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Минаева Римма Владимировна

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Предварительный просмотр:

                        The Fox and the Crane

(A fable)





The Fox and the Crane appear before the curtain on the opposite sides  of  the  stage  and  meet   in  the  centre.

FOX: Good morning, my dear friend.

CRANE:  Good  morning, Foxy.

FOX: How are you? I haven't seen you for ages.

CRANE: Thank you, I am all right.

FOX: I am so glad to see you. Come and have dinner with me, my dear.      

CRANE: Oh, thank you!

                                They go away together.


The Fox's house. A table and two chairs stand in the middle of the room.

The  Fox   and   the  Crane  enter   the  room.

FOX: Here is my home. Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.

The Crane sits at the table.  The Fox puts a plate with porridge on    the  table

FOX: Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good. The Crane pecks ' at the porridge with her sharp bill, but she cannot get  a bit.

FOX: I hope you like the porridge, my dear, I have cooked   it myself.

The Crane continues to peck from the plate.

 At the same time the Fox begins to lap  up the porridge and soon there is nothing left.

FOX: Sorry, my dear Crane, but  I have nothing else to give you.

CRANE: Thank you all the same, I've had enough. Come and have dinner with me. Good-bye.


The Crane's room with a table and two chairs in the middle.

 The Crane is busy preparing dinner. There is a knock at the door.

CRANE: Come in. FOX: Good afternoon, Crane.

CRANE: Oh, Foxy, glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner.

The Fox sits at the table and the Crane gives him some soup in a jug with a narrow neck.

CRANE: Help yourself to the soup, my friend.

The Fox cannot get at the soup. The Crane laughs and eats all the soup     away.

CRANE: Sorry, my friend, but I have nothing else to give you.

FOX: I am very hungry.

CRANE:  I was hungry after your dinner, too. Good-bye, dear friend. FOX: We are no longer friends.

He runs out of the room. 

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

The Fox and The Crane

The Fox and The Crane...