Don't make our environment history
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Митяева Ольга Евгеньевна

Данная презентация предназначена для уроков английского языка по теме "Экология". 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Don't make our environment history

Слайд 2

Water pollution Biodiversity Urbanization Destruction of forests Climate change Environmental problems

Слайд 3

Water pollution

Слайд 4

Do you know that … Water covers 75% of the Earth’s surface:97.5% of this water is salty;2.5% is fresh water. But only 0.5% of fresh water can be used by people.

Слайд 5

Do you know that … More than 7 children die each minute as a result of water pollution

Слайд 6

Do you know that … Today 1.3 billion people on the Earth do not have clean water

Слайд 7

Destruction of forests

Слайд 8

Do you know that … More than 5.000 things are made from the trees such as houses, furniture, pencils, fences, books, newspapers, movie tickets even toothpaste.

Слайд 9

Do you know that … The single oldest living thing on the Earth is a tree. It is 4.700 years old and is located in the USA. It was growing when the Egyptians built the Pyramids.

Слайд 10

Do you know that … An area of a rain forest the size of a football field is being destroyed each second

Слайд 11


Слайд 12


Слайд 13

Do you know that … There are more species on the Earth than stars in the universe! (mostly insects)

Слайд 14

Do you know that … The importance of many of these species is not yet known: scientists have only recorded 1.75 million species on our planet. Humans are one of the species on this planet.

Слайд 15

Do you know that … It is proved that between 150 and 200 species become extinct every day.

Слайд 16

Do you know that … Once a species is lost it is gone forever.

Слайд 17

Climate change

Слайд 18

Switch on your computers Type the word ‘ environment’ and press ‘enter’ Click on the third website – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) At the bottom of the page in the left corner there is a list of headlines. Click on the last one ‘ youth and children’ Click on ‘ for youth’ On the bottom of the page in the right corner find a headline ‘ State of environment’ and click on it.

Слайд 19

World Environment Day 5 th June Street rallies Bicycles parades Green concerts Poster competitions in schools Tree planting Recycling efforts Clean-up companies

Слайд 20

School Week of Ecology

Слайд 21

School Week of Ecology

Слайд 22

School Week of Ecology

Слайд 23

School Week of Ecology

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