____ bread and cheese.
  5. Juice is made _____ apples.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

  1. Мой брат бросил курить в прошлом году.


  1. «Ты участвуешь в соревнования по теннису?» - «Нет, я недавно бросил заниматься теннисом».



  1. Мой друг хорошо ладит со всеми своими родственниками.


  1. Хотите избавиться от старых детских книг? Отнесите их в свою школьную библиотеку.



  1. Пожалуйста, подготовься, на следующей неделе у нас будет пикник. Купи рулеты, сдобные булочки, печенье,  масло, два батона хлеба, сыр, пять бутылок воды, одну плитку шоколада и баночку тунца.





  1. Вчера после школы моя старшая сестра подмела пол, вымыла посуду, вынесла мусор и полила цветы. Я думаю, она получила плохую отметку.




  1. «Хотите чашку чая?»  - «С удовольствием».


  1. Мой муж очень гостеприимный человек.


  1. Сколько ломтиков хлеба ты отрезал?


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