Итоговые контрольные работы к УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Английский с удовольствием" 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Вычужанова Елена Анатольевна

Материал содержит задания для проверки уровня знаний учащихся по аудированию, чтонию, грамматике.


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Итоговые контрольные работы к УМК Биболетовой М.З.  «Английскийс удовольствием» 6 класс

F-6, Unit 5

Test 1

  1. Listen to the text “York” and find out if the information below is true (T) or false (F).

  1. York was the capital of the UK.
  2. It was a city if businessmen.
  3. York is rich in museums.
  4. Viking Centre is the most famous museums of York.
  5. Visitors Viking Centre can see how York looked thousand years ago.

  1. Read the text.  Complete the sentences

     Robert Burns, a Scotland’s national poet, was born in 1759. He was born in a poor farming family. There were seven children in it. Robert was the eldest. Robert read a lot. He was fond of reading. His favourite writer was Shakespeare. At the age of fifteen he began to write poems. He wrote about people and everyday things .His  first love song was dedicated to the girl who helped him on the farm. He published some of his poems. The success was great and Robert became well-known and popular. Robert Burns wrote the words of the song “Auld Lang Syne”. Scottish people sing this song when they celebrate the 1-st of January, New Year’s Day.

     Robert Burns died in 1796. People all over the world know and love his poems. The Scots are proud of him.

  1. Robert Burns is … a) a famous American writer.

                                b) a well-known Scottish poet.

              2.  He was born in the family … a) of an engineer

                                                                      b) of a poor farmer.

             3. He wrote his first poem at the age of …  a) 13

                                                                                         b) 15.

             4. He wrote …  a) fantastic stories.

                                       b) about people and everyday things.

            5. When the Scots celebrate New Year’s Day they sing … a) “Auld Lang Syne”.

                                                                                                                 b) “My Bonny”



F-6 (U-   )                  

Reading Comprehension

  1. Read the text

The Ravenmaster

     There are a lot of different jobs in the world, but Derrick Coyle’s job is very unusual. He is the only raven master at the Tower of London.

      The raven master is the person who takes care of the ravens that live in the Tower of London. Derrick lives there with his wife. His day starts at 5 o’clock in the morning. He lets the ravens out of the cages, he feeds them, gives them water and clean their cages. He does all that before he has breakfast. During the day he feeds the birds and looks after them until he puts them ,back in the cages at about 9 o’clock in the evening.

    Derrick works seven days a week but he doesn’t mind. “It’s a lot of fun, and gives me a lot of pleasure,” he says. “The ravens are part of our family.”

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text.
  1. He feeds the ravens.
  2. He cleans the cages.
  3. He lets the ravens out of the cages in the morning.
  4. He puts the ravens back in the cages in the evening.
  5. He gives water to the ravens.

  1. True or false
  1. He lives in the Tower of London.
  2. He starts his work at 9 o’clock in the morning.
  3. He takes care of ravens.
  4. He works  five days a week.
  5. He lives with his friends.
  6. He loves his job.

  1. Complete the graphic organizer with information from the text.

NAME: _1) ____________________________________________

JOB:       2) ____________________________________________

PLACE OF WORK:  3) ____________________________________

WORK ROUTINE:  4) ____________________________________

  1. Think:  Why is Derrick’s job is special?

Derrick’s job is special because _________________________________

F-6 (Unit 6)  

Listening Comprehension

  1. True or false

  1. The zoo is closed.
  2. The zookeepers may sleep.
  3. They should feed monkeys and a panda.
  4. They should fill the pond with fresh water for the dolphins.
  5. The zookeepers have already repaired the bears’ cage.

Reading Comprehension

  1. Read the text and finish the sentences.  Choose the right answer (ex. 37a, p. 115)

  1. Diamond is a …  a) dog  

                              b) cat

                               c) panda.

        2. Prim is a …             a) dog

                                                   b) cat

                                                   c) elephant

       3. The animals became famous because of … a) their friends

                                                                                        b) their masters

                                                                                        c) their parents.

      4. Once Diamond … a) burnt his masters scientific works.

                                          b) fought with Prim.

                                          c) danced at the concert.

     5. Prim’s master … a) fed the dog well.

                                       b) wrote about Prim in his poems

                                       c) slept with him.

F-6 (Unit 6)

Use of English

  1.  Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.    


  1. Do you want to … the Zoological society?
  1. Enjoy     b) go    c) join     d) come
  1. A rhino is a … animal.
  1. Domestic    b) wild     c) fresh     d) natural
  1. What … of people are they?
  1. King      b) character    c) lot     d) kind
  1. There are many animals … in London Zoo.
  1. Domestic  b) endangered  c) enjoyable  d) zoological
  1. The Zoological Society of London … to help save endangered animals all over the world.
  1. Fights    b) watches    c) joins   d) plays

  1. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.

  1. He … already … his homework.
  1. Has done    b) have done   c) will do
  1. The little boy … never … the rhino.
  1. Has seen    b) have seen     c) will see
  1. I … never … to England.
  1. Has been    b) have been     c) will be
  1. The monkey … just … the tree.
  1. Has climbed  b) have climbed  c) will climb

  1. Составьте предложения.

  1. I, Trafalgar, never, been to, Square, have.
  2. Letter, has, Mike, already, that, read.
  3. Has, he, not, aunt, visited, his.
  4. Invited, we, just, have, friends, our.
  5. Have, work, finished, children, already, their.

  1. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.


  1. The scientist has already written his article.
  1. Ученый уже написал статью.
  2. Ученый уже пишет статью.
  1.  The students  have  joined the scientific society.
  1. Студенты вступили в научное общество.
  2. Студенты вступают в научное общество.

F-6 (Unit 7)

Use of English

  1. Найдите слово, которое по своему значению наиболее подходит к выделенному.
  1. Niece
  1. Brother’s daughter    b) neighbor           c) sister’s son.
  1. To relax
  1. To rest          b) to sing       c) to sleep
  1. To get ready
  1. To get up      b) to be ready     c) to stand up

  1. Вставьте слово,  которое наиболее подходит по смыслу вместо пропуска.
  1. I have bought New Year presents for my …
  1. Relatives            b) relations         c) situations.
  1. My … sister is a student.
  1. Older          b) bigger       c) elder
  1. What is your … town? – Moscow.
  1. House         b) home       c) nice
  1. My Mum is going to cook a birthday …
  1. Cake            b) salt           c) pepper
  1. I’m going to get … some old clothes.
  1. Along with  b)rid of         c) up.

  1. Выберите глагол в нужной форме.
  1. My Mum usually … apple pie.
  1. Is cooking         b) cooks              c) has cooked
  1. … you ever … to Scotland?
  1. Have been        b) has been        c) will be
  1. Yesterday my aunt … shopping.
  1. goes       b) went      c) go
  1. We … in the centre of the town.
  1. Are living       b) live    c) lived
  1. Next summer we … to England.
  1. Go      b) have gone      c) will go

F-6 (U-8)

Use of English

  1. Выберите слово, которое по своему значению наиболее подходит к выделенному.
  1. To be famous for
  1. To like          b) to think      c) to be well-known
  1. A soap opera
  1. A serial         b) a show        c) a book
  1. To go by bike
  1. To drive a car  b) to ride a horse    c) to  ride a bike

  1. Выберите слово, подходящее по смыслу.
  1. I’m fond of sport and I always watch… programme.
  1. Political       b) social       c) sport
  1. London … for its places of interest.
  1. Is made        b) is founded       c) is famous
  1. Read the TV … and find out (выясни) what’s on.
  1. Advert         b) programme      c) signal
  1. Two brothers had a lot in … .
  1. Common     b) alike     c) characteristic
  1. If the weather is fine we’ll spend the whole day in the … air.
  1. Open           b) close     c) healthy

  1. Выберите глагол в нужной форме.
  1. The  town … founded in 1368.
  1. Is      b) was     c) were
  1. They … already … Christmas presents for all their relatives. Now they are decorating the house.
  1. Will … buy     b) are going to buy      c) have …bought
  1. What … your sister … at the moment?
  1. Is … doing      b) has … done     c) does … do
  1. Look! She … our pudding.
  1. Is liking           b) likes     c) like
  1. In a month I … in France.
  1. Am     b) will be     c) have been

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  1. I have done this model of the plane myself.
  2. We’ll enjoy ourselves in summer camp.

F-6 (U-8)

Listening Comprehension

  1. Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. Alice’s birthday is in … a) May    b) April   c) August
  2. This year they didn’t have a birthday party because Alice’s mother …
  1. Wasn’t well    b )was well     c) went to London
  1. Her … made a wonderful birthday cake.
  1. Mother  b) father    c) grandmother
  1. They … the whole evening.
  1. Watched TV  b) talked and laughed   c) played football
  1. A)  Alice didn’t get a lot of presents.
  1. Alice got a lot of presents.
  2. Alice didn’t get presents at all.

Reading Comprehension

  1. Read how Carol celebrates Christmas.

     My favourite holiday is Christmas. We decorate the Christmas tree and our house. My little sister writes a letter to Santa Claus asking him for presents. I don’t write letters to Santa Claus. I am big already. I know my parents buy Christmas presents for me and her, our relatives and our friends. I don’t buy presents for my grandparents. I make funny toys for them. My mother cooks a special Christmas dinner. We invite our grandparents to our place. On the 25th of December my sister and I get up early in the morning. There are two stockings full of small presents on our beds. During the Christmas holidays we enjoy ourselves: play, watch TV and video, visit our friends and eat a lot of tasty things.

  1. True or false

  1. Carol’s  favourite holiday is Christmas.
  2. She always writes a letter to Santa Claus.
  3. Carol doesn’t buy presents  for her grandparents, she makes funny toys for them herself.
  4. Carol’s mother cooks a special Christmas dinner.
  5. On the 25th of December Carol and her sister get up early to find presents.

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