Презентация "Vegetable orchestra"
презентация к уроку (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме

Have you ever heard about Vienna Vegetable Orchestra? Believe it or not, but all their instruments are made from fresh vegetables...


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Слайд 1

Vegetable orchestra

Слайд 2

Vienna [vɪ'enə ] – Вена to carve out- вырезать pumpkin [ ' pʌmpkɪn ] - тыква horn – рожок leek – лук - порей violin [ vaɪə'lɪn ] - скрипка to come up (with) – придумать to chop – резать, рубить stew [ stju :]– рагу audience [ 'ɔ:dɪən(t)s] - публика -

Слайд 3

Have you ever heard about Vienna Vegetable Orchestra? Believe it or not, but all their instruments are made from fresh vegetables – carved-out carrots, cucumbers and pumpkins! The lead musician plays a horn, which is made from a cucumber, a green pepper and carrot. There also a leek violin.

Слайд 4

The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra can play everything – from classical music to jazz. They came up with the idea after studying the sounds of vegetables being chopped. And nothing wasted: after the performance a cook makes a big pot of soup or stew for the musicians and audience to eat.

Слайд 6

the vegetable orchestra http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hpfYt7vRHuY

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