план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Савина Екатерина Анатольевна

Урок английского языка, 5 класс



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Предварительный просмотр:


(Урок английского языка, 5 класс)

Тема урока: Speaking about the Past

Тип урока: урок-тренировка

Цель урока:

                     практическая – применение учащихся грамматического материала по теме “The Past Simple” в монологической речи;

                     воспитательная – формирование навыков взаимодействия учащихся в группе ;

                     образовательная – тренировка временных форм The Past Simple;

                     развивающая – развитие грамматического навыка, формирование умений в говорении и письме.

Форма работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Используемый материал: Student’s book , Workbook («Enjoy English 2/2»), аудиокассета («Enjoy English 2/2»), наглядный материал, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

  1. Greeting. Good morning, children. Sit down, please.
  2. Introduction. (Pupils on duty)

The topic of our lesson today is the same – Speaking about the Past. Today we will revise grammar tense “ The Past Simple”, do some interesting exercises and speak about your past: what you did yesterday, last week or some other date.

  1. Phonetic warming-up.

Poem ex. 10 p. 44 (Student’s book)

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I cought a fish alive.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

What finger did it bite?

The little finger on the right!

  1. Checking the home task.

Now let’s revise our new tense The Past Simple and regular and irregular verbs.

  1. What does it mean – Regular verbs? Give some examples.
  2. What does it mean – Irregular verbs? Give some examples.

Open your textbooks:

Ex. 12 p. 45 (Sb). Reading & translation.

  1. Game (Practicing)

 After this task we will play a game!

First of all you should divide into  3 groups – that is 3 teams.

 Every team makes up its name.

There will be 4 tasks for you:

  1. Crossword “ The Irregular verbs”

  1. WAS or WERE?
  1.  The weather …… fine yesterday.
  2. Liza and her friends …… in the mountains last summer.
  3. Ted …… in the country two weeks ago.
  4. …… you at school three hours ago?
  5. There …… no postcards in the shop.
  6. There …… lots of chairs in the living-room.
  7. Harry and Lucy …… on holidays in Egypt three months ago.
  8. Dan …… good at mathematics at school.
  9. …… she happy to see you?

  1. Make the sentences negative:
  1. Little Roo helped his mother yesterday.
  2. I played tennis with my friend two days ago.
  3.  We drew a wonderful picture last week.
  4. John visited a lot friends in Moscow last summer.
  5. Mary took this interesting book in the library yesterday morning.
  6. Last Saturday the children  went to the local museum.

  1. Put the words (cards) in the right order.
  1. Did Hobbit see a beautiful animal in the zoo last week?
  2. Did  Karlson go to the magic forest yesterday?
  3. Did Miss Chatter send the letter a week ago?

As the result of the game the winner is…..

Thank you for this interesting game!!!

  1. Writing.

Now open your exercise-book and put down the date. You will write about your past. For that you should answer 2 questions :

  1. How did you spend your weekend?
  2. What did you do yesterday?

Ask some pupils who are ready for answering.


  1. Summing-up. Explaining the homework.

H|W  1. Finish the work in the exercise-book 2. WB ex.2 p. 34

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Цель: познакомить учащихся с новым грамматическим правилом ( Past Simple), с правильными и не правильными глаголами в английском языке....